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Who's Desperate and Awful Now....Story of My Divorce from Mr WT...Part 2....

999 replies

MrsC1969HJ · 19/07/2014 20:44

Having reached a 1000 posts, I can hardly believe we are moving onto Thread 2...I have had the most amazing ongoing support from so many and I will always be eternally grateful. Link to Thread 1

OP posts:
TheFormidableMrsC · 24/06/2015 22:10

....and look forward to plenty of laughs and Wine on the next thread...and the start of my new life as ex-Mrs WT...exciting times! Smile

TheFormidableMrsC · 24/06/2015 22:09

Send you all Flowers

TheFormidableMrsC · 24/06/2015 22:09

So I shall stop rambling....

TheFormidableMrsC · 24/06/2015 22:08

I have been very fortunate to have made some wonderful RL friends, especially WWK, without whom I think things would have been very different (and not in a good way).

TheFormidableMrsC · 24/06/2015 22:07

Saying a huge thank you to all of you, every single last one of you, who have contributed, picked me up, made me laugh and kept me going through the darkest of times in my life.

TheFormidableMrsC · 24/06/2015 22:07

I am now going to fill this thread up by

TheFormidableMrsC · 24/06/2015 22:06
TheFormidableMrsC · 24/06/2015 21:59

Oh and thank God it was the Noddy car and not the 4 x 4 that was covered in vomit. It's such a bugger to get rid of that smell isn't it? snort

TheFormidableMrsC · 24/06/2015 21:57

.....oh and let's hope he starts on the steroids again or the "fat burning" shit from Bulgaria or wherever it was (he was taking that when he had an affair while working for my step-mother near the south coast about 6 years ago now). Life will be lovely then cue temper, flying plates and profuse sweating. Thank God I don't have to deal with all of that again, years and years of his obsessive health "kicks* and wondering what each day would bring...!

Anyway onto today. I took DS to school this morning and he was right as rain. Had eaten breakfast and was his usual jolly self. At 4 pm Mr WT brings DS back, normally he bangs on the door, leaves him on the step with his bags and drives off. This time he is holding DS almost at arms length right in front of me. I waited for him to put him down, he didn't, he just said "can you take him, he's been SICK ALL OVER THE CAR". So I took DS in and laid him on the sofa where he began to cry, he was green, bless him and he started to shake. Then the vomiting started....poor little man, he was so frightened as they are at that age and because he has sensory issues, I think he was more sick from being sick and getting more distressed. Unfortunately, I had a lady coming to see us for a home visit today, she arrived and I could only apologise and say we'd have to rearrange. She took one look at DS and agreed. I then had to drive and pick up daughter some half an hour away with a sick DS and plenty of plastic bags. Fortunately he wasn't sick again. He's asleep now although has been very difficult this evening. That is normal post-contact behaviour but mixed up with being unwell, it's hard! I don't think he has a bug, I think he was just fed crap as usual and it was too much. The one thing I did notice today is that I felt absolute indifference looking at my husband. He's such an ugly person now that I wonder what I ever saw in him. That is definitely a sign of progress!! You just want to feel "meh" as WWK would say and I did!

I also had a therapeutic clear out today of some of the crap he left under our bed. We need to start clearing stuff now and getting organised as we will have to downsize and now is the time to start getting rid of it all. Mr WT had left piles of clothes in the storage under our bed, all stuff I bought him (charming) but all really nice things, good labels and none of which would fit him now. I had thought about dumping on OW's drive or e-baying and using the money for something nice but actually I donated it all to a local children's hospice instead. They can raise some money from it, I would say a good £200 worth. Given he wished death by cancer on me, was so disrespectful to my lovely Auntie when she was dying despite the fact she had treated him so kindly and indeed that he described my dying mother as a "waste of space", I thought it would be better for his things to bring some good to those who deserve it. This is the man who swore on our little boy's LIFE that he wasn't having an affair, that he'd never cheat and that there was no OW. No wonder son vomited Hmm. Never have I felt so relieved to be shot of that man....

goddessofsmallthings · 24/06/2015 21:47

Yay to a third thread, Mrs C... this is by no means the end of the story and your readers are gagging patiently waiting for the final denouement which is unlikely to be long in coming.

Brew settles in for next instalment...

