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Need words of wisdom... is this just me.

234 replies

Menarefrommarsitwouldseem · 30/09/2017 00:23

Okay so this is going to be a long one. Apologies in advance...

I have a very good male friend and for the purpose of this thread I shall name him headfuck.

We have been friends for around 5 years and the friendship has increased as the years have gone by. He's single, very traditional and honestly for me quite perfect.

He was by my side during a messy separation. A separation which is still ongoing as for many reasons we can't sell the house just yet. We do however live separate lives and have separate bedrooms etc.

So anyway. Headfuck (hf) as I said has been there throughout it all. My total rock. We went from spending all our time on group outings together to going out alone.
Meals, cinema, concerts. Just anything really. He even used to come and do my supermarket shop with me ffs.
He would meet me after work and we would just sit in the car and chat for hours.

We sent (and still do) a huge skint of texts. We talk every day and he calls me before he goes to bed without fail.
We have SO much in common. It's ridiculous and all of our friends have noticed it. I started to develop feelings but was worried it wasn't reciprocated so bottled it. Just carried on being friends who basically acted like a couple without the sex.

He had the opportunity to go and work away in America for a year in January and on our last night out I sobbed in the cab home. I was distraught.
He went and I did some serious thinking. I come clean and told him how I felt and that I couldn't continue this half life. That I wanted to be with him and if he didn't agree then when he's back to the UK we have to calm down all the contact as we will never find a partner being so heavily invested in eachother and even if we did. There wouldn't be a man or woman alive who would be comfortable with our level of friendship.
His answer was I don't see you that way because you've been married in the past, you have children (who he has met and idolises), and you're older than me. He agreed with essentially what I was saying but said when he meets someone and gets married it wants it to be their first time. First time to have children etc
I do kind of understand that I guess but he's 27 now. Most people will have a history. I am 34.

So at that point with him being so far away I thought I would create some distance. It hasn't worked.
He's coming back soon (Jan) and we still speak every day. In fact more on the phone that we ever have. I wake up to texts.
He tells me how much he misses me. That be will cry when he sees me. That he can't wait to hug me, smell me. Go out.

We have even booked a weekend away to the highlands in a remote cottage ffs. 2 bedrooms though i should add.

I just don't know what to think or do anymore.
He's very mature in some senses but immature in others. Deep down I think be feels the same but his ideals stop him. His family have passed comment on our friendship and informed him he's " too young to take on all I have" and I can see their point but what about the fact that I know I will never find someone who I have that connection with and I seriously doubt he will. He would never admit all this though I suppose.
I just know that forever I will look for him in anyone I try to replace him with if that's what it will take
And I truly believe he will be the same.

Also not sure if it's worth mentioning. I know he's very sexually inexperienced. Hasn't had sex for well nearly as long as me and that's a good few years lol.
So I don't know if that plays a part.

I'm not sure why I'm even writing this really. I just feel like I am cracking up with the you say one thing and act another way feelings. I need some MN wisdom

Name changed for his as I like to resemble a mature adult. Not a silly teen haha

OP posts:
inmyshoos · 30/09/2017 22:34

So when are you going to have this chat menarefrommars
You really really do need to have it put with him.
Do you think part of you doesn't want to because you're scared you'll lose him whereas if you keep going as you are there is still a chance it might happen? I understand why this might be the case. It would be for me I think. But ultimately you are delaying the inevitable no matter which way it goes (This is when I think but maybe he wasn't quite ready and I pushed too hard which is all wrong and part of low self esteem)
Have the conversation. You are too good to be messed about like this. His loss.

Worriedrose · 30/09/2017 22:37

we are just giving our advice from an outsiders pov
If you're not ready to let go, then you're not ready. Don't beat yourself up about that either, no one will judge you at all

We all just believe you deserve so much better than this. Flowers

Menarefrommarsitwouldseem · 30/09/2017 22:38

But then maybe i should just be his friend. Maybe it is me expecting too much...

But then when we've been out and merry he's held my hand, grabbed my arse told me he wanted to come in.

OP posts:
Menarefrommarsitwouldseem · 30/09/2017 22:39

Worried rose I think that's what he needs
I have friends who are fuming too and I have a feeling they may well tell him to fuck off.

OP posts:
Menarefrommarsitwouldseem · 30/09/2017 22:41

Inmyshoes yes that's a distinct possibility.

I was out with friends a couple of weeks ago and I was all
I'll miss a bit of weight
Do this
Do that

And when we are away we will be going out for meals/drinking and maybe just maybe he will make that move.
How pathetic

I know if I call it a day now
I have to mean it and the thought of not having him around hurts.

I know I have to do it though.

OP posts:
RandomMess · 30/09/2017 22:43
Menarefrommarsitwouldseem · 30/09/2017 22:45

I think what makes it worse is he's opposite to ex h
He is nice to me
We have fun
He buys me things that he knows I will love. Nobody has ever thought of me like that.
Ordering things from new Zealand as he knows I will love it.
Pet names.
Worrying about me
Telling me to let him know when I am home safe
Being proud etc

With exh I had nothing like that.
I don't think he would have noticed if I had vanished. He certainly never did anything nice.

OP posts:
inmyshoos · 30/09/2017 22:52

menarefrommars im assuming the hf knows all about your marriage? So he knows that you're vunerable? I think if i were you I'd have a very honest conversation with him. Tell him everything you've said on here.
He is being incredibly unfair. A complete tease at best. Tell him he is messing with your head and that if he cares about you at all and has any respect for you, he'll do the right thing.

