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Have just received the 'schedule and dress code' for a wedding I'm attending.

268 replies

ShowOfHands · 11/03/2013 13:18

I'm screwed.

I'm seriously screwed.

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Maryz · 13/03/2013 19:55

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ShowOfHands · 13/03/2013 19:56



OP posts:
Glaikit · 13/03/2013 19:59

I can't wear toe posts either, I have short stubby toes that have too big gaps between them. I'll be back with more no toe post, flat, weddingy sandals!

Maryz · 13/03/2013 19:59

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BOF · 13/03/2013 19:59

Maybe you should wear your docs- be you, as people have said. Nowt wrong with a bit of polish and some purple ribbons.

Glaikit · 13/03/2013 20:04

no toe post but a Bit ugly

Glaikit · 13/03/2013 20:05
Glaikit · 13/03/2013 20:06
ShowOfHands · 13/03/2013 20:07

If all that's true, Lady Mary of Zed, I'm taking my Cath Kidston poncho and striped wellies.

OP posts:
Glaikit · 13/03/2013 20:07


ShowOfHands · 13/03/2013 20:12

Will check your links in a mo, but do any of them top these babies?

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ShowOfHands · 13/03/2013 20:15

The ooh ones. I love the ooh ones!

Well done glaikit.

I like the idea of wearing docs too though...

OP posts:
UniqueAndAmazing · 13/03/2013 20:25

post your green and yellow shoes.
green and yellow would go well with purple

UniqueAndAmazing · 13/03/2013 20:27

link an actual link. that just takes me to my ebay, not a listing...

ATruthUniversallyAcknowledged · 13/03/2013 20:29

Oh my god, those shoes are baaaaaad!

I've just read the whole thread and been reminded why MNers are soooo lovely.

It sounds like you're sorted, but you mentioned you liked green earlier. I have a green dress similar to this which you would be very welcome to if you think it would work for one of the many stages of the wedding (I am never, ever going to fit into it again and it would look amazing on your figure)

ShowOfHands · 13/03/2013 20:35

My greeny/yellowy shoes have a sunrise painted on them. Bit like these but less garish and brogue style. I love 'em.

ATruth, that green dress is beautiful. There's a line in the Barenaked Ladies song If I Had $1,000,000 about buying a green dress and dh sings it to me all the time. I crave the perfect green dress.

OP posts:
BOF · 13/03/2013 20:39

Feel free to take that one i sent you in at the bust if you want to, Showy. I don't think I'm going to be a size eight again any time soon.

SquirtedPerfumeUpNoseInBoots · 13/03/2013 20:39

MaryZ I was just about to say... August wedding in Ireland?

You need an umbrella and you can't wear that (lovely) purple dress with no sleeves cos you will be absolutely freezing Grin

TerraNotSoFirma · 13/03/2013 20:49

But not a real green dress, that's cruel. Grin

ATruthUniversallyAcknowledged · 13/03/2013 20:50

PM me your address SOH. It's yours. I'd love to think it would be worn again.

I should make it clear that it is a Zara/Mango (can't remember which) rip off of the Mouret, not the actual Mouret but I get the impression you wouldn't know or care about the difference anyway Grin

ShowOfHands · 13/03/2013 20:57

Other one's a size 10 BOF. It just falls right down! I love the colour of it too. It's beautiful and I have a beautiful necklace which would set it off perfectly. BUT I love the purple one too, so it's fine. Grin

Terra, I love that song a bit too much.

Okay, not only does mouret mean bog all to me, Mango is a fruit and Zara is the tall one of the twins in the year below me at school. The twin who didn't get off with James on the back of the bus on a school trip to Barcelona.

OP posts:
ATruthUniversallyAcknowledged · 13/03/2013 21:00

Right so send me your bloody address and you can have the fruity twin's dress Grin


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JamInMyWellies · 13/03/2013 21:37

Hello Mrs!

3.5 stone you must be about a size 6!

Can I help you with anything. I have frocks and lots of shoes.

But I did chuckle when reading kept thinking but its an Irish wedding everyone will be drunk singing and it will rain. Then I see Maryz has already pointed this out to you. Grin

JamInMyWellies · 13/03/2013 21:38

Crikey just checked your pics. Foxy lady you are looking fab!

Maryz · 13/03/2013 21:56

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