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Chopping all my hair off...

304 replies

FuckYouChrisAndThatHorse · 06/08/2014 08:43

I'm feeling in need of a change, so this week I've decided to go from my past-shoulder-length hair, to next to nothing (something like the picture, but darker hair).

I have a long neck so I'm hoping to be able to pull it off, but have no idea about styling or even what cut I'm asking for.

My hair is curly/wavy and I don't want it shaved or shaped too severely.

Does anyone have any tips and more importantly, what cut am I asking for?!

Chopping all my hair off...
OP posts:
IrnBruTheNoo · 13/11/2014 17:59

The large picture of Michelle Williams is really the closest to what my hair cut is like now. I've got loads of greys, so about to dye my hair excited!!

IrnBruTheNoo · 13/11/2014 18:01

Well done too Behoove that really suits you, and also to nina. We seem to all be starting a trend on this thread!! Grin

Behoove · 13/11/2014 20:25

irn put up a pic once you're done! will you?
Thanks both, I wish I'd done it ages ago.

IrnBruTheNoo · 16/11/2014 11:44

Would post a pic but don't want to reveal my identity on a forum...Three days in and I'm liking it, but after finding out how much it costs long term to maintain the pixie cut I think I'll have it trimmed once and start to grow it out into longer versions of the pixie cut and gradually into the bob again as it means it costs less over the year to get it cut and styled. The day to day maintenance of the pixie cut is very easy though, I must admit. It's quick to do each morning so far, using fingers to style any way you like!

DH still isn't keen but my parents were visiting yesterday and they both said I suit it (and DS1's school teacher even commented on my hair on Friday!). I would imagine others will see me tomorrow at the school and have to do a double take! lol

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