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Wave your snorkel in the air like you just don't care!

988 replies

serialtester · 15/03/2017 20:29


Lost, say something wise!

OP posts:
kineticmagnetic · 17/03/2017 21:31

I'm so ducked up from the ex that I need this. It will just be once.

ZiggertyZaggerty · 17/03/2017 21:32

Cancel Kinetic. Get some wine... it'll be much better and feel much better. DO IT!!!!

ZiggertyZaggerty · 17/03/2017 21:33

Ex doesn't deserve you fucking up a years hard work... you are WOMAN!

Inarightpickleandchutney · 17/03/2017 21:35

Quick text kinetic:
Really sorry need to cancel, family emergency.

He probably won't be arsed, was tick anyway so not like cash in hand

We are all behind you x

GotToGetMyFingerOut · 17/03/2017 21:36

Kinetic, one year you have done this for?! You said not being on it makes you feel better and has likely helped get your meds halfed by the psychiatrist, do you not feel proud that you have achieved that? Do you want to allow yourself to do this one night and then end up on a slippery slope and end up back where you were? I know im being harsh but come on you have done a YEAR already.

We Would all love to be a year down the line like you are, that's what we are all aiming for and you have been strong enough and got there!!!. Please please text and back out! Don't throw it all away!

Inarightpickleandchutney · 17/03/2017 21:36

It honestly isn't as big a deal as it is in your head.

He won't be pissed, he'll just be relieved he doesn't have to make two trips one for drop and one for cash

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 17/03/2017 21:36

Zig try to take a minute if the buzz is stressing you out. Slow your breathing down by forcing yourself to take 10 deep breaths slowly in and out, counting each breath. That will slow your heart rate.
(an old tip from my druggie days Blush) ..and stay away from FB Grin

See, Kinetic it's not as good as you remember!

kineticmagnetic · 17/03/2017 21:36

Tried to call, no answer

ZiggertyZaggerty · 17/03/2017 21:36

Listen to Pickle...

kineticmagnetic · 17/03/2017 21:37

Keeping calling

kineticmagnetic · 17/03/2017 21:37

Know they don't do texts

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 17/03/2017 21:38

Don't answer the door maybe? How big is this big boss?

GotToGetMyFingerOut · 17/03/2017 21:39

Good girl you don't need it! You are strong and independent and you are showing your daughter a great example of how to be an amazing woman! You can have a lovely weekend together!

kineticmagnetic · 17/03/2017 21:39

They know me and my address, no ignoring, I know them socially as well as as dealers

kineticmagnetic · 17/03/2017 21:40

I've arranged and ordered, they will deliver now

GotToGetMyFingerOut · 17/03/2017 21:41

Well they will understand you cancelling then and will know how long you have been off it.

Inarightpickleandchutney · 17/03/2017 21:42

Hit redial and be annoying.

Just make out you've had no notice yourself, completely unavoidable family emergency, kid being sick, gutted no partying for you, send a text as well even if no reply.

Not as bad as you think my lovely

ZiggertyZaggerty · 17/03/2017 21:43

If coke was so good I'd be enjoying myself with oh (and ds - but don't really feel happy enjoying time with ds whilst wired) in fact I'd never admit to doing it whilst ds was awake to anyone else but you guys. Yet I'm here talking to you lot. I really wish I'd just be merrily pissed. Kinetic x

Inarightpickleandchutney · 17/03/2017 21:43

Send a text in any case.

Even if no reply.

Honestly it's fine, you can completely cancel with no ill effects

kineticmagnetic · 17/03/2017 21:43

Socially, not friendly, they are still dealers and want me to buy drugs.

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 17/03/2017 21:49

Kinetic try not to panic, just think it through clearly. Pickle has made some good suggestions x

Hug for ((Zig)) I get that about being wired around your dc, it's wrapped up with all sorts of guilt and stuff. I understand it.

GotToGetMyFingerOut · 17/03/2017 21:56

I'm away to watch a film. Kinetic if you do take it tonight just be wary as your tolerance will be way, way down. Much smaller lined and more spaced out than you use to so you don't risk overdosing.


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Inarightpickleandchutney · 17/03/2017 21:58

Lots of love kinetic and zig, I'm in full pyjamarating mode but often wake up in middle of the night so I may be available for ranting purposes x

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 17/03/2017 22:07

Well done those pyjamarites still surfing Star
All this drama has kept me occupied in any case Confused
Love you lot, faulty switches and all x

ZiggertyZaggerty · 17/03/2017 22:08

Got - yes good thinking about Kinetics tolerance . Please take it easy Kinetic. Thanks for your understanding other surfers x

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