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I'm quite happy with a jar of Branstons

999 replies

LouP19 · 22/08/2012 09:53

Morning all.

Talking of Toast Toppers, he took 2 tins of that as well. Yes, really.

My pantry is now full of Heinz cheese ravioli and Tesco sausage and beans.


OP posts:
LouP19 · 22/08/2012 14:12

Hello all, good appointment at the GP. She was fab, immediately said 'Ignore him, this is about YOU'. I told her my husband was an articulate, charming professional and her first response was 'They always are!!'.

I should get an appointment within the next week or so. When I said I'd been with him for 8 years the first thing she said was 'It'll take you 4 years to recover, and by then you might not have found the right person to have had a child with'. Yikes. But I did appreciate her realism, strange as it sounds. Confused

Anyway, trying to forget about the baby today. Googling a 9 week old baby yesterday was a bad idea. I've got to detach myself a wee bit I think,... I then googled the stage OW is at. Arrrggghhh! So I'm not strong all the time.

I am still having the weird food fetishes, probably a combo of the pregnancy and stress. Had 4 laughing cos triangles for lunch on crackers. Again! I suspect in years to come I'll never be able to look at any of these foods!

OP posts:
LouP19 · 22/08/2012 14:16

Laughing Cow, sorry!

OP posts:
boredandrestless · 22/08/2012 14:19

I didn't even realise you could still buy toast toppers! I remember being fed them for weeks and weeks as a kid - they must have been selling some off. I got so sick of them I've never eaten toast toppers since.

Lou glad to hear GP appointment went well today. It's nice to hear your work are supportive too. Smile

Bossybritches22 · 22/08/2012 14:38

Sounds like your GP is fab too & seen it all (sadly ) before... glad you had a good chat.

blackcurrants · 22/08/2012 14:41

I'm so glad, lou, that you got the kind of information that you need from the GP at last .

And 4 laughing cow triangles on crackers sounds like a grand lunch to me! Throw in an apple and a magnum and it's pretty much my perfect day! :)

garlicnuts · 22/08/2012 14:51

I've found the Branston Grin

Thank goodness your GP got back on the ball, Lou, and that you're going to get the appointment you should have had yesterday. Once again, the fact that you're so well supported by everyone around you says tons about you: all of it good.

FrillyMilly · 22/08/2012 14:54

Hello I've been following your last couple of threads, missed the beginning but I think I follow what happened. Just wanted to add my support.

Have you found out where he's living yet? Do you know anything about OW, even her name? I bet she'd be very shocked to find out he was still sleeping with you as well as her.

Beckamaw · 22/08/2012 15:04

Blackcurrants - I just remembered that I have a veritable selection of Magnums in my freezer.
This thread is going to make me obese!

Lou - good for you. I hope you get the support you need to make the right decision for YOU. Fuck whatever Chuntney wants. He's lost a woman in a million, hasn't he?

YellowTulips · 22/08/2012 15:07

Good news the visit to the GP was productive. She is right - it is all about you, so be good to yourself.

I wouldn't take the 4 years comment to heart. No one knows what the future holds and you can only make decisions in the here and now. Just keep breathing - and take one day at a time :-)

Hopefully counseling will help you sort through what are some very difficult emotions and allow you to feel comfortable with whatever decision you make.

LouP19 · 22/08/2012 15:08

Awww, thanks Beckamaw. My boss said he's jumped on a pony and lost a thoroughbred!!! Grin

(I don't look like a thoroughbred, I have to say!!)

OP posts:
YellowTulips · 22/08/2012 15:13

I like your boss :-)

AgathaFusty · 22/08/2012 15:24

Really pleased your GP appointment went well, and good that you will get your counselling appointment so soon.

Your GP speaks sense with regard to this reponse - "Ignore him, this is about YOU".

Bossybritches22 · 22/08/2012 15:32

YellowTulips I like the sound of Lou's boss too sounds like a Good Egg, but then all her supporters do , don't they, Boss, GP, Parents & friends. A reflection on the lady herself I feel!

MariaCallous · 22/08/2012 15:47

Mmmm, boiled egg mashed up in a cup with hot buttered toast.

DozyDuck · 22/08/2012 15:49

Glad you're feeling more positive Lou Smile

sugarice · 22/08/2012 16:06

Lou don't google, it won't help you with any decision making. A straight talking
GP indeed , good job you're made of stern stuff! You do sound brighter each time you post.

BabylonPI · 22/08/2012 16:06

Aha I thought you were hiding from me Wink

Lagartijadoesthecrazyshake · 22/08/2012 16:06

Don't worry about if you'll meet someone else and when. You can't know that. Also don't worry about being tied to him, you don't have to be and he may well not be all that interested (sorry if that sounds harsh). You need to work out in your head what your gut feeling is, do you want a baby and are you prepared to take the risk that this baby may be your only chance to become a mother. If you decide you don't want to continue, there's nothing wrong with that, but you need to get that clear in your head as soon as possible. Hope you can get some helpful counselling soon and wishing you strength and clarity for whatever you decide. xx

Houseofplain · 22/08/2012 16:45

I think your gp was right to point that out tbh, she may well know herself.

I think what she was saying is make this decision for you. Not him....because

As due to your previous fertility problems and the clock of mother nature. This could be your only chance at being a mother. Thanks to that fuckwit. It's something to consider very carefully.

MissFenella · 22/08/2012 16:48

Glad things worked out with the GP for you Lou - stay strong x

tara0202 · 22/08/2012 17:00

Found you :-)

Really glad you're feeling more positive today Lou. X

Beckamaw · 22/08/2012 17:19

Lou - such a thoroughbred will attract a stallion, regardless of babies. Grin

While many men are fuckwits, so are many women.
I was single with 2 daughters after my marriage failed through DH screwing a dumpy young colleague. First I met a complete troll of a man who couldn't cope with the fact that I had kids. Off he popped.
Then I met DP who had a similar marriage backstory. And 2 DCs.

Having children made me more attractive to him. He wanted a partner who understood his priorities. He is the best man that I could have wished for!
And at 38 I just had another baby with him. I am exceptionally happy!!


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Pickles77 · 22/08/2012 17:37

I also would like to stress I found care confidential wonderful and neutral Smile

juneau · 22/08/2012 17:45

Your GP sounds cool - I like to have one that doesn't mince his/her words - makes me feel more secure somehow. I like your boss too. I think I might have called her a bike, rather a pony, however!

ladyWordy · 22/08/2012 17:55

I told her my husband was an articulate, charming professional and her first response was 'They always are!!'

Brilliant lady. :)
If Lou's GP reads mumsnet on the quiet.... we salute you!
It sounds almost like a 6 minute counselling session on its own. A very straight and honest response...if a little breathtaking.

hope you feel well this evening Lou, and enjoy a feast on veggie sausages, ravioli, dairylea and whatever you love best :)

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