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Will Hurricane Ophelia manage to hit the UK?

364 replies

RamblingFar · 12/10/2017 14:22

Not been much in the news about it yet, other than a few small articles. Anyone else notice it's due to be getting very close to the UK?

Looks like it's still meant to be hurricane strength when it hits Ireland early next week, before taking a swipe at Scotland. I thought the water was meant to be too cold and they normally fizzle out into winter storms.

First British hurricane since Debbie in 1961?

OP posts:
Maudlinmaud · 16/10/2017 21:32

Oh dear, smash. We mustn't have had it too bad in Tyrone by all accounts.
I remember windy nights in the past where my bedroom curtains blew up into the room and garden gates crashed open but so far it has been fine. I'm hoping we really are through it now.
Down seems to have a very bad touch. It's unlucky.

treaclesoda · 16/10/2017 21:38

It has got very very noisy here in Co Antrim over the past half hour or so. But I haven't actually been outside - I suppose it might just sound noisy because the direction of the wind is making it very noisy down my chimney!

dementedma · 16/10/2017 21:40

Quite windy here in Central Scotland.

sooperdooper · 16/10/2017 21:44

Very windy here in Manchester, I'm staying in bed until it goes away

OhYouBadBadKitten · 16/10/2017 21:50

Maudlin, getting there :)

Maudlinmaud · 16/10/2017 22:01

Oh thank god. HQ need to give you a job.

Copperspot · 16/10/2017 22:07

Very windy in west yorkshire at the moment. According to the link someone posted above we have 49mph winds with 89mph gusts. There are 2 massive trees outside my windows and i'm a bit nervous Shock

honeyrider · 16/10/2017 22:28

It's been a long day, I think the worst of the storm has passed. All schools closed again tomorrow.

MynewnameisKy · 16/10/2017 22:58

It's still very windy here close to the border in NI. Although not as bad as earlier. Still around 10,000 people without power in NI.

OhYouBadBadKitten · 17/10/2017 07:42

Still warnings out for Scotland and NE England warnings Copper hang in there. Should ease by early afternoon.Take it easy if you have a school run to make.

MynewnameisKy · 18/10/2017 17:01

The current situation in Republic of Ireland. ...There are now 105,000 homes and businesses without electricity and 25,000 without water after Storm Ophelia.

Winefor all still affected.

OhYouBadBadKitten · 18/10/2017 19:32

thanks for the update. That’s a lot still without power,

OhYouBadBadKitten · 18/10/2017 19:32

and water!

MyLittleHelper · 18/10/2017 20:11

Just got our power, water, mobile reception back and schools open tomorrow! Twas a bad one in Cork. Plenty trees damaged waiting to go in the next storm.

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