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Wave your snorkel in the air like you just don't care!

988 replies

serialtester · 15/03/2017 20:29


Lost, say something wise!

OP posts:
flatwhite45 · 13/04/2017 12:42

Hi cleaning!!! Thank you for the wave! You are doing great!! Am super jealous of your hot sun holiday. We only made it to Suffolk again. Was gorgeous all the same x

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 13/04/2017 18:07

Ah there's a lot to be said for being strong willed and aiming big Cleaning! My mum has a knack of making me feel like I'm a bit of a disappointment Grin ..mums eh?

Glad you had a good break cottaging in Suffolk, Flat Smile

Dh home so we're celebrating the start of Easter weekend with some Fosters. Hope all surfers have some surftastic plans for the next few days x

flatwhite45 · 13/04/2017 18:27

Lost you are fucking ace! Can't believe how you remember everyone's little nuances. Enjoy Easter....

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 13/04/2017 18:40

I'll always remember your first plans to try for a clean weekend in your Suffolk cottage Flat in the middle of winter. I was really concerned you and Mr. Flat would be pacing around in 3 jumpers trying to light the fire like Withnail and I Grin
You've come really far since then. We're all behind you!
I'm still trying to get to 30 days too. I've had lots of false starts. Blush

DustyDuck · 13/04/2017 19:17

Cleaning I keep wondering, if you're in Italy, how you would go about getting hold of the necessary? Don't want to trigger but surely you haven't brought your own?

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 13/04/2017 19:43

I suppose that's the beauty of being away, Dusty. That sounds like my kind of rehab; Italian scenery, sun, a posh hotel and loads of Grappa Grin
Really clucking for a few lines here but keeping strong so far. Aaarghh. Lager not really hitting the spot.

DustyDuck · 13/04/2017 19:47

Yes me too lost but working tomorrow and that's a default no for me. Cooking up a massive curry for when/if MrD and friend return from pub...

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 13/04/2017 19:48

Putting a shout out for lovely Serial!! We're on the last page of our thread if you can do your clever linking thing to a new one? oh dear, it might be in French Tres likely Mon amie.

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 13/04/2017 19:50

Good darts Dusty Enjoy your curry Smile

DustyDuck · 13/04/2017 19:55

We could jump on this one for a laugh
Someone threatening to report it Hmm

CleaningLikeAMotherFucker · 13/04/2017 19:57

Oh God I'm not a traffickerShock No idea how I would get some here which is why I'm scared to go home Sad

The cig cravings are more frequent tbh

ZiggertyZaggerty · 13/04/2017 20:00

Lost, did you actually mean Flat has been 'cottaging' in Suffolk??!! Grin

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 13/04/2017 20:05

Oh dear Dusty someone suggested doing arts and crafts instead. I shouldn't laugh but Grin
Cleaning I don't want to see you on Banged Up Abroad. You'll be alright at home, you have surfed your triggers before, you can do it again.
Years ago, dh and I bought a bit of puff off a barman in Cyprus and we got royally ripped off. It was just some random dried leaves.

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 13/04/2017 20:08

Yes, Zig I think it was actual cottaging. Wink Flat has a dark mysterious life. She caught crabs last time I believe. He he.

ZiggertyZaggerty · 13/04/2017 20:17

Dusty, other suggestions are adult colouring books! Maybe we should swap surfboards for crayons HmmWink

ZiggertyZaggerty · 13/04/2017 20:18

Ps. I like Flats style! Who knew Suffolk was such a hot bed of excitement Wink

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 13/04/2017 20:21

Someone said "stinky junkie" on that thread. Sad Drugs have such a massive stigma. Thank gawd for you lot.

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 13/04/2017 20:22

Grin the dark underworld of sexy Suffolk.

CleaningLikeAMotherFucker · 13/04/2017 20:32

Don't waste a sad face on a judgmental cunt Lost Wink

Weirdly I really like that show Banged Up Abroad and the Australian Border Security one 😂 Nothing to Declare Confused

HoochiMama · 13/04/2017 20:37

Just had a quick skim through the smoking weed thread, My personal favourite is BastardBernie who said yes, yes you should . Slides off to buy an adult colouring book Wink

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 13/04/2017 20:43

I always think "Adult" Colouring book sounds a bit like some graphic x rated images to colour in. The mind boggles.

ZiggertyZaggerty · 13/04/2017 20:46

It might make them a bit more interesting Lost!


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CleaningLikeAMotherFucker · 13/04/2017 20:48

Yy re Adult Colouring Grin

Could we design one about hot naked men as an obscure cocaine distraction method? Surely there's a Gap in the market for that?? Grin

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 13/04/2017 20:50

We'll incorporate some cottaging scenes for Flat Grin Dragon's Den here we come.

HoochiMama · 13/04/2017 20:53

I agree, all very strange. A bit like those 'Cereal' cafes you get. Why would go out to eat Weetabix? Talking of Banged up Abroad, I once went through customs with an empty wrap in my bag, it wasn't found but I was horrified! .Still went to the toilets and licks it clean afterwards though Hmm

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