Afternooncatnap · 30/09/2017 22:55

There is a "how I met your mother" episode about this. It's called keeping someone on the hook. You have no intention of ever being with the person, but it makes you feel good about yourself having them around and knowing they fancy you boosts your ego.
He's 27 it's doubtful he's a naive as you think. He's using you.

iMatter · 30/09/2017 22:57

The more I read the more it looks like he's not only headfucking you, he's grooming you to take any shit he gives you.

Please don't waste a second more of your precious life on him.

MsPavlichenko · 30/09/2017 23:01

He is different to your XH. Differently abusive (whether he is aware of it or not). Being nice, buying presents etc means nothing in the context of his behaviour.

I'd avoid a conversation. He is adroit at manipulating you. If he wants to continue stringing you along it will be simple to agree to conditions he has no intention of sticking to. It might be different (though unlikely) if you were actually in the same place geographically.

He knows already how you think. He has used the physical distance to ramp it up, and make you desperate. And, by the way, whatever you know about his life here you know nothing about what he is doing there. He may well be living a life he can't/wont at home. Text or email is much the best way for you. If he really cares about you he will actually hear what you are saying.

Happinesssssss · 30/09/2017 23:04

It's a very weird dynamic. I can't work it out. How does he behave when you're out in company? Is it as if you are a couple or just good friends?

Menarefrommarsitwouldseem · 30/09/2017 23:20

It's as though we are a couple.
Friends always think there's something more.

We once went out for a meal and a waiter found out our line of work and he said innocently I bet it's so much easier being on a job like that when you're a couple and understand.
We went to a wedding together once. We would have both gone anyway and the photographer was doing the rounds and be said Oh can I get another one of you and your boyfriend. He blinked.

Stuff like that.
Even my ex thinks we are together!

OP posts:
tallwivglasses · 30/09/2017 23:21

Oh for pity's sake tell him to fuck the fuck off, block him and get on with your life. He's a sad little leech, nothing good will come of this.

Sorry for the exasperated tone OP Flowers

Menarefrommarsitwouldseem · 30/09/2017 23:22

He can't be having relationships etc out there
He phones me on the way to work
On the way home
At home
When he's going to bed.

He wouldn't have the time...

OP posts:
Menarefrommarsitwouldseem · 30/09/2017 23:23

I saw that episode of how I met your mother

He was with me at the time and I said oh look. It's you .

He said no not at all

OP posts:
Menarefrommarsitwouldseem · 30/09/2017 23:26

Inmyshoos yes he does and he despises ex.
He hates that he's still in the house
I could explain why but that really would be outing myself. One more year thank the Lord.

He tells me white often he likes the thought of having it out with him for being so unkind to me all these years

And yet there's only one man I'm upset about...

OP posts:
MsPavlichenko · 30/09/2017 23:51

You don't know what he is doing. Only what he is telling you.

People actually in full time relationships find time for casual encounters/affairs all the time. Before work, during work, at lunch. When they claim to be at work. In the middle of the night or whatever. Sadly they often maintain normal contact with their actual partners throughout. Sometimes with the affair partner actually in the room/house whatever with them.

I am not suggesting he is doing this, but it is another sign of his manipulation that you simply will not even consider this as a possibility. You are literally in thrall to him which is why I think only an absolute break away with no discussion will help you.

Menarefrommarsitwouldseem · 30/09/2017 23:58

You're right

I had in my mind what I wanted to say and he just sent a text
" leaving work in 5. Looking at houses 2 minutes away from where you live so we can see eachother more once I am back sugar"

So on that note i am going to bed.
I didn't expect that and I've had too many wines to deal with him in the way I want to.
Not an excuse. I just want to feel 100% me when I talk to him.

I mean what the fuck
Living 2 minutes away from me. Why?
I live an hour and a half away from work!

OP posts:
Happinesssssss · 01/10/2017 00:03

So he's acting like he's in a relationship with you even though he doesn't want a relationship with you.

Pancakeflipper · 01/10/2017 00:03

He's sounding very intense.
Is it just sex he holds back? Does he snog you ( when he was living near).

Menarefrommarsitwouldseem · 01/10/2017 00:07

That's how I feel it is happinessss

Never been physical though.
Lots of hugs. Kissed once.
Hand holding when he is pissed etc

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Menarefrommarsitwouldseem · 01/10/2017 00:08

We kissed once
Just a very drunk, brief kiss.
Well more than a kiss
Less than a snog

And despite how it sounds on here. I'm not under the influence every time i see him HmmConfusedSmile

OP posts:
MsPavlichenko · 01/10/2017 00:09

He said that to reel you back in. Stop micro analysing what he says/texts. Look at what he (doesn't) do. You have left one dysfunctional relationship for another. Without even some physical intimacy to enjoy. And in all that time your life has not moved on, you haven't considered other possibilities or other men.

Take stock. Wake up tomorrow and determine to start doing that.

Worriedrose · 01/10/2017 00:20

Oh Christ love
Think of it this way:
If you let him go one of two things will happen
He will realise he wants to be with you and fight to be with you.
You will have enough distance to realise he is not who you want or need in your life
Both of those are good.
The current situation is untenable

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