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Corrie thread - still no sign of Cilla or Fat Brenda but Kim Tate on the horizon

970 replies

AnneEyhtMeyer · 13/10/2014 17:13

Here we are again - a brand new thread for more Corrie ramblings.

Can't believe Cilla still hadn't turned up by the end of the last thread.

Still hoping for an enormous cast-cull. Hoping for a bomb / gas explosion / serial killer / all of the previous.

OP posts:
cleanmachine · 15/10/2014 21:07

Oh god not faye again. Cant stand her.

Another steve lover here too. Hes a brilliant actor and im glad corrie are giving him a different storyline instead of trying to make him into the new reg holdsworth. His pairing with Michelle is completely wrong. Her time on corrie must come to an end soon surely. She can't act and is disliked by everyone I've ever spoken to.

Has anyone noticed that Julie had lost loads of weight since coming back Street having a baby?

Jill2015 · 15/10/2014 21:46

Oh yes, I hope they forget about that storyline, or any storyline involving Faye.

Agree re Steve, and i think he is playing this well. I remember reading earlier on this year about Michelle having just signed a further contract, so I guess she will be around another while, unfortunately. She brings nothing to the programme.
I think Carla is very good. Am looking forward to seeing how the trial plays out.

hildasmuriel · 16/10/2014 06:26

I really don't want them to do the Faye thing. Yes teenage pregnancies happen but If they want a gritty teenage story for Faye, who is after all, a young woman who has had a difficult childhood, been adopted, seen her adoptive parents split up and new man come in who she didn't especially like, had to form a relationship with her previously absent father and now faces her parent's bankruptcy, they could be far more imaginative.

Depression, bullying, being bullied, in trouble at school, struggling with pressure of schoolwork, drinking, moodiness etc etc rather than rehashing old story lines.

Pastamancer · 16/10/2014 10:37

I have been the future Mrs Steve McDonald for many, many years. I have the same Steve magnet on my fridge and the keyring too. I also bought a Steve keyring about 20 years ago but it got lost :(

I can't abide cow bag Michelle, she doesn't deserve him. The only person who has ever been good enough for him apart from me is Becky. She would have supported him through everything unlike Michelle.

waithorse · 16/10/2014 14:17

Has Julie had a baby in rl ? I loves Julie.

Ellenora5 · 16/10/2014 14:26

Think it was her third baby waithorse Smile

Yes Steve is great at the moment, he was brilliant in the witness box, as was Carla, Norris was so disgusted he wasn't called and tried to blame Mary Grin

hildasmuriel · 17/10/2014 16:32

So what will happen tonight?

Will Peter be found guilty?

Jill2015 · 17/10/2014 18:08

I think the verdict won't be given until next week.

Camolips · 17/10/2014 20:23

Loved Liz and Eileen tonight re the slippers. Especially Eileen's later comment about Liz being taller!

hildasmuriel · 17/10/2014 20:29

I liked Ken's comment to Norris about not circling but wonder if it should have been Deirdre's?

I hope they give the verdict tonight. I can't see yet how it can be revealed to be Rob yet unless something happens quick. I wonder if Peter will be found not guilty and that will lead to a whole re examination of the facts.

squoosh · 17/10/2014 20:44

Soap opera court cases are SO boring.

Could not care less.

exWifebeginsat40 · 17/10/2014 21:00

how old is Simon supposed to be now? he's clearly had some sort of growth spurt - isn't he only meant to be about 11?

i don't think i can bring myself to care about Audreh not wanting to drive any more. see also: anything to do with the Websters/Maddie/Tim.

Jill2015 · 17/10/2014 21:12

The story that truly makes my eyes glaze over is the one about Yasmeen (and all of her family) turning Fred's shop into a community centre. Zzzzzzzz...

exWifebeginsat40 · 17/10/2014 21:22

oh god that woman and her FUCKING community centre. almost as riveting as Lloyd and poxy Andrea. how i hate Andrea.

cleanmachine · 17/10/2014 21:53

Yes fuck off andrea. And michelle. And yasmeeeen et al. Isn't it odd that simon is looking very mixed heritage as he's growing up?

Jill2015 · 17/10/2014 22:00

The writers missed an opportunity for a dramatic exit when Andrea was clutching onto the roof of The Rovers Wink. She could have fallen on Lloyd, injuring him fatally too...

exWifebeginsat40 · 17/10/2014 22:10

to be fair, Simon has always looked like a changeling. unless Uncle Albert had an astonishing bouffant of shiny curls as a youngster, where has that hair even come from??

sunflower49 · 18/10/2014 01:09

I've just watched last night's episode and the judge was annoying. I know It's a soap opera but seriously, he was so judgemental and biased-I just think It's really too far unrealistic.

millimat · 18/10/2014 11:54

Place your bets - guilty or not guilty?!

Pyjamaramadrama · 18/10/2014 11:56

I think it will be not guilty.

Camolips · 18/10/2014 11:59

Yes, I think it will be not guilty because they will think it could have been Carla.

WhoKnowsWhereTheTimeGoes · 18/10/2014 12:17

Haven't watched last night's. but not guilty for me, they couldn't possibly have another miscarriage of justice storyline.

Uncle Albert wasn't a blood relative IIRC? I agree about Simon looking nothing like either parent though. It can be quite hard to work out who is actually a blood relation to who in that family.


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millimat · 18/10/2014 12:33

I'm thinking not guilty because the judge said it had to be a unanimous verdict. Am I right in thinking that if they don't all agree on guilty then he's automatically not guilty?

Lucylambkin · 18/10/2014 12:47

Wonder if Carla gets arrested that would break Rob down? What happened to the dreadful Les who baked cakes. Is Anna not still married to him? And why does Steve's pale twin never visit?

3pigsinblanketsandasausagerole · 18/10/2014 12:53

I can't remember what Simons mum looked like! Did we ever even see her?

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