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Celebrity Masterchef

194 replies

squoosh · 11/06/2015 15:28

The new series of Celebrity Masterchef starts on the 18th June.

It features Chesney Hawkes AND Keith Chegwin! Can your ovaries handle the tsunami of sexiness that will surely ooze from your TV screen? And don’t forget the gorgeous Gregg Wallace, no one else quite carries off that half man/ half shoulder of pork look like the lovely Gregg.

There will be some other Z listers too (probably last spotted playing a baddie on an episode of Bergerac circa 1986) hoping to reignite their careers by wrestling with samphire quenelles.

(There may even be some Marcus Wareing)

OP posts:
Ellenora5 · 28/06/2015 20:24

Poor Sid, he really wanted to stay but his last round wasn't great, Micha was a bit of a bossy boots in the catering challenge, Sam did really well but I haven't a clue who he is

Stinkersmum · 28/06/2015 20:47

Sam as a contestant on pop idol in 2003.

SheHasAWildHeart · 29/06/2015 16:01

Sam has hosted a lot of kids/music shows and currently does a radio show for Free Radio.

Misha was really grating, rude and aggressive. Would have preferred Sid to stay.

Ellenora5 · 29/06/2015 19:18

Thanks ladies, I never watched pop ldol so hadn't a clue who he was, he's doing very well.

MyFriendsCallMeOh · 29/06/2015 22:46

It's OK as long as I don't think of the celebrities as celebrities.... but if Greg calls anyone "mate" again, I'm going to smack the telly...

Ellenora5 · 02/07/2015 21:45

I've just turned on, don't know who the American lady is but know the others, poor Rylan hasn't a clue so far.

KnockMeDown · 02/07/2015 21:49

I think Rylan is doing amazingly well!!

Ellenora5 · 02/07/2015 21:53

Oops, massive apology to Rylan, that was brill sorry Blush, I'm only up to the cheesecake part.

theliverpoolone · 02/07/2015 23:02

I'd have hated to go for dinner at Arlene's - she was dreadful! The guy who used to be on Corrie was great, hope he goes far in the competition.

Davros · 03/07/2015 09:11

I've never set eyes on that Corrie bloke before, he seemed quite good. Arlene looked rather frozen! Absolutely love Rylan and he did pretty well. Kimberly seems nice and has some "interesting" ideas. I like Andy, can't remember what he cooked!

Lagoonablue · 03/07/2015 21:02

I love Graham from Corrie. Can't remember his real name.

OrangeVase · 03/07/2015 21:17

Wanted to see if anyone else thinks this is as bad as I do. Dreadful. Silly. And no creative cookery in the eye hospital. The relay event was also just stupid. Disappointed.

Gregg has just said "Pasta's cooked well" - and this is Masterchef. My DC could do better

Queenbean · 03/07/2015 21:22

It is terrible, actually painful to watch. Do they not pick people that have a base level of cookery skills first? I felt sorry for the people eating that stuff

Hexadecimal1 · 03/07/2015 21:23

Also Kimberley would go to the opening of an envelope, she's obviously making the most of her opportunities to put a bit of money in her pension

QueenBean · 03/07/2015 21:30

Yes to Kimberley!

I don't know who the others are other than Rylan

OrangeVase · 03/07/2015 21:43

It seems to be more about the "stress" factor and putting people into situations that will create difficulties rather than being about the food.

Pink mashed potato!?

TSSDNCOP · 03/07/2015 21:48

That's a Coast dress she's cooking in. I always wear one in the kitchen Grin

OrangeVase · 03/07/2015 21:58

So Rylan got through having done steak and mash and a dry brownie and a raspberry sorbet. Really not difficult.

Still - it might get better.

cleanmachine · 03/07/2015 23:06

Oh ffs its really awful this time. Rylan is doing what he always does which is faking being bad it all when he's not really. And how passive aggressive are him and Craig? ! In fact Craig was awful to his partner.

In the past celeb masterchef has still been quite serious and showing some skill . Now its all fish and chips, no cook cheesecake and fruit with cream. How disappointing. And as for les bloody Dennis as a judge!

Greg gets worse every series. His guffawing and moaning and groaning and giggling whilst eating any pudding (or anything cooked by a pretty blonde ) make my stomach turn. Rylan makes everything into a camp comedy and did not deserve to stay.

Ellenora5 · 03/07/2015 23:49

Well, that was a waste of time tonight, didn't enjoy that at all, it was so obvious that Kimberly was going through, it wouldn't be master chef unless a good looking blonde was there, John and Gregg are so predictable.

Rylan annoyed me and I wish Craig had calmed down, he could have been so much better.

OrangeVase · 04/07/2015 00:13

Agree with you both. I used to love this programme - the wonderful surprises and creativity and people pushing themselves and achieving.

Now food that I might serve at home on a weekday when the money is running out, (vegetable pasta bake with hardly any vegetables, bought meringues and cream with a chocolate strawberry, endless chicken breasts "on a bed of" some limp green vegetable.). And Gregg really is dreadful!

I really hope next week is better.

Davros · 05/07/2015 23:35

I'm still enjoying it and I think they usually start off crap and limited, then climb a big learning curve, and dome turn out pretty good.
I don't like the relay or mass catering, that's what the fast forward button is for!


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SheHasAWildHeart · 06/07/2015 11:39

I wish they'd teach them a 'technique' (so the viewers could learn to) and then ask to make a dish highlighting that technique. In all my years of watching Masterchef I've not learned anything lol.

Germgirl · 06/07/2015 11:53

I wonder if Lisa Faulkner watched the last 2 episodes with a thin line when her mouth used to be? After all Torode met her on MC and now they're together. Watching him dawn and simper over Kimberly must've been quite annoying.
every time I watch MC I remember someone on MN saying that Gregg eats like a toddler, spoon grasped in his fist, big 'mmmmm' and smacking the lips. That and the fact that he calls chocolate 'choclit' makes me howl :)

Germgirl · 06/07/2015 11:53

He fawns over Kimberly. Not dawns. This phone hates me.

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