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Who's Desperate and Awful Now....Story of My Divorce from Mr WT...Part 2....

999 replies

MrsC1969HJ · 19/07/2014 20:44

Having reached a 1000 posts, I can hardly believe we are moving onto Thread 2...I have had the most amazing ongoing support from so many and I will always be eternally grateful. Link to Thread 1

OP posts:
TheFormidableMrsC · 28/05/2015 00:11

Hi everybody, thanks SO much for such lovely and inspirational posts...loving Hobbit's little dog and Bobs balls of steel! I am so touched. I am sorry I haven't posted for a while, to say things are rock bottom would be an understatement. I am in a pretty bad situation at the moment and I am not sure that this is the right place to share at this time, although I know how wonderful and supportive you all are. I am just trying to focus on Friday and see what the outcome of that is and then maybe I will be able to tell you a bit more. To say that Mr WT and OW have outshone themselves this time would be an understatement. Anyway, I am as prepared as I can be for court with an effectively torn up consent order and a husband who doesn't "see" that he should have any responsibility to the child he produced alongside me, his long suffering wife. I will update as soon as I have some news and thank you all so so much for being here still...I can't tell you how much that means x

bobs123 · 28/05/2015 00:21

No sharing expected at this time MrsC It can't be easy for you. Just wanted you to know we're thinking of you and we're all behind you Flowers

Hobbitwife001 · 28/05/2015 07:40

Yep, second what bobs said, we're all behind you my love, x

shadowfax07 · 28/05/2015 11:44

With pineapples at the ready!

whyMe2014 · 28/05/2015 12:41

you go him what you're made of. Thinking of you xxxx

Notabeararaccoon · 28/05/2015 13:48

Also thinking of you, with fingers crossed for tomorrow honey.

Anniegetyourgun · 28/05/2015 14:13

Remember you've been at rock bottom before, then climbed out... ok, I don't know what you're going through right now, but it sounds like another rock bottom. The only way from here is up. Have everything appropriate crossed for a good outcome.


Costacoffeeplease · 28/05/2015 14:47

I've been lurking for a while, haven't posted as I don't think there's anything I can add to the thread, except to wish you strength for tomorrow, and a ton of pineapples to rain down on their miserable heads

KatherineMumsnet · 28/05/2015 16:02

Hi everyone,

We are going to zap this at the OP's request, for privacy reasons.

Thanks, all.

TheFormidableMrsC · 10/06/2015 16:03

Thank you MNHQ for reinstating. Much appreciated.

Hi all, I will update the thread as soon as possible. I am sorry it went missing, it was the best thing to do at the time.

Glad to be back!

Bogeyface · 10/06/2015 16:11

Hey babe!! Good to "see" you back :)

RandomMess · 10/06/2015 16:17

Somehow I missed your May update, sounds bloody horrific.

Hope you are feeling better than you were and have some RL support!

TopCivilServant · 10/06/2015 16:22

Aah MrsC, I've been thinking about you. Hope you're OK Flowers

acatcalledjohn · 10/06/2015 16:38

Very happy to see the thread re-instated! Most exciting 'someone has posted on a thread you are watching' notification email!

Hi MrsC, hope you are well Smile

bobs123 · 10/06/2015 16:40

...and she's back Grin

AcrossthePond55 · 10/06/2015 17:19

Yay! Added to watch list and shamelessly place marked!

Welcome home!!

Pinkballoon · 10/06/2015 18:43

Weh hey, you're back up again! Big wave to all the viewers!! Grin Grin

Izzie595 · 10/06/2015 19:36

Hey MrsC just saying hi and marking the thread, just in case??

TheFormidableMrsC · 10/06/2015 22:05

Hi everybody, well this is likely to be bear with me.. a lot has happened since and actually before my last post before I asked the threads to be taken down until I checked my legal position.

The first thing I need to make clear is that Mr WT and OW know about my threads. I am not sure how, I don't actually care to be honest, however, they were identified and I was informed by MNHQ the night before the hearing on 29 May.

Prior to that there had been some signficant "goings on"...too long to go into detail although I am guilty of being a dick, I will admit. I responded to some horribly goady posts that OW made on social media, I only knew about them because I was sent screenshots by a well meaning friend. She then posted up a picture saying "you say you didn't know what you had until it had gone, the truth is you knew exactly what you had, you just didn't think you'd lose it". Having had a really difficult few weeks and suffering from severe insomnia, I am afraid I blew and posted a very succinct message on her business FB page. I know I know, you don't need to tell me. I didn't hear anything from anybody but then had some text exchanges with ex..this also escalated and he decided to tell me (although actually, I was less bothered by this as it was so typical H, heard it all before)..."she is in my arms 24/7, she is everything anybody could ever want or need, she is everything I have ever dreamed of". It is his stock standard shit, I've got a "love letter" from him almost quoting that word for word about me. Yawn. Designed to goad etc. Anyway, the text exchange carried on and at one point he told me to stop as he was in bed...I didn't because I hadn't finished so sent two more. We also had an altercation on the drive, he tried to record me trying to speak reasonably to him, then tried to knock me over with OW's noddy car but failed to notice DS had emerged from house...crying and saying "daddy I don't want you to go"...just awful.

