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Wave your snorkel in the air like you just don't care!

988 replies

serialtester · 15/03/2017 20:29


Lost, say something wise!

OP posts:
ZiggertyZaggerty · 14/04/2017 09:51

Wrong thread fail

ZiggertyZaggerty · 14/04/2017 09:51

Optional extras: Blow-up flamingos, inflatable glow sticks , Easter egg skills and flags

serialtester · 14/04/2017 09:36
OP posts:
ZiggertyZaggerty · 14/04/2017 09:33

BrewCake for you this morning Sunday - you've got lots of time to recover, better it was last night rather than Monday!
I'm impressed only one of us fell overboard, as it was a massive dannnngerr zoonnnne this weekend. This surfboard support must be working Halo
Hope it truly is a Good Friday for all x

sundaymorningbringsthedawnin · 14/04/2017 02:26

Splosh! Ah well I have nothing planned for tomorrow and three days to recover. Just read the weed thread, so much pearl clutching!!!Grin

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 13/04/2017 21:30

You'll thank yourself in the morning Hooch Halo

HoochiMama · 13/04/2017 21:23

I'm not as rock and roll as Mr Zig I'm sure! Struggling here too, last night of min break and wishing I was coming straight home to plan A rather than stopping off to see friend. How nice I am!

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 13/04/2017 21:21

God Lord, Cleaning a sawn off shot gun is a bit of a buzz kill.

ZiggertyZaggerty · 13/04/2017 21:04

Even when I know I've got nothing on me I get nervous and act over-innocent going through customs Blush the most I've ever 'smuggled' though was an extra 200 silk cut from Tenerife 20 years ago - I still feel like a rebel for that! Not as rock and roll as you Hooch!

CleaningLikeAMotherFucker · 13/04/2017 21:03

Hmmmm my dh once bought some on holiday in Mexico... from a dealer with a sawn-off shotgun Blush

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 13/04/2017 21:01

Do you want to say that again, Hooch? Grin Lucky the sniffer dog had a day off.
Don't remind me about licking bags clean. Cravings are awful today. I'm going to fry my brain in a hot bath as a distraction method. It's all go here.

HoochiMama · 13/04/2017 20:54

So good I posted it twice HmmAngry

HoochiMama · 13/04/2017 20:53

I agree, all very strange. A bit like those 'Cereal' cafes you get. Why would go out to eat Weetabix? Talking of Banged up Abroad, I once went through customs with an empty wrap in my bag, it wasn't found but I was horrified! .Still went to the toilets and licks it clean afterwards though Hmm

HoochiMama · 13/04/2017 20:53

I agree, all very strange. A bit like those 'Cereal' cafes you get. Why would go out to eat Weetabix? Talking of Banged up Abroad, I once went through customs with an empty wrap in my bag, it wasn't found but I was horrified! .Still went to the toilets and licks it clean afterwards though Hmm

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 13/04/2017 20:50

We'll incorporate some cottaging scenes for Flat Grin Dragon's Den here we come.

CleaningLikeAMotherFucker · 13/04/2017 20:48

Yy re Adult Colouring Grin

Could we design one about hot naked men as an obscure cocaine distraction method? Surely there's a Gap in the market for that?? Grin

ZiggertyZaggerty · 13/04/2017 20:46

It might make them a bit more interesting Lost!

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 13/04/2017 20:43

I always think "Adult" Colouring book sounds a bit like some graphic x rated images to colour in. The mind boggles.

HoochiMama · 13/04/2017 20:37

Just had a quick skim through the smoking weed thread, My personal favourite is BastardBernie who said yes, yes you should . Slides off to buy an adult colouring book Wink

CleaningLikeAMotherFucker · 13/04/2017 20:32

Don't waste a sad face on a judgmental cunt Lost Wink

Weirdly I really like that show Banged Up Abroad and the Australian Border Security one 😂 Nothing to Declare Confused

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 13/04/2017 20:22

Grin the dark underworld of sexy Suffolk.

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 13/04/2017 20:21

Someone said "stinky junkie" on that thread. Sad Drugs have such a massive stigma. Thank gawd for you lot.


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ZiggertyZaggerty · 13/04/2017 20:18

Ps. I like Flats style! Who knew Suffolk was such a hot bed of excitement Wink

ZiggertyZaggerty · 13/04/2017 20:17

Dusty, other suggestions are adult colouring books! Maybe we should swap surfboards for crayons HmmWink

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 13/04/2017 20:08

Yes, Zig I think it was actual cottaging. Wink Flat has a dark mysterious life. She caught crabs last time I believe. He he.

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