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Wave your snorkel in the air like you just don't care!

988 replies

serialtester · 15/03/2017 20:29


Lost, say something wise!

OP posts:
GotToGetMyFingerOut · 17/03/2017 20:20

Kinetic, are you alright?? That's great about your meds! Well done.

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 17/03/2017 20:21

Maybe you could get your tits out instead to spice things up? Grin

Really struggling tonight. Not even drinking today as I don't trust myself! I get what you mean, Got. Really craving that shiny happy sparkling rushing feeling.

kineticmagnetic · 17/03/2017 20:21

I've told everyone who matters and no one gives a shit. Going to get off my face now

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 17/03/2017 20:24

Kinetic I care!! It's brilliant news, I wasn't sure if you wanted to talk about it.

I'm sure staying off the white stuff has helped in your recovery. Do you think coke affects your BPD? I'm not very knowledgeable about it at all so sorry for my ignorance!

kineticmagnetic · 17/03/2017 20:30

Staying off it helps massively but I need something now. My ex won't talk to DD and I have no one and I have cracked.

GotToGetMyFingerOut · 17/03/2017 20:31

Kinetic you know the only person you would be doing a disservice by getting off your tits is yourself? That won't make you feel any better at all, especially tomorrow when you wake up with a come down!

GotToGetMyFingerOut · 17/03/2017 20:34

Kinetic you do have someone you have your daughter and if her dads not answering and all she has is you then all the more reason not to get off your tits. Then you can get up fresh tomorrow and have a lovely day together, maybe go see beauty and the beast (it's amazing) and some lunch or dinner?

Come on you have done this for a year now, you can DO this!!

kineticmagnetic · 17/03/2017 20:38

Sorry, it's not her dad, we split up before I knew I was pregnant-he isn't involved. Was with my ex 5ish years and she loves him so much. I don't want to do anything, I just don't know how to work.

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 17/03/2017 20:39

Got's right, it will only help for such a short time and then you'll feel worse.
I know it's easy for me to say that and hard to do but try not to lose your head!
Cling onto your surfboard with me, I'm battling against it too. I'm doing the "leave it now, see how I feel in half an hour" technique.

GotToGetMyFingerOut · 17/03/2017 20:41

Men can be such wankers can't they. How long have have you been split up and is it just recently he's not speaking to her?

GotToGetMyFingerOut · 17/03/2017 20:41

Lost come on three weeks for you, two for need to lead by example 😉

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 17/03/2017 20:45

Kinetic it sounds like a shit situation for you. Please don't feel like it's your fault, you can't control how your ex behaves. The most important thing is that she has her mum.
You are there for your dd and have battled a lot to be there for her. And you have your lovely house. You're doing great Flowers and Hug.

serialtester · 17/03/2017 20:48

Been to the pub and had a right old laugh. Chips for tea. Am having a wine, listening to tunes and am going to bed soon.

Kinetic - having your meds cut is ACE do not self sabotage by getting fucked up. Trust me - I know BPD shit.

OP posts:
ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 17/03/2017 20:50

Thanks Got we're both doing good aren't we? It feels like ages though!
I can do this if I use all my distraction techniques and ride it out. There's a tiny voice saying "Fuck it, It's Friday" so that's a slight problem. Confused
Going for a fag in the garden to clear my head.

ZiggertyZaggerty · 17/03/2017 20:52

Off the board... big time. Since this afternoon. Please chuck me some arm bands or something...

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 17/03/2017 20:54

Ah the lovely straight talking Serial you call a spade a spade, no messing Grin

Mantra of the Evening: DO NOT SELF SABOTAGE.
(Courtesy of The chip eating Bishop)

serialtester · 17/03/2017 20:54

Zig, have a dry suit and snorkel!

Lost, keep surfing.

OP posts:
ZiggertyZaggerty · 17/03/2017 20:55

Switching off for fear off waffling... can I please dole out my guilt tomorrow. God I'm sooo weak. But I like it - it's such a love - hate thing...

GotToGetMyFingerOut · 17/03/2017 20:55

its done now Zig, so just embrace and enjoy it and slip your arm bands back on tomorrow.

serialtester · 17/03/2017 20:55

Keep in mind tomorrow morning. A hangover is something you can work with. Fear, loathing and feeling like fucking shit - not so much.

OP posts:
kineticmagnetic · 17/03/2017 20:56

We split about 11 months ago, he's not spoken to her for 4 months.
I really want to be good but really want some. No idea where I am on my surfboard think it's far away in the sea and I'm searching for it

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 17/03/2017 20:56

Oh Zig I'm actually seething with jealousy and I'm coming over to yours tonight. I'll bring armbands, wine and some small straws.


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serialtester · 17/03/2017 20:57

An hour, and that's what it is, of feeling ace is not worth the comedown. Everyone fill their snorkel with wine!

OP posts:
kineticmagnetic · 17/03/2017 21:01

Just messaged dealer's boss asking for tick

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 17/03/2017 21:01

Good shout. Less whining, more wining Wine

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