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Who's Desperate and Awful Now....Story of My Divorce from Mr WT...Part 2....

999 replies

MrsC1969HJ · 19/07/2014 20:44

Having reached a 1000 posts, I can hardly believe we are moving onto Thread 2...I have had the most amazing ongoing support from so many and I will always be eternally grateful. Link to Thread 1

OP posts:
TheFormidableMrsC · 21/06/2015 22:26

Noooo Bogey, far too attractive according to my brother who said he had never been so shocked in his life at the sight of her when she came bowling out of the house screaming harassment while my H ran and hid like the big brave man he is


AgathaChristie01 · 21/06/2015 22:32

Here MrsC Wine or Brew or both if you want.

Bogeyface · 21/06/2015 22:34


andthenagain · 21/06/2015 22:41

just fro you MrsC Wine namechanged yet again !! but l m back Grin

Who's Desperate and Awful Now....Story of My Divorce from Mr WT...Part 2....
TheFormidableMrsC · 21/06/2015 22:55

Pointy I really need to post up pineapple related hilarity but I am so tired, I will do this'll love it...all of you. Unfortunately I have also had the experience of loss due to dementia so know what's coming. It's a bit shit isn't it? :-( x

TheFormidableMrsC · 21/06/2015 22:58

andthen...PM me, PLEASE...I am rubbish with name changers!! That was apt though Wink x

Agatha, I will take the wine thank you my darling, although I am about to make a cup of peppermint tea after today's BBQ extravaganza Smile x

Bogeyface · 21/06/2015 23:06

andthen She has a nice smile, something Pineapple Pauline has never managed!

andthenagain · 21/06/2015 23:08

Grin she devil MrsC like you and WWK

TheFormidableMrsC · 21/06/2015 23:18

andthen.looking forward to seeing your updates on "other" social media!!!! So good to see you here Smile Flowers. PP has a bulldog face...the chewing a wasp sort, or drinking sour milk..lucky husband and his nan!

AcrossthePond55 · 22/06/2015 01:03

andthen Yikes, that picture put me right off my food! A reminder not to MN with my supper in front of my laptop!

Luckily it didn't put me off my Wine !


goddessofsmallthings · 22/06/2015 03:07

Dearest Mrs C,

I haven't posted on your thread before but I have been an avid fan of your very good self, WWK, and the equally redoubtable pineapple, for many a long month.

As evidence of my credentials, having donned my hotpants I was on the brink of joining fourquenelles on the lurkers' cheerleading bench (p35) when this thread vanished, which event made me suspect that its disappearance was connected with the then forthcoming 2nd Pineapple Day and your expected further triumph in Court.

Two days later an ow posted a plaintive cry for help in understanding why her paramour's dw was seeking to take her philandering spouse 'to the cleaners'. Finding this to be a most curious coincidence, I proceeded to make a tit of myself closely question the OP until such time as I became, erroneously as it transpires, convinced that she was none other than Pauline the jolly widow who couldn't wait to get her jollies off with the prize prick you had the misfortune to marrry Mr W T.

Having made my excuses and left that thread, it went up in smoke at the OP's request but not before I had derived considerable amusement from it.

You sure struck gold pyrite when you hooked up with Mr W T, honey. He is the gift that keeps on giving rise to hilarity and, no matter how many future double acts he goes on to form, he will always remain the Aunt Sally centre stage in the merriment stakes.

While my personal opinion of the despicable duo must remain private for fear of offending those of delicate sensibilities, nevertheless I will continue to extract the urine maximum enjoyment from their antics.

Thus I will shortly retire for what remains of the night chortling at the image of Princess Precious Mr W T dressed in a pink tutu and ballet pointes tiptoeing around her who must be obeyed Prince Pauline and her face that can curdle milk at 50 paces - the pair of them are shoo ins for a Village People tribute band. Grin

I look forward to your pineapple related update, at which time I hope to unveil my cunning plan for the nation to be alerted to your eventual best seller, provisional working title 'My life and times with a dickhead Mr W T and the thicko third person who inserted herself into our marriage'.

Rest assured you'll never go short of these Wine Mrs C, and I hope to raise a glass to you in person in the not too distant future.

Yours in solidarity,


ThumbWitchesAbroad · 22/06/2015 11:26

Wow MrsC - I remember you from WWK's threads (waves to WWK) but don't think I ever saw your own threads before - what another horrifying story indeed!

