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Starting slimming world today *Part 2*

769 replies

Melty · 09/11/2010 20:14

Wynken broke the other thread!

Have been so busy at work, only in the door a few minutes. Haven't eaten yet, but weirdly not hungry.
Must have something otherwise will suddenly get ravenous.
Looks like everyone is doing ok though.
Am actually looking at Shred DVD (Still in its cellophane wrapping!)but too wrecked to start doing it today.

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GoingToBonnieDoon · 12/11/2010 15:09

well just had my first test, both DDs crying, neither settling for naps, I'm starving. Would normally grab choc bar or similar whilst jiggling DD2, had to wait til I had free hand to make smthing proper soI wasn't cheating. i miss my quick wispa treat Sad

sorry aout typing, DD2 asleep on me.

sarah293 · 12/11/2010 15:53

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Lulumaam · 12/11/2010 15:59

oven chips not too bad at all, not as many syns as you think

you can have chocolate, flyme.. a crunchie is 9 syns and a curly wurly is 6 IIRC

desiretochange · 12/11/2010 16:01

Fell off the wagon a bit the last couple of weeks but starting again tomorrow and it's 100% commitment time Hmm. Haven't caught up fully on thread but will do so at the weekend, will have pen and paper at hand and write down all your suggestions for red days Wink

Lulumaam · 12/11/2010 16:07

Grin don't do red/green, just extra easy...
so can't be of help

desiretochange · 12/11/2010 16:13

Is the basic concept of extra easy just to fill your plate (at breakfast, lunch and dinner) with a third of superfree foods or am I missing something lulu?

Lulumaam · 12/11/2010 16:55

you can have as much lean meat, chicken, fish etc as you want, eggs, you can have one Healthy extra A & B per day and every meal needs a 1/3 superfree. can have fat free dairy stuff too ..

Melty · 12/11/2010 17:01

DTChange, I do a mixture of red and EE.
But yes, thats the basic premise. You only get one of each HEA and B though.
If you want the EE info, pm me your email and I will email you the downloaded sheets from the website.

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Lulumaam · 12/11/2010 17:06

what's a typical red day ?

i am so in the EE zone taht i have not really ventrued into Red or Green

but if my weightgain stays at this slow level/ platuea, i might change to red for a bit of a shake up

Lulumaam · 12/11/2010 17:06

weight loss , not gain ! how freudian!

and how many syns in the average cupcake, do we think?

octopusinabox · 12/11/2010 17:40

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Lulumaam · 12/11/2010 17:53

if yo miss more than a certain amount it's more cost effective to rejoin and start again,but all your progress etc will be wiped .. so it's like beginning again.

Lulumaam · 12/11/2010 18:14

re alcohol... I thought I would miss it the most, but it's been chocolate/sweets/biccies.

I've gone from drinking a glass a night on average to one measured glass every 10 days or so . Healthwise, never mind weight wise, i think it's a positive change. definitely noticed a significant loss of weight from the tummy area.

if i do have a glass when out /with friends, it is a small one diluted with plenty of soda water

whatkungfuthat · 12/11/2010 18:29

Lulu, I did a red followed by a green the other week and it does shake things up on the weight loss front. I found green hard though as I nearly ate things that were not included.

Melty · 12/11/2010 18:29

Except you will know that your knickers no longer stay up and your bras need chicken fillets to fill tehm out. Grin

OP posts:
Melty · 12/11/2010 18:35

That post was in response to LULU and progress being wiped.

I actually dont think green is too difficult.
As long as you weigh out your ham/chicken/mince/fish portion as a HE, just do as if on EE. Use eggs and quorn to make sure you get your protein fix for breakfast and lunch. Have Quiches, vegetable frittatas, noodles, jacket spud with beans, or curried veg, mash with quorn sausages and beans or peas or both, You can still fill up easily. You probably need to read the green chapter a few times just to get it straight in your head though.

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DontCallMeBaby · 12/11/2010 18:36

Cupcakes ... as a rough guess, I'd say you'd be lucky to get away with 10 syns.

Right, had my lunch out (two platefuls of all-you-can-eat Indian buffet, no pudding as it REALLY wasn't worth it, two Cobras and two Kopparbergs in the pub after) and am now officially back on the wagon. I did walk into town, around town, and most of the way back, so at least got some exercise with it all (I was carrying a pair of boots, a dress, a pair of glove liners and a hat on the way back, so you know, kind of weight lifting ...)

