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Wave your snorkel in the air like you just don't care!

988 replies

serialtester · 15/03/2017 20:29


Lost, say something wise!

OP posts:
serialtester · 16/03/2017 21:16

Having a chilled evening here. Pyjamas on. I'm an addict and I can't help it!

OP posts:
CitrusSun · 16/03/2017 21:28

(Sidles into room along the back wall, hoping nobody notices, sits quietly)

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 16/03/2017 21:40

I abstained until half nine and then gave in..and put my pyjamas on Grin. My names Lost and I am actually addicted to baths.

Citrus hope you've been keeping yourself away from light bulb fittings Wink

Inarightpickleandchutney · 16/03/2017 21:53

Lost that's fucking brilliant!
Go you!

I myself adhered to the strict code
Conduct and bubble bath and pyjamarated at 8.30 sharp.

Then got into bed and drank a bottle of wine while watching shit telly.

To make matters worse I chewed
My nails too.. Lost, please don't sack me off this board?!! Grin

Inarightpickleandchutney · 16/03/2017 22:03

Oh god see now I need to go to sleep but have gotten myself super drunk super quick and that cannot be a good thing.......

I apologise now if I witter some shambolic nightmare, but my head is very spinny.....

What the fuck is wrong with me?! I just do not have an off switch.

Not even. A small one... A switchette...

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 16/03/2017 22:16

Thanks, Pickle I feel like I might make it to a month clean. Something I haven't managed in a long time so just keeping my eye on that for now. Hmm

Meh, you chewed your nails! At least you didn't smoke a packet of fags..
I think the wine can be viewed as medicinal (your sore throat).

It's going to be turbulent waters in The Danger Zone tomorrow, but for now, sleep soundly surfers....

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 16/03/2017 22:22

Don't start on the negative stuff Pickle, you'll spin out after the wine!

You are smart, witty and have overcome enormous hurdles to get where you are today. Get yourself back on a happy trip, you're going to be alright Smile Fuck the self analysis tonight and think about lovely sunny fields and lambs.

Inarightpickleandchutney · 16/03/2017 22:23

Night all, thanks for the plus side lost.

Every week without fail I hear the top gun song.

I went to the daaaaaaaaanger zone.... The danger zone....

Inarightpickleandchutney · 16/03/2017 22:26

I am congratulating myself on the pyjamarate this evening...
I've gone for a fleece two piece with full long trousers, the back is emblazoned with a rhinestone 'danger zone'

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 16/03/2017 22:33

Danger zone pyjamas in the style of Elvis are deeply cool. Wink

Inarightpickleandchutney · 16/03/2017 22:42

In the style of mean girls... I know right?!

Not many people can rock such a look in the confines of ones own bedroom.

Omg I am drunk..
Thank fuck for predicting text

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 16/03/2017 22:50

Just keep a grip of your balls, they are the party animal's alternative to an off switch.
Sweet dreams, Pickle

CitrusSun · 16/03/2017 23:00

Ha Lost, the light bulb fittings have looked tempting, but alas the damn stuff was much less well hidden over past few days, where the fuck did I leave my surfboard?

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 17/03/2017 08:08

Oh dear Citrus I think your surfboard got swept away and eaten by a shark. I have a shiny new one for you here so hop on when you can!
What are you struggling with most? This surfing thing is not as easy as it looks eh?

Hope your head's alright today, Pickle.
Star Let's help each other keep our boards steady today...... it's Friday!! (Play the music, Pickle).Star

INeedAWittyNameChange · 17/03/2017 19:25

How is everyone this evening?

Inarightpickleandchutney · 17/03/2017 19:25

I weeeeent to the daaaaaaaaanger zone, I I I I went tooooo the danger zone!!!!

I am eating curry and debating a wine, I had loads last night.


Bathercise and pyjamarate will follow, natch!

kineticmagnetic · 17/03/2017 19:36

Stay away from the curry!!!!!

I'm celebrating my psychiatrist agreeing to cut my meds in half with a beer and a pizza (and starting watching house again from the start).

Godspeed tonight surfers x

Inarightpickleandchutney · 17/03/2017 19:39

Kinetic the curry has already happened, just not sure if I fancy a wine.

Might have a small one to see.... Slippery slope!!

Hope everyone having a good surf tonight

CitrusSun · 17/03/2017 19:39

Hey Lost, I just don't seem to have any brakes, never have had and it's a worrying trait, don't seem to have the stop mechanism that most folks seem equipped with, ho hum, will cling onto board and smile knowingly at other surfers

Inarightpickleandchutney · 17/03/2017 19:39

Yeah citrus I'm fairly sure I was built without an off switch!

Faulty model, me Grin

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 17/03/2017 19:44

Hi Witty nice to hear from you Smile and Pickle enjoy your curry (hope it's not one of your triggers? Confused)

Danger Zone is whipping up a storm here. My dad dropped a surprise visit on me this evening with his new wife. Was v awkward and difficult although she was pleasant. I'm fucking tired, aching and I've had enough of making polite conversation!! Show me the drugs.

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 17/03/2017 19:56

Citrus A lot of us here can't do moderation very well. I wish I could Blush You're not alone and there are a few techniques you can use if your off switch is faulty! It's hard I know x


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Inarightpickleandchutney · 17/03/2017 20:12

Nah, curry doesn't trigger me, generally alcohol but seems ok now I've had half a glass!

GotToGetMyFingerOut · 17/03/2017 20:16

Hi all! I'm not struggling with cravings tonight, it's just the total boredom of not drinking/taking anything. It's just so boringgggg not being out your tits 😂

kineticmagnetic · 17/03/2017 20:17

As no one is bothered about my meds I'm going to get on it now. Have a great time all

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