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My partner went out last night and is still not home!

478 replies

Georgie300 · 19/11/2017 09:34

My partner went out for a leaving do at 7pm and is still not home! I spoke to him at 1am and 2am when he said he was on his way home. He either hung up on me a 2am or his phone died and has been off ever since! We have been together 12 years and have 3 boys together the youngest of who is 4 months. We are very happy and get on really well but He used to do this every now and then in the early days and the late nights then turned into all night! This would always cause a massive arguement and it all came to a head a couple of years ago when he went ‘missing’ for 2 nights! I left him over it and he was so apologetic and agreed to all my conditions so we sorted things out and he hasn’t done it since... until last night.
I feel gutted but I know I have to act on it so it doesn’t all start again. Should I leave even tho it means dragging 3 kids with me? Or since he hasn’t done it in a long time am I overreacting? Not sure what to do 😩

OP posts:
Domani · 22/11/2017 05:32

Whatever, but it stopped you all cackling anyway. Best wishes for the future OP.

SparklyMagpie · 22/11/2017 06:05

JaneEyre70 😂😂

Jellyheadbang · 24/11/2017 00:14

My most favourite post in a long time:
‘Make him buy you something really nice and put it behind you

Is that advice from the Coleen Rooney school of domestic bliss??’

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