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The Dating Thread Number 122: Colour By Numbers

999 replies

ConorMcGregorsChin · 13/09/2017 18:27

Dating thread rules:

  1. The first rule about the dating thread is you don't talk about it with people you're dating.
  2. Develop a thick skin.
  3. Do not invest emotionally too soon.
  4. It's all BS until it actually happens.
  5. Trust your gut instinct.
  6. People vanishing, lying & being generally weird is not your fault.
  7. You are the prize - they should be trying to impress you.
  8. If it's not fun, stop.
  9. Loo update is mandatory.

10. No dating the thread.
OP posts:
PipGirl404 · 14/09/2017 10:32

Still loved up & still lurking Grin

Beentherelefthimgotthetshirt · 14/09/2017 12:05

Pip you're definitely the poster girl for Dating Thread 121! Flipping fab.

ojojoj1 · 14/09/2017 13:32

Just back from coffee date , I feel catfishes not interesting really slacking guy who added 3 inches to his hight. Cat really seems to be a good option

ojojoj1 · 14/09/2017 13:34

Okc is full of weirdos that's my opionion and loads of poly crap is going on there

SpringtimeSun · 14/09/2017 15:34

Slightly OT and ATAAT but have you read the thread "The entrance that ended your relationship" some absolute horror stories on there, kudos to ask those brave women but it's a scary scary thought that all those men are out there looking for someone new!!
You just never know what you might be getting into.

SpringtimeSun · 14/09/2017 15:36

And talking of 'getting into' I have a date on Saturday with my iron who is way over my usual age range.
I've had a really rubbish run of luck so I'll be happy if he resembles his pictures and we get on half as well as we do by text.
Other than that, no expectations.

Forme2016 · 14/09/2017 15:53

Springtime I posted on that other thread and am a serial lurker on this one, having joined in around thread 104 (?) late last year.

I too was worried that all I would meet would be other women's abusive exes cast offs and had concerns about how to trust again but I am one of the (rare) POF success stories. Met my Mr Nuclear in November and we are going from strength to strength, he really is one of the good ones and, although it has taken me a while to let my guard down, I do trust him.

Good luck to all, OLD is one big rollercoaster but it can and does work out.

I'll return to lurking now Grin

Queenofthedrivensnow · 14/09/2017 15:58

Checking in. I had the long awaited date with the mechanic last night. It was really good. Dtd a lot! Still no clearer about whether I want a relationship with him though!

PlsTryAnother · 14/09/2017 17:31

Can I join please? Very recently seperated and joined POF about 2 weeks ago for a bit on a confidence boost! Wish I'd found this thread first! Was seriously only looking for no strings fun (after a long shitty marriage), but then started chatting with a man who seemed to really like me - he wanted to know about me and we spoke on the phone a few times....all great! Then he just went totally cold yesterday. I was actually quite hurt - I'm pretty vulnerable atm without realising I think! Anyway, did a bit of research here and actually think he's probably just a twat. All the signs (now i see!!) are that he's married and just wanted a bit on the side. I'm not that fussed about him particularly but realise I need a bit of guidance on the whole dating front!!

Also, what is an iron??

Queenofthedrivensnow · 14/09/2017 17:35

Pls - come on in! An iron is a potential person to date - an iron in the fire.

Your gut was right about POf man!

ConorMcGregorsChin · 14/09/2017 17:35

Spring Yeah I read that thread. It's both sad and scary. And yes. These cast off's are out there. It's the same for guys too though (there were a couple of men in that thread too I think)

Another Welcome!
An iron is an 'iron in the fire' As in a person we are dating or potential date we are talking to in real life or online.

OP posts:
ConorMcGregorsChin · 14/09/2017 17:36

Cross posts with the lovely Queen there!

OP posts:
LanaDReye · 14/09/2017 17:59

Queen how was it left with the mechanic? I thought he was hot and very keen for a long time and it's good you finally had a date?

Another It's not you, it's OLD, but it feels really shitty at the time. Try to keep several potentials lined up while you're having initial coffee meetings. I had 4 dates over 4 days at one point, not with any of them now thankfully as weirdos .

Queenofthedrivensnow · 14/09/2017 18:28

Lana I was ruined this morning! Didn't want to have a conversation about it. Where I am is I want a repeat but maybe with a litre less wine. Where he is i don't know though he texted a bit today so no ghosting.

He is super hot.

Smeaton · 14/09/2017 18:38

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

PurpleSweetPeas · 14/09/2017 18:38

I was beginning to think all the normal men had disappeared from OLD this week but just had my faith restored. A normal bloke making conversation and asking interesting questions! Shock horror!!

Queenofthedrivensnow · 14/09/2017 18:40

Smeaton I'm biting my tongue from Mali g more innuendos!

Queenofthedrivensnow · 14/09/2017 18:40

Making ffs

ConorMcGregorsChin · 14/09/2017 19:05

Also biting my tongue here

OP posts:
Beentherelefthimgotthetshirt · 14/09/2017 19:25

Dining Then Dancing is much more elegant than Netflix 'n' Chill

Queenofthedrivensnow · 14/09/2017 19:32

Dining and dancing was more accurate Wink

RandallPMcMurphy · 14/09/2017 19:34

The horizontal rumba while eating Feasters double cheeseburger....bliss


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PurpleSweetPeas · 14/09/2017 20:29

I could definitely do with some horizontal rumba action. Might leave the burger out of it though!

Smeaton · 14/09/2017 20:50

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

RandallPMcMurphy · 14/09/2017 21:08

A bit of dirty dancing .....and she can bring a watermelon

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