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Face slapping during

396 replies

Allabitmuch · 23/11/2011 16:20

Am a regular but have name changed for this.

Have recently started seeing someone after a loooong time out of the game. Things seem to have changed a lot since when I was last single (am in my mid-thirties.)

This man is (as far as I can know seeing as I've only met him fairly recently) kind, considerate respectful and fun. I like him although I'm remaining fairly circumspect - it's very early days and I don't really know where I'm hoping things will go yet.

The thing is, he has expressed an interest in slapping my face during sex. Now I'm not really a strictly lights off vanilla type of woman. I'm happy to experiment and try new things, but this is definitely pushing at the very edges of my boundaries I have to say. I'm not sure.

And I guess my question is, is this normal sexual practice these days? Things seem to have changed so much. When I was last single and dating, no man ever expressed an interest in ejaculating on a womans face - now all men seem to desire this. Does this preference of his suggest a secret liking for sadistic porn to you? A lack of respect maybe? Or is this just a harmless thing that lots of couples like to do?

Your thoughts would be much appreciated, thanks.

OP posts:
PosiesOfPoinsettia · 25/11/2011 21:03

Op I would think your admission of him doing something like crushing you and then immediate denial was a bit troll like if I didn't believe you, which I do. He sounds like a bit of a fright. I would be inclined to look in local papers for crimes against women. This charming man sounds frightening, early into a relationship he's crushing you in a breathless BDSM way and asking to slap your face whilst working with women who suffer violence, including sexual. I may be inclined to confide in a psychologist who would have insight in whether the two are connected. Perhaps I watch too much TV but I am unnerved by this.

Allabitmuch · 25/11/2011 21:38

I'm just not sure if that's what it was Posies is all, or whether after reading some stuff I had never heard of before I'm now finding things in his behaviour that 'fit' after the fact - if that makes sense. Perhaps I shouldn't have mentioned it.

Anyway, it doesn't matter now does it. I've decided not to continue with him. Have deleted his number from my phone and made sure I have no way of contacting him. So that's that.

OP posts:
scottishmummy · 25/11/2011 22:49

if you think troll posie report it
otherwise keep your sor it on telly wisdom to yourself,your too het up

PosiesOfPoinsettia · 25/11/2011 22:54

I don't think troll at all as I clearly say in my post Scottishparent.

PosiesOfPoinsettia · 25/11/2011 22:54

On the pop again love?

scottishmummy · 25/11/2011 22:56

I know this game
you call me a drunk
go on then hint away

PosiesOfPoinsettia · 25/11/2011 22:58

It's too easy. Smile

scottishmummy · 25/11/2011 22:58

and I call you on pretending to be a sw
reproaching and approaching strangers and pretending to be a sw to add gravitas to your lies

scottishmummy · 25/11/2011 23:00

are you aware it's quite weird to purport to be sw to impose upon strangers

MahatmaGloves · 25/11/2011 23:01

Come on, this is all a bit undignified, isn't it?

scottishmummy · 25/11/2011 23:03

as undignified as lying when reproaching strangers?

PosiesOfPoinsettia · 25/11/2011 23:04

I believe that's another thread you're carrying across the boards again, scotch. Rather bad form don't you think. Still makes me think I've hit a nerve. Every cloud.....

PosiesOfPoinsettia · 25/11/2011 23:07

She does this a lot lately. I approached a woman violently threatening her child. End of story, I was in a tight spot and was worried for the child. Scotch thinks it's okay to bring it up all of the time even though I imagine she made objections on the thread. It's what people like her do.

scottishmummy · 25/11/2011 23:09

bad form perhaps but deliciously ironic that one who lies and purports to be something they are not in real life has nod to online etiquette
you see I don't reproach strangers in rl and lie
might call you on your intrusions though

oh and yes of course I must be plastered im Scottish after all

PosiesOfPoinsettia · 25/11/2011 23:11

It's nothing to do with your demographic, stupid woman, it's because you're nasty.

scottishmummy · 25/11/2011 23:13

op you seem to have found a resolution and strength
it has been a tumultuous time

ShirleyKnot · 25/11/2011 23:16

I am literally LOLLING at SM

Amazed you remember a poster!

Words on a screen after all. old bean!

scottishmummy · 25/11/2011 23:21

hehe,some bampots linger
she & I argued this on other day,yesterday?
posie, nosy, it has a certain obvious quality

MahatmaGloves · 25/11/2011 23:21

Yep, respond to posts, not the poster and all that. No dragging beefs about the boards in sweetie wifie fashion etc etc.

scottishmummy · 25/11/2011 23:24

guilty as charged
sweetie wife hinging oer a line
chewin the fat and bumpin gums

MahatmaGloves · 25/11/2011 23:26

Aye, gonnae no do that?

JeremyVile · 25/11/2011 23:29

Wull ye aw hawd yer weesht!

Your turning this civilised sexy-face-slapping thread into a spectacle.


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ShirleyKnot · 25/11/2011 23:31


scottishmummy · 25/11/2011 23:32

indeed,some composure reqd
and yes op needs recognition for working through difficult stuff

toptramp · 26/11/2011 00:22

I like having my arse slapped (cheeky and naughty and well padded!) but face? No.

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