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204 replies

southeastdweller · 04/09/2017 22:45

Back on ITV this Friday at 9.00. Anyone else going to watch?

OP posts:
BubbleAnimal · 23/09/2017 21:05

Last night's episode made me cry. Excellent acting from the guy playing Matt I thought.

Delatron · 23/09/2017 21:30

Such good acting from the guy playing Matt. Really felt for him.

I like how they had so much support at the clinic with the whole family being there.

Also loved the focus being away from Tina and Adam.

Is there a build up for Adam having an affair with the women whose husband Tina had an affair with. If you get what I mean...

Iamtheresurrection · 23/09/2017 21:57

Tina annoys me so much. The way she twists things round and changes her mind.

woodhill · 24/09/2017 15:01

I think this series is better than series one of this last year.

I liked seeing Jessie from Brookside as Jenny's mum

EachandEveryone · 24/09/2017 23:40

I enjoyed last niggrs for a change. They just arent likeable are they? I can not stand Jenny shes so hard faced. Adam just acts like a fool yet he appears to have earned loads of money doing what? I like Karen and David. And Pete, thats it.

Dailystuck71 · 25/09/2017 07:33

You enjoyed what each?

EachandEveryone · 25/09/2017 09:02

Last nights!!! Good god, this ipad keyboard is on some kind of delay. I watched it on my planner. I also dont think she took thr meds. Do they really let you see the scan like that?

mumdebump · 25/09/2017 23:16

I thought Karen nodded at David when they came out, as if to say 'yes, it's ok, she's terminated the pregnancy'.

Vq1970 · 26/09/2017 09:42

I'm enjoying it, its easy watching and doesn't require much thinking so it entertains me at the end of a busy week at work.

I also don't think Olivia has taken the tablet.

Wormulonian · 26/09/2017 09:45

Jenny has no redeeming features. It's all crap but as Vq said it's entertaining and light. I watch it on Saturday morning with my coffee (as the soap omnibuses are just too awful lately) - candyfloss

whosafraidofabigduckfart · 26/09/2017 09:53

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EachandEveryone · 26/09/2017 12:51

I really love Karen and David. Jenny is vile shes a horrible person. Nothing nice about her there never has been.

whosafraidofabigduckfart · 26/09/2017 14:17

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scrabbler3 · 26/09/2017 16:24

I think that Jenny and Karen have one of those friendships that exist because they've known each other for decades and have friends in common, rather than because they're kindred spirits. They both adored Rachel and care about her son and Adam. So, they're tied together. Same with David really, he has little in common with Jenny and Pete.

I liked the scene between Robyn and Olivia, where the latter confided her worries about teen motherhood. Nice to see a healthy stepparent/child dynamic, even after divorce.

EachandEveryone · 26/09/2017 19:38

I can hardly remember them been married.

purpleme12 · 26/09/2017 19:52

I don't like Robyn so didn't like that she went to confide in her.

Karen is not really my favourite person to be honest.
I never used to like Jenny when it was on years ago I'm more keen on her now apart from the last couple of episodes

MistyMinge · 29/09/2017 20:52

Oh wank chops, I've just realised that I've somehow managed to completely miss the last two episodes. Totally forgot about it.

Can't get it on catch up. Can someone please give me a summary of what's happened?

KangaMummy · 29/09/2017 21:14

The woman at James nesbitts work posted video to www

KangaMummy · 29/09/2017 21:15

The woman who was married to man who Tina had affair with is the one I mean who posted it online

KangaMummy · 29/09/2017 21:16

To break them up so Nesbit will go with her as revenge iyswim

Loopytiles · 29/09/2017 21:19

I like that they have subtly shown robyn as a kind, involved ex-stepmother, in the last series and this one.

Papafran · 29/09/2017 21:34

Hermione Norris's cheek fillers are distracting me...


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Hobbes8 · 29/09/2017 22:01

I'm loving the clothes, especially Tina's grey coat and Karen's turquoise scarf.

Delatron · 29/09/2017 22:28

Tina's really annoying me. I think it's her voice?!

CarrieBradshawsScrunchie · 29/09/2017 22:33

I really don’t like Tina. I know they have to put obstacles in their path so the course of true love doesn’t run smooth and all that, but she seems fickle, unfaithful and just downright annoying!

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