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999 replies

StaffRepFeistyClub · 25/02/2021 16:52

You are most welcome to this school staff support thread to get us through stressful times. It is meant for school staff only – a sort of room of requirement. Baiters, haters, goaders, and bashers can jog on somewhere else.

If you are NOT staff and just have a general education query please start your own thread.

Do not give the staffroom password to others just in case it attracts the wrong sort

Other requirements for staff room entry include the ability to find the staff room, the ability to find a clean mug in the staff room, knowledge of the photocopier codes, and the ability to sniff out where the booze is stashed - Thirsty Tuesdays, Fizz Fridays now in operation.

OP posts:
StaffRepFeistyClub · 25/02/2021 16:53

who would have thought - the 50th republic!

OP posts:
chocolateisavegetable · 25/02/2021 16:57

Thanks Staff

MrsH any of that cake left?

RigaBalsam · 25/02/2021 16:59

Thank you. Wow. Happy Anniversary everyone.

ChloeDecker · 25/02/2021 17:01

Still marking here!

Saucery · 25/02/2021 17:04

Hi there, thank you again Staff.

HercwasanEnemyofEducation · 25/02/2021 17:05

Happy 50th All Cake

Who would have thought we'd be here!

chocolateisavegetable · 25/02/2021 17:05
Monkeytennis97 · 25/02/2021 17:05

Hello all Smile went for a long walk today, first proper walk since Christmas as I've been too anxious before so feel as if I've achieved something today. DS getting his vaccine on Saturday and coming home too for the night 😊❤️

GuyFawkesDay · 25/02/2021 17:06

50 threads of fray-ed teachers 🤣

I need cake.

Saucery · 25/02/2021 17:07

You are seeing him so much more often, monkey ! ❤️

FrippEnos · 25/02/2021 17:07

Shhhh Cake was brought in today.

Don't tell the main forums.

GuyFawkesDay · 25/02/2021 17:08

CAKE!! I genuinely might bake this evening just because I have a massive hankering for Victoria sponge

Appuskidu · 25/02/2021 17:10


Cantaloupeisland · 25/02/2021 17:14

Wow 50! Cheers all 🍻

MrsHamlet · 25/02/2021 17:17

There is always cake. I made lemon polenta cake, and coconut biscuits yesterday.

Frlrlrubert · 25/02/2021 17:17

Our 'your department is overstaffed, one of you may go' meeting was today.

I've looked at the numbers again and realised that the plan is to make more core year 10 classes into less classes in year 11. Totally full classes. Right down to the bottom set. This is going to be a behaviour management nightmare. Off to polish my CV and frantically job hunt.

Monkeytennis97 · 25/02/2021 17:19

@Saucery yes we have to have LFT before we see him and before he goes back too. Just hope he is ok after the vaccine bless him.

Monkeytennis97 · 25/02/2021 17:20

I want some cake!! Yum. Have none here though😢

flumposie · 25/02/2021 17:21

I feel like this thread is the build up to my 50th in April Smile Email today to say all staff expected in next Friday for reintegration ( Confused) It's my day off, so nope. Also wtf is meant by reintegration?!

MsAwesomeDragon · 25/02/2021 17:22

Wow, the 50th thread. That's a lot of chatting we've done. It's a good job we never got derailed with chat about fit blokes, chairs or alcohol Wink

StaffRepFeistyClub · 25/02/2021 17:25


50 threads of fray-ed teachers 🤣

I need cake.

OP posts:
StaffRepFeistyClub · 25/02/2021 17:27


I feel like this thread is the build up to my 50th in April Smile Email today to say all staff expected in next Friday for reintegration ( Confused) It's my day off, so nope. Also wtf is meant by reintegration?!


That is almost as bad as the idiotic 'we are reaching out to you' statement. No, you are not reaching out to me you have sent me an email/letter/text
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motherrunner · 25/02/2021 17:29

50 threads and DS finally lost his wobbly front tooth that’s been annoying him for weeks. The God’s are obviously smiling today.

eitak22 · 25/02/2021 17:29

Wow! Can't believe we've hit 50!
I've brought cake!

Actually our PTA has been amazing and supportive (food has been sent in for 1). Can't believe masks aren't compulsory talk about throwing teachers under the bus!

SmileEachDay · 25/02/2021 17:33

My new lockdown weight loss plan:

Wear the jeans you should fit in to whilst working at home rather than comfy leggings. It totally discourages eating and draws your attention to your attractive muffin top every time you sit down.

Mmmmm lemon water.

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