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Micro blading is this a disaster or not? (picture included)

211 replies

jarviscockerslover · 01/08/2018 02:33

So I went to get my eyebrows microbladed yesterday, after months of deliberation.
I was very clear that I wanted my eyebrows evened up as they were oddly shaped, and filled in ... I was very clear I didn't want really thick sluggy eyebrows.
I'm absolutely horrified by my eyebrows now, a day later and I want to cry! I feel ridiculous! they're so dark and they appear waaaaay too thick for my face - this is not what I wanted at all!!
Please can someone tell me they will go down and look normal again?! Has someone done a horrendous job on me or not.. been staring at them in the mirror for so long I really can't even tell any more.
The artist who did them was very experienced and apparently one of the best in the area!!
Please note I've got layers and layers Vasoline on them hence why they look so shiny in the future

Micro blading is this a disaster or not? (picture included)
OP posts:
ReckItWralf · 01/08/2018 13:25

I’ve just been looking up Microblading and found somewhere not far from me that is £175. So tempted to book in.

ReckItWralf · 01/08/2018 13:25

What is the aftercare like OP? Can you wash your face normally?

Mynameisnotjane · 01/08/2018 13:31

@oywiththepoodles Scotland def closer and more accessible to me. Rip off Ireland as usual

SingingTunelessly · 01/08/2018 13:32

Reckit, no you can’t get water anywhere near them for 7 days (absolute pain when you’re normally a daily hair washer like me). It’s worth it though if you’ve overplucked your brows in the past they look great after a couple of weeks.

jarviscockerslover · 01/08/2018 13:33

Aftercare- you have a cream to put on 3 x day for 7 to 10 days, Kinda like Vasoline which just creates a barrier so that no infection occurs - during this time you shouldn't get the area wet so using make up wipes around the area instead of washing your face for example, no swimming no exercising or sweat.
I think this is to make sure that the scabs don't come off in chunks and cause uneven pigmentation. It was described as a wet scab process to me (lovely!!)

You also can't put any make up on the area for 7 to 10 days hence why I can't type down the colour with a powder or similar.

OP posts:
ReckItWralf · 01/08/2018 13:35

Oh ok, thanks. I wash my face with cleanser and cloth. My skin would fall off if I used make up wipes or miceller water. Will have to think about how I’d do it.

jarviscockerslover · 01/08/2018 13:37

Cloth n cleanser would work fine I'm sure, you just need to be a bit careful. You can also put a bit of clingfilm over the top of the eyebrows which sticks to the Vasoline just to make sure you don't get any liquid in (I did this in the shower this morning

OP posts:
SomeKnobend · 01/08/2018 13:44

They will dry up and peel (a bit like sunburn) in about a week or so. When that's finished you'll be able to see the colour better. They won't stay this dark/solid.

MrsRubyMonday · 01/08/2018 14:11

They will as other posters say lighten up once they heal and peel, however I wouldn't be happy with the result you have if that's with all the dye cleaned up, they look very solid and dark to me, and microblading is supposed to give a more natural result with the individual hair strokes. I thought at first that this was still with the dye on the top before cleanup. It may just be the photo though, I would wait until they are healed and then take a photo so that next time you can explain what you like and what you don't and she can adjust, for example I like my eyebrows rounded slightly at the front so I would ask her not to make them so square. The advantage is that because it fades, you can refine the result as needed. You can definitely pull off the darker brow though, I wouldn't worry about that.

SleepFreeZone · 01/08/2018 14:52

These are my microbladed brows. She changed the shape slightly at the edges as my natural eyebrow shape is so dreadful. I’ve had them about 10 weeks now and I still have to fill them a very small amount. But the thing I like is I just look more ‘done’, even if I’ve hardly got any make up on. I’m in my forties now and I have very messy hair, so something has to look slightly groomed and for me my brows just give the illusion that I’ve made an effort.

Micro blading is this a disaster or not? (picture included)
Oblomov18 · 01/08/2018 14:59

Jesus Christ OP. I'm so very sorry. They are very full on. Your brows before we're just fine. WTF was this woman thinking of, when you clearly explained you wanted light, subtle, non Clara delvigne eyebrows. This is bad. Sorry.

petrolpump28 · 01/08/2018 15:04

maybe go back and ask them to tone it down a bit?

Mynameisnotjane · 01/08/2018 15:10

Your eyebrows are fine and will tone down lots. Hence why you go back in 6 weeks to lock down desired colour. To anyone that has never had this done before This is perfectly normal and they will be perfect!

Arkengarthdale · 01/08/2018 16:54

What beautiful eyes!

AuntyJackiesBrothersSistersBoy · 01/08/2018 20:51

I like them. Because you’re dark, they look believable. Don’t panic.

AuntyJackiesBrothersSistersBoy · 01/08/2018 20:54

Sleepfree they’re lovely.

MrsBertBibby · 01/08/2018 21:00

You have beautiful eyes!

I am clueless about eyebrows as I am 50 and they hadn't really been invented when I were a lass, but your eyes are lovely, you lucky!

Lynne1Cat · 01/08/2018 21:04

They looked great before. I'd love to have eyebrows like that. Mine were plucked a lot when it was fashionable to have a thin line (1970s), and they haven't grown back. I'm sick of the palaver of pencilling them in every day.

1tobleroneplease · 01/08/2018 21:09

I had mine done about 3 months ago, they looked ridiculous for a few days but calmed right down, had the top up done and now a few months later I wish they were darker. They'll look gorgeous when they're healed.

Fang2468 · 01/08/2018 21:16

They are fairly heavy, but they do suit you.

BlancheM · 01/08/2018 21:18

They're going to look bang on.

EmmaJR1 · 01/08/2018 21:19

Can you post another picture in a weeks time? I'm toying with the idea but I'm scared! They look fine to me bearing in mind they will go down. Really striking and make your eyes pop out!


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Wishicouldsleep · 01/08/2018 21:22

I had mine done last year and was horrified. My hair is blonde but they were done really thick and dark.

  1. Stop putting vaseline on them if you want them to fade. The vaseline stops them from peeling and when they peel, the pigment comes out on the little flakes of hair.
  2. This is what I did. I mixed a solution or bicarbonate of soda and lemon juice. I used a cotton bud and rubbed the solution into my eyebrows. The bicarbonate of soda scratches the surface of the skin and the lemon juice acts as a bleach. (I also later bought a weak hydrogen peroxide solution. Like the ones you use with eyelash tinting).

I did this 2/3 times a day for a week.
I must warn you it does hurt and makes them red raw. It has the potential to fade them unevenly too. Mine were fine. It helped take the edge off.
Ohmmmnm · 01/08/2018 21:33

For comparison THIS is what a disaster looks like Sad

5 fucking attempts and they still look like shit. They are a weird black/blue colour, uneven and look like they have been drawn on with a crayon. I can’t afford to fix them either (took out a short term loan to get them). Absolutely gutted....

Your’s look amazing op and they will fade loads so don’t worry at this stage.

Micro blading is this a disaster or not? (picture included)
Ohmmmnm · 01/08/2018 21:34

Random apostrophe there Blush

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