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Cold Feet

204 replies

southeastdweller · 04/09/2017 22:45

Back on ITV this Friday at 9.00. Anyone else going to watch?

OP posts:
Whenwillwe3meetagain · 02/10/2017 16:35

Adam's hair/eyebrows are getting more ridiculous each episode Hmm

MissWimpyDimple · 02/10/2017 17:24

Didsbury is the most expensive part of the Manchester burbs. Or at least it was when I lived there!

I thought that last night too. What on earth did Adam do all those years to get so wealthy!

FeralBeryl · 02/10/2017 19:55

You do know that Leanne Best is actually scouse! That's not her real accent at all.

Blackgrouse · 02/10/2017 20:52

Re the houses. The characters all either already owned houses or bought them in the first series in 97/99. They all had fairly well paid jobs, David & Karen were quite wealthy. House prices rocketed around 2000 / 2001. Karen would have had a large divorce payout, Adam would have made a fortune on his first property and had a highly paid job, Pete and Jenny are in the same house.

Delatron · 03/10/2017 13:00

Ahh, that's maybe why the voice is annoying; it's not her real accent? She does seem to exaggerate the 'manchester' accent a bit.

KangaMummy · 03/10/2017 13:47

On the name COLD FEET

Do you guys think it is cos when in a couple you warm your cold feet on other half in bed but when single you don't have anyone to warm up your cold feet on?

Loopytiles · 03/10/2017 13:50

Why couldn’t her character have been scouse then?! Hardly far fetched that someone from liverpool would reside long term in manchester!

papayasareyum · 03/10/2017 15:40

Leanne Best is so very irritating as Tina. I can’t understand why she got on the show except that she looks like Helen Baxendale who played Rachel in the original series. I’m struggling with this series of Cold Feet because none of the characters are very likeable, except Karen. Jenny used to be funny, but she’s just bloody awful now. Deeply unfunny and whiny.

Wormulonian · 03/10/2017 17:13

I thought Leanne Best was trying to do a scouse accent. She is very pretty (far too pretty for leathery old Adam). i agree only Karen and perhaps David seem "nice". Pete is too saintly, Jenny just foul and as for horrid Adam.... The irish wife of Tina's ex bloke is far too nice about it all as well - I thought she would be the poster of the porn.

My eyes!!! though that revolting scene in bed between Adam and Tina - yuk!!!

highinthesky · 03/10/2017 18:24

Strangely I quite like Jenny as she makes no attempt to hide her forthright manner and she is funny. I don't like Karen at all though, everything that comes out of her mouth is dry or sour, and she lacks personality. How is it anyone finds her attractive?

purpleme12 · 03/10/2017 20:48

I do agree with you actually highinthesky. I'm surprised we're the only ones! I mean there are some not so attractive traits for Jenny especially in the last couple of episodes but I don't mind her in general and Karen is the one I don't warm to.

CarrieBradshawsScrunchie · 06/10/2017 22:20

Odd ending tonight! So Adam seemed to regret it with whatshername then at the end acted as though he wanted to carry things on. What’s going on?!

MistyMinge · 06/10/2017 22:25

I thought that too. He's a smarmy twat.

purpleme12 · 06/10/2017 22:49

Mmm interesting episode

lisbapalea · 06/10/2017 22:51

Have always loved Karen but found tonight especially moving. Didn't realise how much I identified with her until I saw her crumbling.

CarrieBradshawsScrunchie · 06/10/2017 23:00

Yes it was definitely the best episode of the series so far - really enjoyed it.

EachandEveryone · 06/10/2017 23:12

I cant remember her having a drink problem i thought that was in the other show were she was expecting?

CarrieBradshawsScrunchie · 06/10/2017 23:17

Yes I couldn’t remember that either, but I just went along with it!!

mumdebump · 06/10/2017 23:36

Her drinking and alcoholism was quite a big story in one of earlier series. I think she finally admitted there was a problem and sought help after having a minor car crash one day with her very young children in the car.

EachandEveryone · 06/10/2017 23:43

But have t we seen her out drinking this season?

Kinraddie · 07/10/2017 00:01

I found Karen's struggles very moving and so well told. Moved me to tears. And loved that Pete was there for her. Adam and Matt, like father like son.

mumdebump · 07/10/2017 00:09

I thought (or maybe just assumed) she was always on mineral water or soft drinks when our socialising.


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mumdebump · 07/10/2017 00:11

Pete was lovely. Adam is a selfish tosser. Has his Botox worn off. He looked much older and wrinklier tonight.

cedoren · 07/10/2017 07:44

Is Karen in the same house from the original series?

ShiftyMcGifty · 07/10/2017 08:03

Robyn comments on how Karen was still able to keep such a huge family house despite the divorce on the previous season. Basically, she was his divorce lawyer and he went against her advice and rolled over. He was moaning to Robyn when she kicked him out of her home about having nowhere to go etc and she points out if that family home had been sold, Karen would have been living in a much more modest 2-3 bed that that mansion and he would now have had somwhere to go too.

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