I really have no idea what it is about these "men", nor the women who decide to be with them while they're behaving in such an appalling way, or indeed encourage them to be worse than they might have been on their own! Very low grade humans IMO. No compassion or humanity, just pure base selfishness. :(

You, on the other hand, deserve many many many Star and Thanks, as does WWK (and Karen, if she's still around too)

I hope that things go more your way and that karma does indeed visit itself upon your exW. By the sound of it, he's not in top health. (Oesophageal varices are messy, btw - I knew Disgrace has alluded to this already but yes, really messy)

Something I've wanted to mention on one of WWK or Karen's threads before, but haven't found them to do so, so I'll do it here - I found an old dictionary while I was at my Dad's in the UK and KOKO was in it!! Except that it didn't mean "keep on keeping on", it meant (rudely) "knickers off knockers out"! Yuk. Much prefer the MN version! Grin

DownTownAbbey · 22/06/2015 17:32

Hi Mrs C and the just-as-formidable-WWK! I'm new to MN and have just spent a day totally locked into your threads. I suspect I've developed DVT from just sitting here, mouth catching flies, and I'm dehydrated because I didn't want to stop reading long enough to make a cup of tea.

As the mother of a gorgeous, challenging and vulnerable ASD child I've read with mounting horror the imbecilic, slack-jawed-tw@tishness of your revoltingly selfish and self obsessed exh and the unhinged c*ntishness of the sociopathic OW. It makes my own divorce look like a picnic (ok, the picnic from Alice in Wonderland where there's a Mad Hatter and a freakish sense of un-reality but a picnic none the less)!

Sending you hugs and Flowers x

goddessofsmallthings · 22/06/2015 18:10

@TWA In the genteel atmosphere of mumsnet KOKO can have only one meaning, but outside of this refined club the definition given in your dad's dictionary of acronyms applies to the state in which Pauline is accustomed to keeping herself in order to exert control over her conquests. Wink

Some may say that Mr W T is pussy-whipped while others would have it that he should be horse-whipped from here to kingdom come. However, as you have alluded, only Karma can determine his fate with a little help from Mrs C's wellwishers here.

@DWA the imbecilic, slack-jawed-tw@tishness of your revoltingly selfish and self obsessed exh and the unhinged c*ntishness of the sociopathic OW seems to me you've got it in one and no-one can say they're not a well-matched pair. Angry

TheFormidableMrsC · 23/06/2015 00:10

Thumb, thank you so much for dropping lovely to see you! I have to say that I too prefer MN's version of "KOKO" because the version you describe is definitely what snared my H in the first place "knickers off false knockers out"...bleurgh!! Grin. Certainly "lacking in humanity" is the kindest thing that has been said about him....!

DownTown...thank you too for taking the time to read my horror story, I am so touched at that! It's a lot to take in isn't it? I am grateful for your comments re : ASD child. It's very very hard dealing with that in a situation like this with those two arseholes. That's another story...! I LOVED your description, very apt and I am very very sorry you have been through a similarly awful ordeal Flowers Wine.

Goddess, what can I say? Your posts on MN always make me smile, such is the skill of your writing! I am very glad you decided to visit and post. I did see the other thread you were referring to and very quickly realised what was going on there! Tit or not, you were fabulous and I thank you! I would be delighed to raise a glass with you so let's hope we can do that! Wine Smile

On that note...I had a coffee this week with another MN'er after we realised we are in fact virtually neighbours. How weird is that?! She knows OW and will no longer be taking her children to the salon given she's been screwed over in a similarly dreadful fashion by her husband and his OW. They're bloody everywhere!!! However, new friend gained Smile.

So I have been continuing on with the archiving of shit in small bites because I literally cannot stand to read stuff again. I just need all trace of Mr WT removed from my house and my computer and stored elsewhere for future reference my son. Anyway, I came across this corker entitled "Please understand"....Please understand that our marriage was over a long time ago nobody told me that. Divorce is shit but is required not within 3 days it isn't. I have lost a wife, but I hope I have gained a lifelong best friend oh how I laughed, because OW would have loved that. How bloody deluded can you be? At least it does make me laugh now. What a knob.

I have also been very busy reducing my social media presence, blocking them and everybody I can think of in relation to them, blocking their e-mail addresses and now have a new phone that he can't reach. He didn't want to co-parent, I have tried and failed to do that with him and encourage him to do so. OW can't stand it, so it will never happen. So, now I don't need to have contact with him at all. Good. So much for being "lifelong best friends"'ve got to laugh Hmm

ThumbWitchesAbroad · 23/06/2015 00:36

He's "lost" a wife?? Oh how hilarious. No mate, you didn't "lose" her, you chucked her away. She didn't go AWOL, did she now - no.

