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What age is Seasalt aimed at?

554 replies

ChampagneWorries · 08/10/2021 21:11

I went shopping for a coat today and the lady is my local boutique was trying to convince me that most school mums wear Seasalt coats and Seasalt is great for my needs (warm, stylish, waterproof).

She seemed abit put out when I mentioned I felt Seasalt were too old for me and I felt their target market is late 40s plus.

What age would you say Seasalt is aimed at?

OP posts:
RampantIvy · 08/10/2021 23:07

Some of the comments on here are Hmm

pictish · 08/10/2021 23:08


Seasalt used to have a younger funkier vibe. I loved the first things I bought from them in 1997- vibrant colours.

I agree. They have slid into middle aged murk over time. I’m sure they used to be more quirky and bold.
Annietheacrobat · 08/10/2021 23:09

74 - my mother's age. It's like an older version of White Stuff/Fat face.

Enough4me · 08/10/2021 23:10

Seasalt and Boden are OK, but I prefer White Stuff, FatFace, Hush, H&M and Next as think these are generally more youthful and fitted. I am size 10-12 and very short though! (& mid 40s).

Geamhradh · 08/10/2021 23:13


I genuinely don’t understand the association between age and clothes

There's only a connection for people who think they might catch "the old" from wearing a coat.
Makes you wonder what they think about actual elderly people doesn't it?
RaoulDufysCat · 08/10/2021 23:13

White Stuff, Fat Face, Hush and Next are also for old people. Or people who aren't interested in clothes or fashion.

Geamhradh · 08/10/2021 23:14


Some of the comments on here are Hmm

As HQ are pretty good about deleting -isms (disablism, racism, ageism) I've reported some of the worst ones.
MoltonSilver · 08/10/2021 23:16

I don't think it's aimed at an age, its aimed at a particular style.

SirChenjins · 08/10/2021 23:17

I’m in my early 50s and feel like I’ve found my tribe in there.

Enough4me · 08/10/2021 23:17

@RaoulDufysCat are you 20?
In which case, I'm more than double your age so you are free to call me old 🤣

RampantIvy · 08/10/2021 23:19


White Stuff, Fat Face, Hush and Next are also for old people. Or people who aren't interested in clothes or fashion.

Shouldn't you be doing your homework instead of making nasty ageist remarks?
RampantIvy · 08/10/2021 23:23

I must admit that I do find a lot of the colours, especially at this time of year, rather dull.

Being a jewel winter I suit brighter, clearer colours. I have often seen clothes at Seasalt in a style I like, but in a really dull, ditchwater colours. I find this happens in many other shops where I find a style that suits, but in colours that don't.

MissDollyMix · 08/10/2021 23:24

Ah I had a Seasalt coat that was amazing! So warm and waterproof and perfect for the school run. I wasn’t convinced about it from a style pov but I was sold by the warm/waterproof. Funnily enough I had absolutely tonnes of compliments about that coat. It’s fallen apart now and I’ve bought a near identical replacement (Dunbar coat from Boden if you’re interested..) I’m in my mid thirties (was younger when I bought the Seasalt coat, it lasted a good while) That said, my mum who is 75 loves Seasalt but she doesn’t dress like a typical older lady so I don’t know what age range they’re aimed at really. I guess it depends on how you style something.

Peggytheredhen · 08/10/2021 23:30

I bought a Seasalt coat when I was fed up of doing school runs in pouring rain and getting soaking wet. I imagine the same applies to dogwalkers. So, for me they are aimed at women who have either have kids or a dog.

Redsquirrel5 · 08/10/2021 23:33

When we were in Cornwall a couple of years ago we went into the first shop. I needed a coat we came out with one for me and one for DD. Different ones she had orange and I had a multi coloured one. DD was in her twenties and I was in my early sixties!
Why do they have to be for a certain age? I’m sitting here in jeans and a dandelion Seasalt top! If you like it buy it if you don’t trot on.😄

FuckYouCorona · 08/10/2021 23:51

I'd never heard of them until I read this thread. Took a look on their website & they look a bit grannyish to me tbh & I'm late 40's.

WTF475878237NC · 09/10/2021 00:02

I live in a village and there are lots of ladies 50s+ in it.

Beaconoflight · 09/10/2021 00:10

I’m 40 + and I have a seasalt jacket and saw few 70 + women with the exact same jacket as me.

tillyandmilly · 09/10/2021 00:15

I think seasalt appeals to upper middle class ladies - i would say - 30’s upwards - slightly more arty type people I would say! Certainly not chavvy wear!

StrychnineInTheSandwiches · 09/10/2021 00:15

They probably have quite a defined image of the quintessential Seasalt customer. White middle class suburban woman between the age of 47 - 67. Something like that.

I find their clothes a but blah but I'm sure there is the odd gem. Most shops offer up some bounty from time to time even if the general aesthetic doesn't set you alight.

MrsPelligrinoPetrichor · 09/10/2021 00:17

I was going to buy one the other day but was put off by the elderly grey haired model wearing it

Seriously? Confused

Autumnleaves4 · 09/10/2021 00:19



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NiceGerbil · 09/10/2021 00:24

I can't imagine liking them no matter what age!

In general though I buy things I like and suit me irrespective of their target.

Your age is probably guessed at more by your face surely? Rather than anyone thinking. Hmmm that coat is obviously a style and colour that is totally inappropriate for what I guess the wearer's age to be!

And I mean if you're 20 and look like a model. And you've got that coat with funky clothes or whatever. That's no problem for anyone surely Grin

NiceGerbil · 09/10/2021 00:27

Oh oops!

She wanted to make a sale is all. I mean you hear all sorts of nonsense about what would look great etc!

I'd have just said sorry I just don't like it. End.

For warm, well made, light coats I've found phase 8 good. Not seen this year and may not be your style but maybe will help!

Barbour also have nice stuff.

foxgoosefinch · 09/10/2021 00:27


Seasalt used to have a younger funkier vibe. I loved the first things I bought from them in 1997- vibrant colours.

Yes, I think until recently they were aiming at a similar market age to Boden and Joules but with a more nature-oriented vibe, so 35-50. I had some of their stuff about five years ago. I have noticed they’ve switched up their target age range - my mum (69) recently bought some stuff from them, so I think they’re now targeting 50-70. To be fair, that age range probably has the most disposable income!

I haven’t been able to find anything I’ve liked there for a while now.
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