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Share which electrical item you couldn’t live without with Co-op Electrical for the chance to win a £300 voucher! NOW CLOSED

736 replies

EmmaMumsnet · 10/11/2017 11:21

It’s hard to believe that there was once a time when all our gadgets didn’t exist and people had to live without modern essentials such as a washing machine Shock! Co-op Electrical would like to find out which electrical item you couldn’t live without, whether it’s one that helps with everyday life or a luxury item.

Here’s what Co-op Electrical has to say: “Electrical items are now so much a part of our lives that it’s easy to take them for granted. But we know that when our customers need a new washing machine, cooker or fridge-freezer, they need it quickly, which is why we offer next day delivery to most parts of the UK. Even a few days without a ‘luxury’ item like a TV or tablet can feel tough!"

Would you be lost without your laptop? Or is your TV precious to you as it can keep the DC occupied and allow you to watch Strictly Glitterball? Would you fail to function without your coffee machine? Or maybe your fancy straighteners are a necessity to battle frizz?

Whatever electrical item you would feel lost without, please share it below. Everyone who posts on the thread will be entered into a prize draw where one MNer will win a £300 voucher of their choice (from a list).

Thanks and good luck!


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Share which electrical item you couldn’t live without with Co-op Electrical for the chance to win a £300 voucher! NOW CLOSED
OP posts:
Crustyoddsocks · 16/03/2018 00:30

My microwave for the 600 cups of warm milk I make a day for kids

itsonlysubterfuge · 16/03/2018 11:33

assuming that I had a gas oven, then I'm thinking my fridge freezer.

If we are talking more about luxury items, rather than essentials such as fridge, washing machine, lighting, etc.

Then probably a computer with the internet. You can play games, you can communicate, you can watch TV/movies, you can find information.

joggingrunning · 17/03/2018 16:58

The one eletrical item I could not live without would be the good old washing machine. Washing several whole baskets of laundry by hand was not a fun experience at all!

Ratbagratty · 18/03/2018 19:54

Hmmm I'd say my tablet because I was going to go with kettle, but could heat water on the hob!

FurryTurnipHead · 29/03/2018 19:11

Love my food processor, for smoothies, houmous, curry sauces, soup. Use it loads, though I have my eye on upgrading to a Magimix at some point!

GetKnitted · 31/03/2018 09:57

I would, quite literally, be lost without my mobile phone which is my satnav, calendar, address book, calculator, encyclopedia, television, radio, camera and camcorder, health recorder, text and video caller oh and my telephone!!

Rainbowsaretoo · 31/03/2018 11:36

Dishwasher. Big family, lots of meals, I'd spend hours washing up!

Tattybogle89 · 01/04/2018 22:48

Can’t live without the hoover.
There is something so satisfying about watching stuff disappearing before your eyes up the tube 😂
I can’t stand crumbs and fluff and am allergic to dust so my hoover is my friend 😁

gallicgirl · 02/04/2018 13:01

Fridge-freezer, washer, tv, phone are the obvious ones and very essential.

In terms of 'luxury' items, I am a convert to the coffee machine and have even been known to take it on holiday. I would also like to ditch the microwave but can't quite bring myself to do it. It's mostly used to reheat the kids food and warm plates.

CathBookworm · 02/04/2018 20:12

My kindle. It’s my constant companion and having 1,000 books at hand whenever I want them makes me extremely happy!

Olliver27 · 04/04/2018 02:49

Definitely my laptop. It's rarely switched off as it's used for all things work and home related!

hannahphoenix · 07/04/2018 09:32

If an essential it would have to be fridge freezer! Keeps food fresher for longer. After that maybe my laptop as most of my work is done on that!

k8vincent · 08/04/2018 20:44

My oven if it counts, kettle if it doesn't.

MrsFig · 08/04/2018 21:23

From essential items it would definitely be my fridge-freezer. Non-essentials would be the tv.

Spitzbergen · 08/04/2018 21:48

Like most people, it would be my washing machine.
I do love my iPad a bit too much also. Grin
But my new favourite thing is my rice cooker! I don't know why I tried for years to make rice and failing miserably, it's the best.

starlight36 · 12/04/2018 21:07

I couldn't live without my washing machine - it is on at least once a day and don't know how I'd manage without it.
On a less essential level I also use my mini-chopper multiple times a day!

Backinthetallgrass · 12/04/2018 23:57

My phone. Sad to say but true. Everything else could be sorted.

Washing machine: would do washing at inlaws
Any cooking: buy in food
Tassimo: I love coffee but Costa it is

EggysMom · 14/04/2018 20:07

Electrical item I couldn't live without? My boiler. Admittedly it is a gas boiler, but it has an electric pump that moves the heat from the boiler all around the house, and even sends hot water upstairs to my bath.

DH couldn't live without his tower fan, he has restless leg syndrome and has to have a fan directed at his legs to sleep.

Our son wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for the incubator and ventilator Smile

Pinkandpurplehairedlady · 17/04/2018 19:31

My washing machine! My DC are mud magnets so I do 2 loads a day. I can’t imagine having to wash it all by hand or having to drag it up to the launderette.

Dixiestampsagain · 18/04/2018 02:07

I feel a bit of a sad case saying my iphone, but it’s genuinely not just about Facebook and Candy Crush (ok, maybe it is a little by). It helps organise my life; as I work freelance and self employed, my phone has everything on it I need- calendar, emails etc.

Awoof · 20/04/2018 20:36

My electric can opener Grin I have snapped too many nails godammit!

WinkyisbackontheButterBeer · 20/04/2018 20:40

My hair straighteners. I look like a demented spaniel without them.


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kpdchudleigh · 21/04/2018 14:42

What an interesting and thought provoking question! My first thought as a natural curly was my hair straighteners but I don't know how I'd keep the family ticking over without the washing machine or the fridge. Some things definitely weren't so good in the good old days.

Marmablade · 02/06/2018 07:18

My laptop! It stops me having to drag the children out to shops. It means I can work from home. It means I can house browse without leaving the sofa!

MismatchedStripySocks · 07/06/2018 15:41

I would be lost without my phone, I think i’m Addicted Blush I use it far too much, even in work, and that will have to stop in my new job.

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