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What age is Seasalt aimed at?

554 replies

ChampagneWorries · 08/10/2021 21:11

I went shopping for a coat today and the lady is my local boutique was trying to convince me that most school mums wear Seasalt coats and Seasalt is great for my needs (warm, stylish, waterproof).

She seemed abit put out when I mentioned I felt Seasalt were too old for me and I felt their target market is late 40s plus.

What age would you say Seasalt is aimed at?

OP posts:
godmum56 · 08/10/2021 22:42

do people REALLY care about target age if they like something?

Taswama · 08/10/2021 22:43

I'm on my second seasalt coat, the first one was thanks to a recommendation on here.
But I've never bought anything else from them, I don't like their dresses at all, too long for me.

WaterScarf · 08/10/2021 22:45

The point for me is that I went right off it not unlike the PP who saw someone's granny wearing it.

The love for it disappears in an instant.

BigFatLiar · 08/10/2021 22:45

If you like it does it matter what age its aimed at?

Carboncheque · 08/10/2021 22:45

I have had a few coats from there for dog walking. I’ve bought them since I was in my mid 30s. I’m in my early 40s now. I’ve never considered them stylish in any way but they’re waterproof and comfortable which is what matters.

RampantIvy · 08/10/2021 22:46


Did you like the coat? If you did then why does it matter who their target audience is? If you didn't, would it have made you like it more if it was aimed at your exact age group?

If you like something, buy it.

Exactly this ^^

I have recently found a few Seasalt items of clothing that I like, but I'm not going to tell you how old I am Grin
WaterScarf · 08/10/2021 22:47

I honestly have never thought about a target age before when buying clothes ever but that photo put me off buying that coat a couple of days ago. It's a fact that I've decided to share that's all.

ChampagneWorries · 08/10/2021 22:47

I didn’t like it that’s my point! It looked frumpy on the hanger and on me!

The woman was trying to convince me that Seasalt is all the rage and they weren’t frumpy that’s why I asked on here about their target age.

OP posts:
pictish · 08/10/2021 22:48

30+ I’d say. I buy Seasalt bretons to wear to work and like their bamboo socks too. I also have a loose linen smock dress from there for weekend schlepping. Never quite wanted a coat, they’ve got no particular style appeal.

capercaillie · 08/10/2021 22:48

I think it’s 50-70. I have the same t-shirt as my mother. Can’t wear it in public now. Only ever buy plain things that less obviously sea salt. Who wants to dress the same as their mother!

dinosaurtin · 08/10/2021 22:51

If it doesn’t suit you then don’t worry about it, there are loads of coats out there. I like my Seasalt coat, I have a mid season one rather then winter. In my family a lot do is wear their coats and clothes. We are aged mid 30s to mid 70s. I often see much older people then me wearing my coat which does

dinosaurtin · 08/10/2021 22:51

*make me chuckle at myself.

AssassinatedBeauty · 08/10/2021 22:52


I think it’s 50-70. I have the same t-shirt as my mother. Can’t wear it in public now. Only ever buy plain things that less obviously sea salt. Who wants to dress the same as their mother!

Surely that depends very much on the mother?! Being older doesn't mean being somehow unable to be well dressed or fashionable.
Everythinghasturnedtoshit · 08/10/2021 22:53

I think it's aimed at middle aged plus, middle class plus people.

That doesn't mean people outside of this democraphic can't like it or wear it.

It just means that when they do their market research, this is their target market for marketing purposes

Geamhradh · 08/10/2021 22:55


I was going to buy one the other day but was put off by the elderly grey haired model wearing it.

So I've decided to stick with what I've got

Good old ageism alive and well.
ChinstrapBobblehat · 08/10/2021 22:56

Depends entirely on how you look and feel in it, surely?
I’m in my mid fifties and I’d never shop in Seasalt because it’s just not me - I walk past their shop fronts without even noticing so there’s clearly no appeal, but obviously one person’s ‘sensible and bland’ is someone else’s ‘cosy and practical’.
I really wouldn’t get hung up on what you think the brand itself represents, or who else might be wearing it, because that’s irrelevant - if the coat makes you look good and feel happy then buy and wear it; if it makes you feel sad and frumpy, then it’s probably not for you!

Pinkstegosaurus · 08/10/2021 22:57

I bought a sea salt dress when I was about 28, love the fabric and fit and most importantly it has POCKETS!! Also love their socks.

Geamhradh · 08/10/2021 22:59

The Seasalt Janelle coat is undoubtedly the most recommended coat on MN over about the last decade, and I doubt most MNers are "50-70"

NigellaSeed · 08/10/2021 22:59

32 and I have a few seasalt bits and pieces. But I also have a joules coat that everyone's posh nan has, so Hmm

BristolBaker · 08/10/2021 23:00

I genuinely don’t understand the association between age and clothes

RaoulDufysCat · 08/10/2021 23:01

I'm 52 and would not generally wear Seasalt. I like their socks and fleeces for practicality but actually even though I'm incredibly old I'm quite interested in clothes and fashion and don't want to wear anything from the Boden universe. Seasalt definitely in the Boden universe. These are clothes for people who aren't very interested in fashion or style but don't want to look actively unfashionable. So they are three to four years behind any kind of interesting trend and will just make you look 'not unstylish' rather than actively stylish.

I think they are aimed at 40+ mums who haven't got a massive interest in clothes.

If you don't care if you are stylish or not, these are actually reasonably well-made clothes which will last. They are not bad value for the price. If you want to look good and current, don't buy anything from Seasalt, Joules, Boden or White Stuff. They are all slightly frumpy IMO.

Jaxhog · 08/10/2021 23:01

I'm 60s and love SeaSalt! They do the best leggings anywhere.


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Longdistance · 08/10/2021 23:02

Over 50. I’m 45 and far off going to shop at Seasalt, sorry, not sorry.

capercaillie · 08/10/2021 23:05

Seasalt used to have a younger funkier vibe. I loved the first things I bought from them in 1997- vibrant colours.

SpiderinaWingMirror · 08/10/2021 23:07

Lol. Reminds me of the salesperson in Hotter Shoes telling me their target market was 30s. A glance around the store suggested they were missing the target by 50 years.

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