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Celebrity Masterchef

194 replies

squoosh · 11/06/2015 15:28

The new series of Celebrity Masterchef starts on the 18th June.

It features Chesney Hawkes AND Keith Chegwin! Can your ovaries handle the tsunami of sexiness that will surely ooze from your TV screen? And don’t forget the gorgeous Gregg Wallace, no one else quite carries off that half man/ half shoulder of pork look like the lovely Gregg.

There will be some other Z listers too (probably last spotted playing a baddie on an episode of Bergerac circa 1986) hoping to reignite their careers by wrestling with samphire quenelles.

(There may even be some Marcus Wareing)

OP posts:
SheHasAWildHeart · 06/07/2015 16:23

I was reading the DS forums and posters are saying that Rylan has had cooking lessons. That's why when they have to cook their own food it's a dish he's practiced and plate up so nicely cos that's what he's been told. Reminded me that in the mass cooking challenge John had to step in coz Rylan just marinated everything in the slices rather than frying the onions which is really basic.

slug · 06/07/2015 16:45

I'm transfixed by Kimberly's two tone blusher.

Ellenora5 · 09/07/2015 21:15

Anyone bothering tonight, didn't Natalie and Scott dance together on SCD

I love the way cheggars is always happy :)

Halsall · 09/07/2015 21:19

Evening! Why is that woman so orange?

BlueBananas · 09/07/2015 21:23

Oh I bloody hate Cheggars!
And I used to fancy Scott when he was in Eastenders but what on earth has he done to his hair?!

Ellenora5 · 09/07/2015 21:28

I've definitely seen him look much better bluebananas

Ellenora5 · 09/07/2015 21:29

Probably covered in fake tan Halsall, but I love her on scd, think she is the best female dancer on it.

Halsall · 09/07/2015 21:43

I'm dreading Cheggers' 'breaded cream'....

iklboo · 09/07/2015 21:47

Oh gods, yes. Gregg & his choclit. If he eats it while reading Bridget Jones is it chick lit choclit?

Ziggyzoom · 09/07/2015 21:55

I have dipped in and out of this like a toast soldier and it occurs to me that people who seem to lack very basic cooking skills suddenly seem to produce adventurous, if not well cooked dishes. Chicken Polpiette anyone?

I am suspecting that they have some external input on their menu planning!

Ellenora5 · 09/07/2015 22:00

I was just thinking the same thing Ziggyzoom, someone is definitely getting help.

lurkingfromhome · 10/07/2015 07:43

This is so far removed from the early series of Celeb MC when contestants were incredibly skilled cooks who had clearly wanted to show off a bit and learn more about cooking and it was fantastic to watch. Remember Matt Dawson, the cricketer? I recall Torode telling him that he was so good he was at professional chef level and should seriously think about pursuing it as a career (and didn't he go on to open a restaurant, maybe?). Fast forward a few years and we're scraping the bottom of the barrel for "celebs" 80% of whom have not the faintest interest in food but have obviously been pushed onto the show by their agents to revive a flagging career and get heaped with praise if they manage to cook pasta correctly.

There is nothing master or chef about it. Celeb Basic Cooking Skills If You're Lucky more like...

Icimoi · 10/07/2015 22:49

Cheggers' whinging on about dreadful veggie food is pissing me off.

Username12345 · 10/07/2015 23:16

Geez, Samira doesn't half gab Hmm

squoosh · 24/07/2015 16:09

Fellow Mastercheffians do you agree that this series has been a damp squib? Not one of them is equal in skill to the lovely Sophie Thompson.

And not so much as a hint of Marcus Wareing. 'Tis a disgrace I say!

OP posts:
Hexiegone · 24/07/2015 19:21

I think so, Squoosh Sad. It's like Sleb MC's poor relation.

indieblack · 24/07/2015 21:28

Definitely. I can't believe how poor they all are. Rylan's scared of fish, Kimberly has never done a souffle. The slebs are never as good as the regular people but this lot are an embarrassment.

Hassled · 24/07/2015 21:33

I have a new-found love of Rylan. I don't understand it. Must be the weather or summat. Go Team Teeth!

SwedishEdith · 24/07/2015 21:35

I'm not sure Sam's done much wrong so far.

squoosh · 24/07/2015 21:36

I've really gone off Rylan!

OP posts:
NoisyOyster · 24/07/2015 21:37

Why was he suddenly allowed extra time to plate up?!

Chipstick10 · 24/07/2015 21:39

Praise The Lord squoosh I thought I was living in a parallel universe where everybody worships rylan


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squoosh · 24/07/2015 21:42
OP posts:
SwedishEdith · 24/07/2015 21:44

Dandelion and Burdock ice cream sounds fantastic.

squoosh · 24/07/2015 21:46

Kimberley's food looks the prettiest.

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