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999 replies

PseudoBadger · 07/09/2016 13:27

What day is it again?

OP posts:
TeaPleaseLouise · 10/09/2016 11:19

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BoreOfWhabylon · 10/09/2016 11:24
TheAntiBoop · 10/09/2016 11:27

Is this going to be an hour long 'acting fight' with each actor trying to make sure they are recognised and considered the best

Gruach · 10/09/2016 11:27

'Cept they're not angry. They're getting their heart's desires.

And will I'm sure return the favour in the fullness of time.

PresidentOliviaMumsnet · 10/09/2016 11:31


Thread titles please

Something which warmly welcomes all newbies (have had RL folk coming to talk to me about this as they know I'm a listener) and mentions the no farking spoilers "rule

LOVE that there are so many folk on the thread.
Welcome welcome and I'm v late to thread though have been listening every eve. Literally got a pen and paper to ask q's in a min.
PresidentOliviaMumsnet · 10/09/2016 11:37


I mean, the big things in my village at the moment are:

  1. Parking issues outside the Tesco express
  2. Flower and produce show - one set of parents apparently makes all the stuff for their kids for the children's classes and wins everything all the time, basically by cheating (it is said).
  3. Children's play area bring remodelled for the first time since about 1960.
  4. Dog fouling on the village green.
  5. Will the Post Office move?
  6. Is it oil seed rape we are all allergic to or something else?
  7. Book club demographic getting a bit old.
  8. Shed and distraction burglaries. Was the guy caught on CCTV? How much CCTV can you put on the outside of your house before you break the law?

Seriously, I could write this stuff.

Me too. Big things in my village are:

1 Parking issues outside school
2 development plan - too many large family houses in my village and not enough starter/affordable homes
3 new development nearby and school places
4 dog fouling everywhere
5 blocked culverts (yes really, but by the crappy job done by the inconvenient road resurfacing)
6 Large lorries using the village as a cut thru due to Sat Nav and trashing the verges
7 No children entering the Flower & Produce show (it's this afternoon - we haven't entered Blush)

(when we first moved here, 8 years ago when DS1 was a teeny baby, I thought we HAD moved to Ambridge. One old dear stopped me in the street and said "ooh have you just moved into "house name?" oh yes, your neighbour told me about you. Then I discovered my other neighbours are called Neil and Susan. And the pub is called The Bull.)
BoreOfWhabylon · 10/09/2016 11:48

YY they haven't had a dog-fouling s/l yet have they? And it is a hot topic in rural villages everywhere.

I successfully lobbied the council to have a dog poo bin installed locally

Another thread title: suggestion:

Dum didum didum didum - yes, it's The O'Connors. An everyday tale of thespian nepotism in a rural setting.

RandomDent · 10/09/2016 11:50

I'm glad I'm not the only one looking forward to the jury special. Lots of opportunity to air differing views and to discuss evidence we may not have heard this week.

RandomDent · 10/09/2016 11:52

The only change I really mourn is the exit of Tiger. I have grown used to / actively like the rest.

Vango · 10/09/2016 11:55

Me too Random. I wonder if Matt will return following SOCs departure? I massively miss him, especially when the Brian/JD/Lillian foursome.

BoreOfWhabylon · 10/09/2016 11:58

I miss Tiger too. Also Hayley. I hope they both come back.

And OldTom.

And the Bearfrothers can bugger off.

Vango · 10/09/2016 12:01

Yes, definitely Hayley too. I like Tom! I'm reserving judgment on the Fairbros. I can very cheerfully live without Pip though. She is a TERRIBLE radio actor.

GrumpyOldBag · 10/09/2016 12:02

I would like to draw a parallel with the poor scripts of Downton Abbey in its last few series.

Ridiculous, pointless, short-lived cliffhangers, clunky plot signposting and some badly overdrawn characters.

I wonder whether SOC and Julian Fellowes are acquainted?

I will be listening on Sunday though.

GypsyFl0ss · 10/09/2016 12:03

Just made it in time to say hello on this thread before it disappears.

EBearhug · 10/09/2016 12:03

Blocked culverts was something my father used to rant on about, and he's been dead 15 years, so it's nothing new.

I too was brought up on a Dorset farm, and I remember Mum and I were once chatting to the next door farmer, and the Archers came up in conversation - he said that another neighbouring farmer knew Graham Harvey and had been called to check facts. Obviously this was a long time back, back when the agricultural story editor was more than just a name in the credits.

I agree that villages where you can trace the family tree of half the village does seem quite normal.

Ackeeandsaltfish · 10/09/2016 12:05

...send the fairbethren on an extended rugby tour of the Polynesian Islands and let them stay to start a chicken farm on Fiji.

TheAntiBoop · 10/09/2016 12:06

I only have experience of a French village and that would make for very interesting listening!

Ackeeandsaltfish · 10/09/2016 12:06

..oh and take Pip with them as a hot shot agricultural advisor.

TheAntiBoop · 10/09/2016 12:07

Can't they just leave her scuba diving in shark infested water overnight?

PseudoBadger · 10/09/2016 12:08

"Something which warmly welcomes all newbies (have had RL folk coming to talk to me about this as they know I'm a listener) and mentions the no farking spoilers "rule""

Olivia - you've had people talk to you about this thread?!

OP posts:
ErrolTheDragon · 10/09/2016 12:45

A welcome to newbies(both to the boards and TA in general) and a link to the spoilers in the OP not the title itself might be nice

PresidentOliviaMumsnet · 10/09/2016 12:49


"Something which warmly welcomes all newbies (have had RL folk coming to talk to me about this as they know I'm a listener) and mentions the no farking spoilers "rule""

Olivia - you've had people talk to you about this thread?!

About the Archers and what MN is saying about it as they know I do both, YUP

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PseudoBadger · 10/09/2016 12:51

Ah ok I thought they may have been complaining...

OP posts:
JudyCoolibar · 10/09/2016 12:52

Not hearing it all has left us hanging, in complete suspense. Without the cross examination, or the judge's full summing up, we have no clue which way it will go! Very clever, I think

But both TV and radio dramas manage that all the time whilst still letting us hear a decent chunk of the evidence. Sure, most radio dramas have more time, but then they have allocated more time to this one.

Vango · 10/09/2016 13:22

What I meant was that we already know the facts and what each of them is likely to say. The trial itself hasn't thrown up any startling revelations. Giving us so little coverage this week makes me anticipate Sunday all the more.

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