TheFormidableMrsC · 24/06/2015 21:24

Evening all, lots of posts to catch up on that did make me laugh! We have a case of vomit-itis in the house so needed that! Let me tell you something about Mr WT...firstly, he will never "go back", he doesn't do going back. I knew he would never come back, he made that very clear and I also know that I would never ever take him back even if he was the last man on earth. His thing is lining up his next cock-lodge before he makes a move. To be absolutely fair to him, he has stayed entirely true to form, remember he has done this twice before I ignored the red flags. He would never leave somebody if there wasn't somebody to move on to and like the others he planned it meticulously alongside OW but truly fucked it up. This time he forgot that having a child changes everything. I think Pink has got it in one...he will hate the fact that people think he looks shit, he loves female attention and is an insufferable flirt, always has been and always will be. What OW needs to be prepared for is that if this IS his latest regime, their whole lives will be turned upside down to accommodate it. I hope she's stocked up on tuna and protein shakes and doesn't mind him disappearing off for a "run" at all hours of the day and night or indeed doing Insanity at 11.00 pm. As you do. I am just glad that I don't have to hear him shout "get out of the fucking way" to my toddler every five seconds because he's lifting weights. It's lovely and peaceful here Smile.

Anyway, off to make a cuppa, will be back with today's news. Not that exciting really...oh and also, I was wondering about starting a third thread, I know this one is near the end. I think I will, we haven't actually reached the end of this divorce yet so I think a third and final thread will be a fitting ending...don't you? Smile

acatcalledjohn · 24/06/2015 16:42

I like your style, Bogey!

By the way, just noticed this thread is almost full...

Pinkballoon · 24/06/2015 14:42

Serious exercise routines always signify things with (some) men. I can't see OW encouraging or instigating this if their life to date has all been about drinking. Strange.

ScrambledSmegs · 24/06/2015 14:39

Running, eh? Wonder who he's running after...

Bogeyface · 24/06/2015 14:28

maybe you should load up a nerf gun with pineapple pieces for when MrWT turns up... and a super soaker filled with piss!

Pinkballoon · 24/06/2015 13:49

Maybe the running is as a result of everyone saying they don't recognise him anymore??? :) xx

acatcalledjohn · 24/06/2015 13:23

Can we have Afro wigs?

AcrossthePond55 · 24/06/2015 12:39

If he does try to come crawling back, I suggest that we all gather on MrsC's doorstep for a rousing chorus of 'I Will Survive' in 4 part harmony, complete with choreographed 1970s disco-dance moves!

butterflygirl15 · 24/06/2015 11:25

be a waste of a good chicken or a nice pineapple wouldn't it.

I would pay good money to watch him come crawling back to MrsC - the fact he is trying to get himself into shape would suggest he certainly is chasing his next bit of skirt target

acatcalledjohn · 24/06/2015 10:39

Roast chicken attack Grin

MrsC, maybe you should load up a nerf gun with pineapple pieces for when MrWT turns up...

Anniegetyourgun · 24/06/2015 09:51

I'm guessing he won't chase Pauline, he'll turn up on MrsC's doorstep with a suitcase and a woebegone expression. Bearing in mind that she is under police surveillance she will of course restrain herself from throwing pineapples at him. She may have coincidentally been emptying a bucket glass of water out of an upstairs window just as he came by, but accidents will happen.

I threw a roast chicken at XH once. One must maintain boundaries by whatever means necessary.

AcrossthePond55 · 24/06/2015 02:45

Running? If you're lucky maybe he'll catch WWK's Ex's 'heart condition from which he may die at any time'. No, I don't really. My granny always said that you should never ill-wish someone. You are just supposed to say "I pray that God brings him everything he deserves in life". Wink

Bogey I think he's practicing for the chase when Pauline runs off with the 'next best thing', whatever that may be.


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Bogeyface · 24/06/2015 01:06

So he is running? Practising for when he legs it from Pauline?! HAving seen the size of her arse, I think the chances of her catching him is minimal :o

ThumbWitchesAbroad · 24/06/2015 00:40

Running, eh? Your problems could be over sooner than you think, MrsC - if he's that overweight and has alcoholic liver damage, causing blood pressure issues (--> oesophageal varices, don't know if Disgrace was just speculating or whether he actually has them though) then running might not really be his safest option...

TheFormidableMrsC · 23/06/2015 23:06

Ahhh I see That...well I look forward to seeing you again, in whatever guise Smile

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