Moving on..I was aware that I was due to recieve a "visit" from the police as DS had helpfully informed me that "daddy had a police car at his house" blah blah. Bless him and his innocence amongst all this shit. Moving forward to bank holiday Sunday. We'd all slept in, had breakfast, we were all still in our PJ's at 11.00 am. DS and DD had been building duvet tents in the lounge, the house was a toy covered tip but we were just having a typical Sunday, we had music playing and were just messing about. There was a knock at the door and two plain clothed police officers told me that they had come to arrest me. I laughed. Then didn't. I have to say they were very kind to me. The female officer had to come upstairs with me while I changed and put some slap on and brushed teeth, the male officer stayed with the children. They established that DD was old enough to take care of DS as Mum might be gone for 24 hours! The alternative was temporary care arrangements for DS (thanks OW and H, didn't think about that one did you?). It was SO fortunate DD was there as she had been out the previous night and nearly stayed for a second night...but decided against at the last minute as she is a slave to revision at the moment (GCSE's). DS clung to me at the door, I had to prise his hands off...I said that Mummy had to do some jobs at the police station and I would be back...he was so distressed...

I am going to post this and then come back in a minute, need a tea break.

TheFormidableMrsC · 10/06/2015 22:13

So, I arrive at Police station, feeling rather intimidated if I am honest, through the back door, put in a holding cell (doors open), both officers stayed with me. A senior officer then came in and asked me if I understood what I was there for (yep). So booking in process, lots of questions, offered a law book, said "yes please", he took one look at me and said you are only the third person who has ever asked to read it. Might as well thought I. Then I was mouth scraped for DNA, fingerprinted and mugshot. Was more distressed about mugshot as slap had been applied as, well, slap and I looked awful. Then came the cell....I am afraid that is when the reality of the situation hit me. I have never been in a cell. It's dark. The "seating" is low, there is a loo with CCTV trained on it. I was brought a box of tissues and given a cup of tea. To be fair to the police they were absolutely lovely and took good care of me. I am not sure I was their "usual" customer. Door shut and I cannot tell you how horrific that is. I just sobbed, kept going to pick up my phone (now confiscated) to see if the kids were OK, but then realised I couldn't. So that was a very very long three hours in solitary....I spent most of it walking round in circles or pacing. I won't go into the needing a wee escapades as that was just comical...So, after about 3 or 4 hours, the hatch opens and a female officer just says "sweetheart, I can see what's happened here, let's get you out of here home to your kids". I just into the interview room we went...

TheFormidableMrsC · 10/06/2015 22:19

...Only to be confronted by about 20 feet of text messages that my H had printed out and stapled being the efficient little bunny he is. I should point out that there was an average of 1 text message per page from his i-phone. So, I was asked to tell the story from the beginning and I did. I can't expand on that anymore as I am currently on bail until 28 June. The only reason for that is to put distance between us and there were no restrictions. I was taken at about 11.00 am, I got home at 5.30. My son was distraught. That was the worst thing. He has been in a state since. Every knock at the door, we've gone backwards with toileting...I have to go with him. Night terrors...screaming out for me in the night...ending up in my bed or me on his floor. Talking endlessly to his imaginary friend when lying in bed about when Mummy went to the police and didn't come back. Difficulties at school, being called aside, he has been focussing on strange things like inlaws dog dying (that was months ago) and my Mum (who he never met as she died when DD was 4). The effect on him has been so awful that even his home visiting speech and language therapist commented on it. So thanks H and OW, I do hope that it was all worth it to you because you've totally fucked up my little boy. You are reprehensible and if you had the first fucking clue about ASD, you would have thought twice...but no...

RandomMess · 10/06/2015 22:20

Your Ex is a complete arse to have done this to you and your ds Angry


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twistletonsmythe · 10/06/2015 22:25

he most certainly is. And 'ole ow witch features is no better.

NeitherHereOrThere · 10/06/2015 22:30

Just read your updates Shock

Bloody hell.

EX and OW are both just vile vile vile to do this to you and DS.

Really do hope you are not in too much trouble.

How did MN find out about them reading your threads? Did they complain?

TheFormidableMrsC · 10/06/2015 22:31

Moving on to court day. I arrived very early as I usually do and was surprised to see OW's husband's car in the car park. H usually arrives at the last minute so it was no surprise that he was there because he had a "grand plan" twat. WWK and I had already spoken extensively the night before about MNHQ's email and the removal of the threads and any consequences. However, when I went to give H my position statement (he was alone, OW decided not to show her face this time despite order saying "all parties"), I heard him say to the usher that the Police had told him that he could submit "this" to the Judge. We were, by this time about 20 mins away from hearing. Usher then comes out and presents me with this large pile of paperwork which was headed "CONTEMPT OF COURT", an amazing attempt at blindsiding by H. This is where you are ALL guilty. Especially YOU WWK because you've all got a mention! I didn't have time to read anything but the first page and had no choice but to wait to see what the Judge said. I won't go into detail about the hearing, however, order remained, nominal order wasn't removed, H was told to do the consent order how he should have in the first place and no mention of "contempt". Previously triumphant looking H stormed out. I was a bit shocked to be honest. So off I went and then when I got home I actually got the full force of the hilarity of this letter. It had pineapples in it (with arrows). There was a description of OW (latterly known as Pauline), it went on and on. They clearly thought that they had the trump card. According to "Pauline" who wrote all the letters in her exclamation mark style (my H has literary issues so I know who writes stuff), they have a file "containing over a 1000 comments"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Sorry, I exaggerated the exclamation marks there..however, we were in serious trouble we weren't but it was laugh out loud funny....

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