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Wave your snorkel in the air like you just don't care!

988 replies

serialtester · 15/03/2017 20:29


Lost, say something wise!

OP posts:
ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 15/03/2017 21:58

Please consider visiting our rehab, "Pyjamarating to freedom"

Replace your vices with a bath addiction and comfortable bed wear.
(Turning up in a sexy negligee nightie may hinder your recovery, we're not that kind of clinic I'm afraid).

LanaKanesLeftNippleTassle · 15/03/2017 22:13

ILost party animal is about right....all my family are like it, fuck knows how to move past it though!

I will start a list:

Armbands in case of overboard
Bath bombs


Thanks for letting me join, this is the support I need to kick it.

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 15/03/2017 22:24

Plenty of us on here that have a co-conspirator (partner in crime) Sad
Have a surfboard and get practicing as we float closer to The Danger Zoooone..
(a ridiculously dramatic term for The Weekend)

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 15/03/2017 22:38

Absurdly tired tonight so diving into my lovely bed in a very un party animal like way.

Hope you're ok, kinetic. I'll be back tomorrow with coffee or armbands x

DustyDuck · 15/03/2017 22:39

Can't watch so posting to not lose the new thread. Welcome Lana! What kind of cakeBlush

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 15/03/2017 22:44

Glad you found us Dusty.

flatwhite45 · 15/03/2017 23:39

Lost the Tony Robbins book is called awaken the giant within bit wanky I know. Not saying it's the answer but he is worth a read, all about taking control of your destiny.

Hoping kinetic is ok.....sleep well all

kineticmagnetic · 16/03/2017 07:19

I stayed in bed and ate cottage pie x

Inarightpickleandchutney · 16/03/2017 07:22

'Finding inner peace and tranquility.... One bath at a time'

Kinetic well done you!!!!

Today I will be mainly gargling salt water as I have a sore throat this morning.
I may or may not have slept with my mouth open like some kind of drooling warthog.

kineticmagnetic · 16/03/2017 07:48

I'm posting it through a friend's door this morning, need it gone!

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 16/03/2017 08:00

That made me laugh, pickle. Sorry about your sore throat Sad. I've had some success with Strepsils in the past. (?)
I'll take your throat and raise you a weirdly stiff neck! I'm going to work reeking of eau de deep heat.

Really pleased about your cottage pie update, Kinetic Grin.

Thanks for the book recommendation, flat. Robbins is definitely into changing your thought patterns and mindset which I think is 90% of the battle with the white stuff. What do you think about hypnosis? Would it work do you think or am I clutching at straws? Confused

Flowers Sending good vibes to all surfers today.

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 16/03/2017 08:04

It just messes with your head, Kinetic when you have it there. It'll be a relief to have it gone.
Don't post it through Dave's door though Wink.

kineticmagnetic · 16/03/2017 08:12

It is gone!!! The relief is huge Grin

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 16/03/2017 08:16

Star Star I'm doing a little dance of triumph for you. You passed the Ultimate Test! Star Star

serialtester · 16/03/2017 11:35

Well done kinetic!

OP posts:
ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 16/03/2017 18:17

Good tidings ye surfers Smile Hope everyone's busy surfing with attitude tonight.

Having a small medicinal wine this evening. Cravings are middling/average tonight so quite confident on my board today. [annoying smug face]

I'll be almost 3 weeks surfing this weekend. Go me.

CleaningLikeAMotherFucker · 16/03/2017 18:33

I need to polish my snorkel before I can even consider waving it around like I don't care. Hang on Grin

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 16/03/2017 18:39

The professional Cleaner is back! So pleased Smile
We'd assumed you'd taken a small coach to Columbia without us and married into the Mafia.
Hope life is being kind to you x

flatwhite45 · 16/03/2017 18:50

Go you indeed lost!!! That's amazing!!!FlowersStarWine

Good to have you back the board cleaning, how you been??

CleaningLikeAMotherFucker · 16/03/2017 18:50

Ok I can wave it now, all clean lol! Is it really bad that I'm imagining snorting a line through it before cleaning it then waving it Confused

Life has been pretty shit tbh and I had a three day bender last Thursday to Saturday (I'm definitely not pg) but haven't touched anything since so I'm on day 5. Ds was with a cousin of dh's and cunty director was living up to his name big time but that's no excuse...

However, I had an interview two days ago and got called back to go in next week. I can feel a fresh start on the horizon.

Thank fucking God for that

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 16/03/2017 19:08

Snorting through a snorkel? Good Lord sounds amazing Grin

Sounds like you fell overboard with a big old splash, Cleaning. I understand your mindset; not pregnant (I'm ok to abuse my body) ds away (let's party) and having a crap time at work (fuck this I need an escape)..I would undoubtedly have cracked if my planets had aligned in that sequence.

Massive well done with your interview, I have everything crossed and welcome back to the surfboard. Halo

CleaningLikeAMotherFucker · 16/03/2017 19:23

Thanks, I'm really excited about the job. According to the agency I'm their first choice but maybe they say that to everyone Smile

It's quite a specialist role in a field that I used to work in for 5 years and I'd be interested in getting back into (especially as the role is not in the city centre and avoids any kind of temptations after work.) Grin


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ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 16/03/2017 19:35

First choice sounds pretty promising. I'm really glad you're feeling more postive. It's just a shame you'll be working in a field Wink

Last time you were on, you were really down and fed up, not even cleaning Shock

CleaningLikeAMotherFucker · 16/03/2017 19:44

Oooh imagine... a field of coca leaf What the fuck is wrong with me lol.

The house is gleaming, I've got actual colour in my cheeks and I cannot wait to tell that cunty director to kiss my ass. (To be pronounced with sass ie Ass not arse) 😂

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 16/03/2017 20:05

We're all coming to your leaving do, just to see his face Grin

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