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Cold Feet

204 replies

southeastdweller · 04/09/2017 22:45

Back on ITV this Friday at 9.00. Anyone else going to watch?

OP posts:
augustusglupe · 20/10/2017 22:15

Rolf Me too!! I just said to DH that I recognise the bloke in the Woolley hat, but couldn’t remember his name. I came on here and knew someone would know Grin

QueenOfTheAndals · 21/10/2017 09:41

Hmm, I was so sure the Irish woman would turn out to be pregnant but glad they avoided that cliche. Is there going to be another series?

Kinraddie · 21/10/2017 09:56

No firm news on another series but I really hope it returns. This last episode felt a bit rushed, but was satisfying. Love the music they use and the Manchester backgrounds and scenery.

KinkyAfro · 21/10/2017 12:46

Bit silly how Jenny changed her mind about Pete. One minute she doesn't like him, the next she's renewing her vows...silly silly

southeastdweller · 21/10/2017 13:08

I was hoping Pete and Jenny would split up for good.

OP posts:
purpleme12 · 21/10/2017 13:56

I thought it was a strange too. I'm not sure I'd want to be married to Jenny!

KinkyAfro · 21/10/2017 14:00

I think they should leave it there, what can a new series bring now?

MarthasHarbour · 21/10/2017 14:05

God that entire series was shit. Yet i felt that i had to watch it being a die hard 90s fan.

I spotted Badly Drawn Boy too, although his beanie and voice are pretty distinctive Smile

WinterHoliday · 21/10/2017 17:27

Yeah, I kind of wish they'd left it alone and I'm not sure I'd watch another series. I loved all the original ones but there's something about the feel of the new version that's not grabbing me.

I only got into Cold Feet by chance back in series 5 as my housemate at the time was a big fan. Her friend had them all on video (!) and I borrowed them and caught up and then bought them myself on vhs and later DVD. I happily re-watch them on a regular basis. But for the last two series, I've recorded them on series link but think I might delete them as I can't imagine re-watching them.

EachandEveryone · 21/10/2017 18:23

No I don’t need to watch anymore either. It was the Adam part I could stand and it was the same the series before. I just didn’t like his story.

WinterHoliday · 21/10/2017 19:13

Also there is a book out called Cold Feet: The Lost Years I think. It's about the years in between series 5 and 6. Has anyone read it?

FuzzyCustard · 21/10/2017 19:35

winter I have got the book but not read it yet. I'm a bit might have any kind of storyline!!

cedoren · 21/10/2017 19:38

I've read it! It's quite good, although not much happens at all

scrabbler3 · 21/10/2017 21:11

I'd watch the next series. Would be interesting to see Karen as a step mum.

I liked the way that Nicky took control and announced that she'd make her own decision.

Adam will have a new love interest. He can't be single, he's that type. The baby thing clearly wasn't for him either.

Pete and Jenny will continue to drift along. I find it very realistic. I know several couples who really shouldn't be married anymore but who don't despise each other enough to divorce, or who are fearful of single life so stick with what they know. They'll separate for good when one of them falls in love with someone. It'll probably be Jenny, via her new career.

DuckOffAutocorrectYouShiv · 22/10/2017 14:48

I can't decide re Jenny. She's mean re Pete and his low wages (even though he took that job to enable her to take the hotel promotion) but she's found her professional identity after years of drudgery and shit and wants to get on and feel supported. I think Pete and Jenny are pretty normal tbh, obv dramas for telly but couples together for a long time go through periods of individual growth and stress and it puts strain on the relationship. Especially couples who got together young.

Adam being this irresistible spunk is laughable, just like it was in the old series. He's such an arrogant tool. At 50 he's still whinging and moaning about choosing the perfect woman. He's a manchild.

I love Siobhan Finneran, for me she'll always be Rita. I like David. He's a bumbling duffer but his heart's in the right place. I like the relationship between him & Karen.

I quite like these new series. There are a few (lot) of weird gaps in the story but it's a pleasant watch, on the whole. Plus, the Mcr porn, obvs.

DuckOffAutocorrectYouShiv · 22/10/2017 14:54

And the Badly Drawn Boy busking cameo at the end Smile. Saw him at the BierKeller in Manchester before he had his hits. Prob 1998/99 ish. Good stuff.

dalek · 22/10/2017 15:03

if there is another series I reckon both Tina and the other woman will be pregnant OR the irish lady will be pregnant and Tina will find out that she can't have kids.

RolfNotRudolf · 22/10/2017 17:51

After the episode I googled to check it was BDB playing the busker and found a Manchester Evening News article about the filming of that scene. There was a short film with it showing the actors getting ready to record/mingling with the crowd and a shot of James N literally strutting across the scene (and not in character at that point). I always get the impression that Adam is a watered down version of the actor.Confused

JustContemplating · 23/10/2017 01:18

So, so far, there is no confirmation of another series. I really hope Mike Bullen (the writer) takes note of Twitter as you lot pretty much reflect the feeling on there.

I can report that Adam is reasonably self obsessed, John Thompson and Fay Ripley are genuinely funny and all the sets are real houses except the Gifford house.

thecatsthecats · 23/10/2017 10:26

southeast - it wasn't personal ads, it was Rush Hour Crush in the Metro!

I don't know people who commute who don't take a cheeky glance to see if someone has fallen passionately in love with them on the morning train.

I didn't like how much there was in the last episode of will they won't they about Adam and Tina. He admitted to sleeping with her, but apparently he felt it was up for discussion! Worse, so did Tina. She forgave him far too quickly. And the Irish woman admitted to revenge porn, yet he was still somehow hankering after her. It made the whole sorry lot of them look like sad idiots desperate for affection. Admittedly possible, but for all three of them to do it was pathetic to watch.

It took too much time away from the Pete/Jenny story, which was also wrapped up too quickly after the bombshell in the previous episode.

DuckOffAutocorrectYouShiv · 23/10/2017 13:23

I agree re the Nikki storyline, southeast. If she really had've been a victim of DV for a long time, it is highly unlikely that a) she'd have walked out in as obvious and 'fuck you' a way as she did and b) that her H would've rolled over to her being in control at the meeting she had to tell her husband and her boyfriend that she had her own mind etc. Especially with a husband as dangerous as him...

Don't even get me started on a supposed gangland kingpin getting panicky at a pasty-faced, MC accountant waving a gun in his house Hmm.

user1483825503 · 24/10/2017 21:23

Love the interiors. Anybody any idea where Adams kitchen lights are from? I have searched and searched and still can't find them. I also emailed ITV but they couldn't tell me as they have had too many enquiries!


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diddl · 28/10/2017 16:30

Just finished watching.


I know that JN can't help the way he looks, but really-who would be interested in Adam?

He's just a complete arsehole without the fact that he can't keep it in his pants!

I love David-was sad when he had the affair-didn't seem like something he would have done imo.

Iamtheresurrection · 28/10/2017 17:03

I think it's the Irish charm. I know a guy just like Adam and all I can put it down to is him being Irish.

diddl · 28/10/2017 17:22

What charm?Grin

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