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What age is Seasalt aimed at?

554 replies

ChampagneWorries · 08/10/2021 21:11

I went shopping for a coat today and the lady is my local boutique was trying to convince me that most school mums wear Seasalt coats and Seasalt is great for my needs (warm, stylish, waterproof).

She seemed abit put out when I mentioned I felt Seasalt were too old for me and I felt their target market is late 40s plus.

What age would you say Seasalt is aimed at?

OP posts:
NiceGerbil · 09/10/2021 00:28

Both those brands seem to keep you warm but not overheated, sweaty.

I'm a. radiator so that's important for me anyway!

firsttimeTTC2021 · 09/10/2021 00:29


I went shopping for a coat today and the lady is my local boutique was trying to convince me that most school mums wear Seasalt coats and Seasalt is great for my needs (warm, stylish, waterproof).

She seemed abit put out when I mentioned I felt Seasalt were too old for me and I felt their target market is late 40s plus.

What age would you say Seasalt is aimed at?

I bought a seasalt coat last winter and I love it!! It's so warm. Perfect for hikes. I'm
30 btw :-)
foxgoosefinch · 09/10/2021 00:31


Lol. Reminds me of the salesperson in Hotter Shoes telling me their target market was 30s. A glance around the store suggested they were missing the target by 50 years.

Lol don’t remind me, my mum LOVES a Hotter shoe and the other day I caught myself staring at a Facebook ad for them and thinking “oooh - those look comfy…”

It comes to us all 😂
AnnieSnap · 09/10/2021 00:32

Like all brands, it’s about your style, not your age. I’m 62 and find most Seasalt stuff doesn’t have any edginess - a bit tame and as a PP said most of the colours are too muted (for me). That said, their coats are fabulous (grey haired model or not 😳), as are their scarves, hats and some knitwear.

Just know your own style/taste and select items from various brands accordingly.

thatonesmine · 09/10/2021 00:32

65 and on my second Seasalt coat, I've just bought the Plant Hunter one but haven't worn it yet, it hasn't been cold enough. My previous one ( not sure what model it was) lasted several years and was a godsend in the snow sleet and rain.

BlueCherryBlossom · 09/10/2021 00:34

I have lots of lovely flattering Seasalt dresses. My favourite work dress is a Seasalt one purchased last year, and I get asked where I bought it regularly.

I think as a brand they've got a bit 'older' recently though. Not found anything I want to buy since last autumn.

I'm early 40s.

WaterScarf · 09/10/2021 00:39

I should probably add that I'm early 50's and the older model made me feel old and that's what put me off buying the coat.

So probably not the coat or the model but me getting older, that was the issue.

RobinPenguins · 09/10/2021 00:39

I wouldn’t (mid 30s). My mum wears a lot of Seasalt, she’s nearly 70. I feel like coats are a bit different though…and anyway, I have some Hotter boots which I adore so what the hell do I know.

PanicStationsAhh · 09/10/2021 00:40

For the waterproof coats 30+, as let's face it, being dry on the school run is crucial. For the clothes maybe 50s/6ps plus? My mil in her 70s shops there

Hathertonhariden · 09/10/2021 00:46

If you're in your 40s but find Seasalt geriatric, where do you shop?

Snugglepumpkin · 09/10/2021 00:47

If you won't shop anywhere that old people might shop then you are going to get very cold going around naked.

I know old people who wear every high end designer, or every high street clothes store & not a single one of those stores asks for a birth cert at the till.

They are just clothes.
If you don't like them, move on.
If you do, does it really matter what age other people in the shop are?

If you are the only one in your age group wearing something, it means you'll never have to worry about turning up wearing the same thing as your friends.

foxgoosefinch · 09/10/2021 00:52


If you're in your 40s but find Seasalt geriatric, where do you shop?

I don’t know! I haven’t been able to find nice things for 35-45 year old women for a while. I go out with credit card in hand to all the shops I shopped in in my early 30s (LK Bennett, Jigsaw, Hobbs, Whistles), and nothing. I’m desperate to give them my money and it’s all awful! Frumpy nightmare stuff in synthetic fabrics and horrible colours everywhere.

I end up normally buying school run mum type things in Hush, but honestly there is so little for this age range I think, and you have to have the right figure to wear more avant-garde stuff.
Keladrythesaviour · 09/10/2021 00:55

I love seasalt and I'm early 30s ...

TheCategoryIs · 09/10/2021 00:58

Probably more to do with your style than your age but I’d say over 50, my 75 year old mother carries their stuff off well

SRS29 · 09/10/2021 01:14

I'd say about 90?

IglesiasPiggl · 09/10/2021 03:17


White Stuff, Fat Face, Hush and Next are also for old people. Or people who aren't interested in clothes or fashion.

Where do you shop, pray tell? I would love to know what shops are for "people interested in fashion".
NiceGerbil · 09/10/2021 03:23

Ooh yes. That comment needs to be backed up for sure Grin

GuidingSpirit · 09/10/2021 03:25

Im mid thirties - i have a plant hunter coat, which is a godsend, a couple of dresses and a couple of big warm jumpers from there. Like lots of places, a lot of it isn't for me but every year they seem to have one dress that I love and inevitably makes it into my wardrobe. I also really liked their maternity tunics and bretons when i pregnant.

GuidingSpirit · 09/10/2021 03:27

I should add they are slso one of the few places that does a full tall range which is why i started looking there in the first place.

H&M and Next are far too full of synthetic fibres for my taste.

gofg · 09/10/2021 03:50

Surely that depends very much on the mother?! Being older doesn't mean being somehow unable to be well dressed or fashionable.

This. Honestly, why do people care about this stuff? Some people in their teens are old fashioned, some are trendy in their eighties - why can't people just wear what they like and stop worrying about what someone else might think (and stop judging others on their clothes).

gofg · 09/10/2021 03:55

White Stuff, Fat Face, Hush and Next are also for old people. Or people who aren't interested in clothes or fashion.

Where do you shop, pray tell? I would love to know what shops are for "people interested in fashion".

I've heard it all now, fancy there being shops especially for people who aren't interested in clothes or fashion - who knew? I too am agog to know what shops are for "people interested in fashion".

fantasmasgoria1 · 09/10/2021 04:00

I believe that you should wear whatever you like regardless of your age. However I think seasalt stuff is way too frumpy.


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garlictwist · 09/10/2021 04:36

I've never heard of seasalt. I just googled it and it looks like something my mum in her seventies would wear.

whiteroseredrose · 09/10/2021 05:08

Ha ha. Lots of my tops are from Seasalt.

Whoever said it's for people who aren't interested in fashion are spot on in my case.

I don't give a shit about clothes. I loved my jobs where I wore a uniform and hated having to get work clothes for my current (office) job.

I started off with 3 pairs of black trousers and 6 black T shirts. I've since added Seasalt tops for variety because the fabrics are quite nice.

Definitely suits fashion-uninterested 50s me!

For really dowdy stuff try River Island and H&M. Went there with DD last week. Loads of dull brown and synthetic 1970s throwbacks. Horrendous.

MimosaFields · 09/10/2021 05:43

I'm 51 and I find Seasalt clothes make me look older. It's the cut as much as the colours. Everything looks too dull a colour and slightly frumpy

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