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Starting slimming world today *Part 2*

769 replies

Melty · 09/11/2010 20:14

Wynken broke the other thread!

Have been so busy at work, only in the door a few minutes. Haven't eaten yet, but weirdly not hungry.
Must have something otherwise will suddenly get ravenous.
Looks like everyone is doing ok though.
Am actually looking at Shred DVD (Still in its cellophane wrapping!)but too wrecked to start doing it today.

OP posts:
Melty · 10/11/2010 13:31

Riven, sometimes I think the only reason they add on stuff on top of porridge is because they make a great deal of mooney out of the Scan bran connection.
I mostly dont bother adding ryvitas or whatever to my porridge. I do keep some in supply though in case I havent got round to having my daily fibre and I can have some with a banana or laughing cow.
I figure though that so long as I have plenty of veggiesin my daily diet my fibre intake should be ok.

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JamieJay · 10/11/2010 16:07

can I join please?? Started yesterday with a stone of pregnancy weight to lose plus the stone and half I should I have lost before getting pregnant!

DD is exclusively breastfed so I get an extra 4 healthy extras, which isn't as good as it sounds as I've had to give up dairy and soya so the only A choice I can have is rice milk, plus a lot of the nicer B choices are out because they contain milk or soya Sad

GoingToBonnieDoon the number of healthy extras is based on your baby's age and wheather you're weaning yet - happy to check my book for you.....

whatkungfuthat · 10/11/2010 16:38

Melty, I've never encountered scan bran, what is it? (not that it sounds very appealing!)

Lulumaam · 10/11/2010 17:30

I like scan bran, they are like a thinner , carpet-y like ryvita.

5 is a HEX b or 1 syn each

lovely with quark, lemon juice and smoked salmon or laughing cow light

v v v filling

Melty · 10/11/2010 17:30

scan bran photo
It vaguely resembles chipboard. Looks like they mashed up a load of all bran, added water to make a paste and rolled it out into little rectangles. Tastes a bit cardboardy on its own, but is tolerable with cheese or fruit and quark on it.

Some people use it to bake with.
minimims recipes

Ive seen threads entitled "how do I eat scan bran without gagging" Grin

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Lizzylou · 10/11/2010 17:39

There you are!

Well done on the losers. I used to make a chocolat scan bran cake last time I did SW, must dig out the recipe, it was good.

Weigh in tonight and am hoping I have undone last weeks 2lb on Blush I have stuck to the plan, mixed up my food more and exercised a lot.

I have also discovered a new favourite lunch, pasta with prawns and 0% Total with whatever herbs I chuck in. Delicious.

I had steak yesterday with spinach and watercress and it felt like a real treat. Have also got the Alpen Lights ready, for a sweet hit. I can lived without bread.

Lulumaam · 10/11/2010 17:46

those meals sound lovely lizzy. i also gained week before last, 1.5lbs, it was the potato crisps, i toiugh they were free, and prob too much eating out and water retention

lost 1 lb this week and determinedly back on track

had a blow otu last night, box of mikado and two potato cakes with marge ! but felt m cuh better today and ready for carrying on

having chicken, baked rice and green veg tonight and just ate asparagus dipped in fat free yoghurt to keep me going!

Melty · 10/11/2010 17:47

I've just found my book from Sept 2007. And I was 2 stone lighter when I started that. Mind you that was the group I really didn't like. Very cliquey and not particularly inclusive - hence I fell off the wagon again .

I have also a downloaded copy the Easy Extra guide from when I was a member online at the beginning of the year, (antoher failed attempt as was totally in wrong frame of mind)

Anyway, if anyone wants me to email the Easy Extra sheets, send me a PM and I will happily do so.

Oh, and well done to the losers this week!

OP posts:
Lulumaam · 10/11/2010 17:49

also, does anyone know if red lentils are superfree?

Melty · 10/11/2010 17:53

Lulu, a BOX of mikado? Well done! Grin

I have been a bit confused by the Mikado fetish I have seen online, because where I am from, Mikados are little biscuits of marshmallow, coconut and a strip of jam down the middle and are completely delicious.
(And many many syns I would think!)

All about Mikados

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Melty · 10/11/2010 17:55

As far as I know, they are free on EE and green but not Superfree.

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JamieJay · 10/11/2010 17:55

Lulumaam no sorry, according to the book lentils are free on green.

Melty am now craving your version of mikados,,,,,,,,

ledodgy · 10/11/2010 17:58

hello can i jump in? i also do SW. I make scan bran more torelable by sticking it in a sandwich bag mashing it with a rolling pin until it's crumbs then add it to my 28 grams of bran flakes.

ledodgy · 10/11/2010 18:00


whatkungfuthat · 10/11/2010 18:01

Thanks for the info on scan bran, sounds like the hamsters bedding interesting Grin

The DS's have had Mikado's (not delish marshmallow type) but I don't go there as a couple would not be enough. Melty they are the thinnest of biscuit sticks dipped in choc, really small.

Lulumaam · 10/11/2010 18:02

not free on EE??!?!?!?!?!?

shitey mcshite, that\s my dinner for tomorrow ruined !

yes, mikado are just the wafer choccy thing,you'r sounds bnetter!

Lulumaam · 10/11/2010 18:04

ah i see, free but not superfree Blush

i've had one of thoe days, starting from spilling my coffee into the cutlery drawer and pretty much downhill from there!

Melty · 10/11/2010 18:06

Anyone tried this:
12 speed soup
Made of speed foods

I like to make soups etc but it has never occured to me to make a "lose weight faster" soup.

Yes, those Mikados are rather lovely. Jacobs also do Chocolate Kimberly biscuits in big tins, abot 10o calories a biscuit, but O My God!
They are circular, with soft ginger biscuits sandwiched together with marshmallow and the whole thing covered in chocolate.

I think this might have to be one of those imagine treats, because they are sooo bad!

OP posts:
Melty · 10/11/2010 18:09

Kimberly and Chocolate Kimberly

Lulu, just add some veggies on the side. Dinne sorted.

OP posts:
ledodgy · 10/11/2010 18:10

If lentils are free on green then they must be free on EE surely?

ledodgy · 10/11/2010 18:10

Ross posts Lulu.:-)

ledodgy · 10/11/2010 18:11

Cross im still trying to get used this ipad keyboard!


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WynkenBlynkenandNod · 10/11/2010 18:14

Flipping heck, was just reading that over my bowl of lentil stew and nearly choked on it for a moment!

whatkungfuthat · 10/11/2010 18:15

Envy at ipad!

ledodgy · 10/11/2010 18:23

I know and I won it! I'd do a grin but don't knwo how to without the straight brackets.

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