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Just in tiers with it all now ....

999 replies

dancemom · 18/02/2021 11:34

New Thread, same old situation....

OP posts:
kurtrussellsbeard · 23/02/2021 17:40

@GoldenOmber how can they provide hope if they don't have the evidence for it?

Fortherosesjoni70 · 23/02/2021 17:41

It is because i personally don't want the restrictions lasting that I want lockdown to be eased gradually.

Rowanapp · 23/02/2021 17:41

I’ve posted at more length on another thread but basically as a HCP I regard the governments actions as utterly disproportionate and completely not weighing up the risks of the coronavirus with the harms that their draconian lockdown measures are causing. Nicola Sturgeon is completely trying to gain political capital and appears to be trying for zero covid without openly stating this or importantly engaging in any debate about whether that is possible.

RaspberryCoulis · 23/02/2021 17:42

Anyone noticed that the numbers of vaccinations have fallen off a cliff this week? 13.5k yesterday compared with 31.4k last week and 27.5k the week before that.

kurtrussellsbeard · 23/02/2021 17:43

@Scottishskifun wow! I genuinely wasn't expecting that answer. I'm actually well impressed. That changes things. You'd best phone them up and tell them they've got it wrong. If that doesn't work I'd go to the papers and kick up a stink. Are you'd seriously telling me that the medical teams in all 4 nations are analysing their data incorrectly?

Fortherosesjoni70 · 23/02/2021 17:43


I’ve posted at more length on another thread but basically as a HCP I regard the governments actions as utterly disproportionate and completely not weighing up the risks of the coronavirus with the harms that their draconian lockdown measures are causing. Nicola Sturgeon is completely trying to gain political capital and appears to be trying for zero covid without openly stating this or importantly engaging in any debate about whether that is possible.

No. I don't believe that at all.
She actually managed to get covid down to very little in the summer.
Sadly, most of the cases were imported and it didn't help that the attitude of the UK govt at the time was to let some of the virus circulate.
GoldenOmber · 23/02/2021 17:43

[quote kurtrussellsbeard]@GoldenOmber how can they provide hope if they don't have the evidence for it? [/quote]
Because we have highly effective vaccines, and because the lifting of restrictions is a political decision, one the government can decide to do or not.

If you want to talk about false hope, then pursuing an elimination strategy is pretty much that.

Fortherosesjoni70 · 23/02/2021 17:44


Anyone noticed that the numbers of vaccinations have fallen off a cliff this week? 13.5k yesterday compared with 31.4k last week and 27.5k the week before that.

She talked about that at length in her briefings.
It is down to supply.
kurtrussellsbeard · 23/02/2021 17:46

Highly effective vaccines that only work when people are actually vaccinated. Weird that. Hmm the mere existence of a vaccine doesn't stop the virus.

Fortherosesjoni70 · 23/02/2021 17:46

The idiots that have bowed to political pressure are the Tories.
Even Chris Whitty wasn't happy.

RaspberryCoulis · 23/02/2021 17:47

I don't watch her political broadcasts. I get my numbers from the far superior Travelling Tabby.

Does anyone still have the app installed?

kurtrussellsbeard · 23/02/2021 17:47

@RaspberryCoulis the dip was warmed about weeks ago. It's supply. Was discussed sensibly at length on this thread.

WannaCapybara · 23/02/2021 17:47


No other virus is in active pandemic mode and killing tens of thousands daily...

Ah right. So what we need, then, is some sort of vaccine that’ll stop it doing that. If only we had such a wondrous thing!

Sarcasm, brilliant!

What's so hard to understand that the vaccine will lead us out, but we're not quite there yet? It's not a conspiracy.

What interest NS would have in making us all stay at home for years on end has never really been fully explained to me...
Fortherosesjoni70 · 23/02/2021 17:47

Press reports say that he didn't agree with the govt. I reckon it was over schools.

tabulahrasa · 23/02/2021 17:47


I kind of feel like - we’re almost the same - would be a pretty shit cheer tbh, rofl.

I’m just not getting the despair, they’ve announced more or less what I expected, broadly the same as Boris announced but with differences for no apparent logical reason.

kurtrussellsbeard · 23/02/2021 17:48

@Fortherosesjoni70 yes apparently so. A few English papers are reporting. It exactly as that.

It's madness.

hilbil21 · 23/02/2021 17:48


I missed argyll and bute as you can clearly see scottish govt data! 1-49/100,000

Yeah we are at 30 per 10000 in last 7 days. Should be tier 1 ish. It's a joke.
Fortherosesjoni70 · 23/02/2021 17:49

[quote kurtrussellsbeard]@Fortherosesjoni70 yes apparently so. A few English papers are reporting. It exactly as that.

It's madness. [/quote]
Slow and steady = easing of restrictions and perhaps sooner. No mutations to take hold. Win win.

kurtrussellsbeard · 23/02/2021 17:49

I mean I do understand the idea of wanting to be lied to. My DH tells me every day that I'm gorgeous and not at all fat. Doesn't make it true though 🤷🏻‍♀️

Boris is a lying chancer.

GoldenOmber · 23/02/2021 17:49


Highly effective vaccines that only work when people are actually vaccinated. Weird that. Hmm the mere existence of a vaccine doesn't stop the virus.

I’m sorry, what’s your point here? We ARE vaccinating people, at a very rapid pace.

I’d be fine with them tying the route out of lockdown to the speed of the vaccine rollout, I’m less fine with there not being any clear route out of lockdown at all.
RaspberryCoulis · 23/02/2021 17:49

Yeah we are at 30 per 10000 in last 7 days. Should be tier 1 ish. It's a joke.

And that was before vaccination.

MaxNormal · 23/02/2021 17:50

@Lockdownbear your post about your mum made me really sad.


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GoldenOmber · 23/02/2021 17:50

Boris is a lying chancer.

no shit, really? I am STUNNED, he always seemed so honest.

Fortherosesjoni70 · 23/02/2021 17:51

Why is it so difficult to understand that the cases are low because of the restrictions?
Getting everything open will create a surge. That means that cases will overtake vaccination. It would be a disaster. We don't have enough people vaccinated. It is not rocket science.

Rowanapp · 23/02/2021 17:52

She managed to get cases low..... or the virus is actually seasonal, as viruses. You are aware that when scientist do controlled pandemic modelling in a lab with mice under controlled condition the main outcome is - pandemics are inherently unpredictable. So all this “eat out to help out caused the second wave” is basically nonsense. It’s unpredictable it’s unclear whether lockdown has a significant effect, lockdown certainly has very significant harms. No justification for waiting until April.

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