It does make me laugh how these losers think they can do their absolute worst to you and you'll somehow forgive them all that and be friends with them! My ex-fiancé pulled that line on me too - left me for OW 3m prior to wedding (only good thing about it!) and in one conversation told me that he "hoped we could be friends" - I asked him if he'd want to be friends with someone who'd ripped his heart out and kicked him repeatedly in the guts? He went quiet and said "err no, probably not". Well DUH!

And yes PaulinePineapplekoko seems about right. Maybe we should switch the pineapple for a kokonut? Grin

AcrossthePond55 · 23/06/2015 01:12

"Lost a wife", "gained a lifelong best friend". I'm truly speechless. I've never seen such a load of ego-centric skunk-shit before.

It was just his pathetic way of trying to put a lid on your righteous wrath. After all, 'lifelong best friends' don't get angry, do they? No, they fucking get even. His day will come. Maybe not tomorrow, maybe not 10 years from tomorrow. But it will come.

You know, when DH and I went through our 'rough patch' I told him that he'd better take a good long look at his attitudes, because the way he was going he was going to die alone, a very lonely and bitter old man. That really was a wake-up call for him (well, along with the fact that I had a packed bag by the front door and told him I was done). And it's the same for Mr WT. Pauline is going to drop him like a hot sack of shit at some point, women like her always do. She'll be hot after the 'next best thing'. And he'll be standing there with his tiny dick in his hand, wondering what happened and looking around for his 'family'. And there won't be a damn soul in sight. Almost makes me feel sorry for the poor fool. Almost, but not quite.

pointythings · 23/06/2015 16:43

You are all so eloquent that I have nothing to add except my agreement with everything you have all said.

Star and Flowers, MrsC

TheFormidableMrsC · 23/06/2015 21:53

It confounds me really. Would you treat your "best friend" like this, let alone your wife and DC's? How could he have thought we could be friends after this. It could all have been so very different, but no...

I did smile today though, my neighbour and her husband took their girls to a local soft play place at the weekend. Saw Mr WT and DS. The husband doesn't like Mr WT and has always made that clear as he used to salivate openly over his wife and everybody else it seems. However, the husband refused to believe that the man sat near him was Mr WT as he was unrecognisable from the Mr WT who used to live here. Apparently he was limping. That means only one thing in my experience. He's started running again. I am now anticipating a transformation, I have seen it all before, over and over again. OW hasn't though...Wink

ThatFriskyFeline · 23/06/2015 22:00

"Best friend"? Eh? Other than being a total fucktard, he appears to be on glue as well.

I can't help but feel so very sorry for your DS. I only know people with mild aspergers who are socially fine for the most part. Do you think your DS will ever be able to understand how bad his father's behaviour was?

Well done on te blocking and changing phone and all that. Out of sight, out of mind, hopefully. Or at least for the most part.

It must be bliss!

TheFormidableMrsC · 23/06/2015 22:30

I too feel very sorry for my DS four years old he has little understanding of what has happened, will never remember his father living here but is now starting to ask questions. Since I was arrested, his behaviour has changed considerably and in some areas he has regressed completely. I do think that neither H or OW appreciate the damage they have done to him. I have been concerned enough to seek outside help and somebody is coming to see me this week. He is my priority now (and DD of course, but she's nearly 17 and has her own life). I know that he is facing a lot of disruption, not least because we will have to move and a change of schools, but will ensure we have plenty of support to cope with it. For the most part, he is socially very good, he has improved so much with a supportive school and because of me implementing all the things I have learned on various courses I have taken to help me deal with his ASD. Shame his father couldn't be arsed to attend a single one! He has other problems though and that can be challenging, especially as a lone parent. However, we'll be OK! Thanks so much for your lovely post Flowers.

Pinkballoon · 23/06/2015 22:45

Did he see DS in Father's Day MrsC? Xx


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TheFormidableMrsC · 23/06/2015 22:52

Hi Pink, no, he didn't. He doesn't see DS on Sunday's only Wednesday and Saturday (he has exactly what he asked for). I am sure he celebrated it with stepchild number i've lost count

ThatFriskyFeline · 23/06/2015 23:03

Hey MrsC, anytime. I'm another frequently lurking poster on your thread, just forgot to change my name back to normal from this temporary name change Grin.

TheFormidableMrsC · 23/06/2015 23:06

Ahhh I see That...well I look forward to seeing you again, in whatever guise Smile

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