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don't know what to do. Oh has been violent

278 replies

Dannii6 · 30/08/2016 11:18

Hi everyone. I posted a thread last night with the full story of what happened between me and my dp the other night and someone suggested starting a new thread on this board for more advice.
Cutting a long story short my dp thought I'd cheated on him when I went out for my birthday with a person I had previously cheated with 5 years ago.
He tried to choke me and hit me across the face with a controller.
A lot of people have told me to leave him but I'm finding it difficult more on a practical level than anything else.
We've been together 10 years. Getting married in a few weeks.
We have a joint bank account but I don't really have access to it as I'm not to good with the financial side of things.
I have no where to go with my 2 dc and he's constantly crying and begging me to give him another chance.
What should I do. My heads all over the place :(

OP posts:
ptumbi · 06/09/2016 07:27

I'm glad you are moving forward Dannii.

Have you started cancelling the wedding plans? The earlier the better; the more likely you are to get some money back.

Have you had any interaction with 'him'? I can';t believe he's actually leaving you alone!?

nicenewdusters · 06/09/2016 16:45

I was wondering the same Dannii, had he been in contact with you at all?

WilLiAmHerschel · 06/09/2016 17:50

Hi Danni. I was on your first thread and earlier on this one and I came back to check in on you. I can't believe how strong and resolved you're sounding. I feel a bit weepy. I was so worried you'd end up brushing it all under the carpet. I'm glad you haven't and I think you have seen his true colours now. I am so pleased your sister is supporting you too.

Make sure you try and get some rest and that you're looking after yourself. Make sure you're eating and sleeping when you can. Flowers

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