Alcohol ... hm. Interestingly, not quite as much of an issue as I thought. I don't go out a lot, so not a problem with that, but if I DO I want to have a drink. But I used to have a pint of cider if we had lunch out as a family, and now I've found I actually really like sparkling water with a meal (weird) and don't miss a dirnk in that context at all.

Melty · 12/11/2010 18:50

Isn't "cake" 5.5 syns per ounce? I think cupcakes are made for flexible syn days!

I have had one glass of prosecco since I started. I have a few nights out coming up soon. I think I will probably get hammered on 2 drinks!

I am absolutely convinced that your weight lifting this afternoon will leave you aching later DCMB!

OP posts:
desiretochange · 12/11/2010 19:33

Melty, have sent you a message with e-mail address, thanks a mill for doing this:)

findingtheRialme · 12/11/2010 21:16

survived my day of "childminding", though I did consume pizza. (cannot believe how little the guests ate, usually at least one of them has seconds and thirds) my boys will be having cold pizza tomorrow!

Am going to have a glass of wine now though. Have been painting my conservatory wall (so brickwork, with a brush) whilst making vague parenting noises, and taking my life in my hands and asking DH to redo 2 more sheets of wallpapering...

have read thread but forgotten everything, but well done on all the moderation. Have a good weekend.

Lulumaam · 12/11/2010 22:46

and you ria !

Well, I've been out and I had one small glass of wine.

a large green salad. tiny amount of dressing, not even a teaspoon

some prawns, melon & avocado, no mayo or anything

avoided the bruschetta and garlic bread and had linguine with tomatoey seafood sauce

so syn wise, not bad at all!

WynkenBlynkenandNod · 12/11/2010 22:51

Feel I must quickly confess before bed, I have had the worse 2 days since I started 16 weeks ago. Am drawing big thick line under it and back on waggon. Have to go to Pizza hut tomorrow but will do salad. Feel ill, eating everything in sight is not good and I am not doing it again.


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ditavonteesed · 13/11/2010 07:29

went out last night, 3 pints of lager and 3 vodkas, was with the school run mums and we went to a really loud pub, and my hearing isnt so good so I spent most of the night just smiling vacantly. kind of wish I hadn't bothered.
wynken, back on you hop. hope your feeling a bit better today.
ignoring all the tallk ab out cupcakes.

Lulumaam · 13/11/2010 12:42

i hear you wynken, when i had a dominos pizza a couple of weeks ago, i got the most shocking headache and had a terrible week food wise, craving more and more junk.

now, do avocados have syns in? can't find them under free food on the directory>

just having a big bowl of homemade spicy tomato and pepper soup for lunch, superfreeeeeeeee !

Melty · 13/11/2010 17:07

Avocado 14 syns each. Sad

I went shopping for a pair of jeans today as I don't have any that fit. My 18s were falling off me and hanging off me. I dont really do that showing off underwear look. (And I'm not sure my big knickers are cool enough to expose anyway Grin )
I have 1 pair of 16s that look both too big and too small at the same time. Very odd shape. Don't now what I was thinking getting them.

Soo, off I went. Thinking, wont get expensive ones, might get smaller..
Dont care about sizing as long as tbye look ok.
Into Primark. Never seen so many skinny and super skinny everywhere. (Seriously who apart from malnourished teens wear them? [notshowingmyagatall emoticon] )
Picked up 16s and 18s straight ones and boot cut. Totally wrong shape. Straight ones looked like skinnies. Not flattering at all.
Boot cut 18s ok, but too short. No long ones in the 18s.
New look. Superskinny everywhere. Boot cut regular rise 16s were too low rise and looked silly. Muffin top. 18s too big.
Saw perfect high waisted ones in Wallis. No 16s left.
Dorothy Perkins. 16s cut weird fitted in parts, too tight in parts.
Next. Nothing fitted.
Ended up back in Evans again
16s perfect on my legs and to my hips on the front. But a bit big on waist and big baggy area in the front. (where my belly would have fitted before. If I was pregnant!)
Bum looked like it had been steamrollered.
Gave up in disgust.
Have no idea what has happened to my body shape, but think I need to be put into a piping bag and sqeezed out again.
Or something.
I dont really want to wear Spanx under Jeans. I want to be comfortable and look nice. Sigh.
Where's Gok when I need him.

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