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PseudoBadger · 07/09/2016 13:27

What day is it again?

OP posts:
Olympiathequeen · 11/09/2016 09:21

The jury's back. The verdict's in. Helen spoke up, but Rob might win. So what will it be? Jack or ...... Gideon?

New thread title?

Northernlurker · 11/09/2016 09:25

I think there's a good chance she will be found guilty of wounding though I hope not. I don't think attempted murder has a chance.
If I was writing the episode the verdict would come half way because the real drama is when Helen and rob are properly face to face since April and she wants Henry back now. I think rob will have sent Ursula and Henry away and whilst he knows he can't keep Helen away, he can use his power to insist she can have Henry back if she gives him jack.

Tuktuktaker · 11/09/2016 09:26

Like that very much, OlympiatheQueen (though deeply disappointed there is no mention of creme anglaise in it Grin).

MrsKwazii · 11/09/2016 09:35
Tuktuktaker · 11/09/2016 09:40

It's a good article, isn't it, MrsKwazii - it could have been written by any one of the many Archers' former listeners I know, (not just MNetters) though!

tibbawyrots · 11/09/2016 09:41

Sheep dip 😂

I like that potential title, olympia

returns to pacing the floor

JudyCoolibar · 11/09/2016 09:48

TukTuk, we had quite a lot of discussion of the eating disorder a few months ago at a time when there were numerous signals in the script that Helen wasn't eating and was avoiding food, and Rob seemed to be pushing her into it by commenting on how big she was. After she collapsed and went into hospital, he went the other way and started forcing food down her, but in any event the signals that she was avoiding food stopped. I don't think there has been any suggestion that she has been avoiding food in the MBU, has there?

tomtherabbit · 11/09/2016 09:54

As soon as Helen realised she was damaging the baby she started eating again - although still turned down cake.

Rob used it as a weapon to prove to her she was unstable/unfit mother and kept forcing her eat cod in cheese sauce.

Olympiathequeen · 11/09/2016 09:58

Wonder if we will get the verdict tonight? And will the jury be deliberating over a few days or all tonight? And will they cogitation over evidence we didn't hear?

Going to listen to omnibus soon 😀

redshoeblueshoe · 11/09/2016 10:07

If I was Anna I would be claiming mis-trial, due to the fact most of the jury are related to Knobs boss Grin

redshoeblueshoe · 11/09/2016 10:09

Actually just listening to omnibus, wouldn't a sane juror think Rob was a twat when he said he couldn't possibly eat tuna ?

Tuktuktaker · 11/09/2016 10:14

Judy, I have only listened rarely over the past couple of years and have mostly avoided episodes with Rob in, so I don't know about Hellbent's eating habits in the MBU. I must have heard the collapse and stuff before it, but then stopped listening so had no idea which way the storyline went, and I don't always read these threads or any other references to TA when I am in utter annoyance about the way the programme has been taken. Pat's reaction to Hellbent's physical appearance when she first saw her in court would indicate that Helen had not been eating properly, despite breast-feeding Jack (unless she is formula feeding him, sorry, I have no idea about this, but would make it more likely that she would starve herself in that case), wouldn't it?

Putthetulipsthere · 11/09/2016 10:15

MrsKwazii - the Spectator article is perfect! So nice to have some negative press coverage of SOC, as it seems he is so universally lauded ( well he is on the BBC anyway)

I didn't realise SOC had suggested Helen might go free but Rob have custody of Henry & Jack 😱😱. Surely if Helen is found innocent, part of that verdict will be based on the fact that Rob has abused her (& Henry) & therefore shouldn't have custody. Hmmm🤔🤔

RockNRollNerd · 11/09/2016 10:16

My all time favourite headline on our local free newspaper was 'dog attacked by muntjac on golf course' - that was the most important thing that had happened in the whole town all week apparently! Both dog and muntjac were fine and they didn't have to close any tees either. It's a standing joke at my work as I share an office with 2 guys who are born and bred London that I share the local news headlines every week.

Am not happy with the idea of a stellar cast for the jury, especially as at least two of them (Nigel Havers and Catherine Tate) always sound like themselves, suspension of disbelief is not going to be possible.

Thanks for suggestions re how to duck out for an hour tonight - current favourite is literally lying with a hot compress on my head for 15 mins and then will fill remaining 45 mins with cleaning make up brushes as for the first itme ever I've managed to get a manky eye Sad.

HalsallRedux · 11/09/2016 10:19

Our rural ishoos are depressingly tame compared to BoffinMum's.

Flooding in the village (culverts?? Not sure)
Development looming (most people against, council steaming ahead regardless)
A very precious landmark not being looked after properly and nobody seeming willing to do anything about it despite protracted hand-wringing.
All the above gossiped about ad nauseum at the inevitable book club to the detriment of the actual book supposedly under discussion

No torture dungeons, although I seem to recall there was a neighbourhood brothel reported in the local paper not so long ago. So there's still hope.

Ackeeandsaltfish · 11/09/2016 10:25

Olympia - a title you can singalong to!

Minimammoth · 11/09/2016 10:30

Just a thought. The psychiatrist declared Helen to be fit and well, goes against Robs assertion that she was ill and deranged.

Tuktuktaker · 11/09/2016 10:45

I like your thinking, Minimammoth, but it involves coherent logic, which I don't think S'OC is capable of. I'm terrified that despite the trumpeting about Refuge, Women's Aid and coercive control laws, the verdict will offer no succour to real women in similar situations to Helen and she will be banged up for years for attempted murder or whatever crime she is deemed to have committed, and Rob will take her children and the Bridge Farm Archers of Ambridge will never see them again.

MrsKwazii · 11/09/2016 11:00

Yes Tulips it does feel like the BBC machine has steadfastly stuck to the line of SOC being all-round amazing, when there are plenty of disgruntled listeners. It's very indulgent parent and golden child.

CeciledeVolanges · 11/09/2016 11:06

Mini being fit to stand trial is very, very far from being fit and well.

CeciledeVolanges · 11/09/2016 11:07

RocknRoll sadly I can't remember exactly, but there was definitely an article in Canary Wharf News titled "Dog nearly dies"

PseudoBadger · 11/09/2016 11:11
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Olympiathequeen · 11/09/2016 11:11

Grrr. Shula is devoid of morals. Talking to Rob as though she didn't know he punched the sab! Rob clearly thinks she's onside.

ApocalypseSlough · 11/09/2016 11:11

I think the BBC are very 'bottom line' about figures aren't they? If the listening figures are up they really don't care take satisfaction into account.
There used to be a really gentle Sunday night request programme on Radio 2- mainly hymns 'from Ivy to her dear friend Doris who was her bridesmaid 50 years ago'. They moved it to 6am on Sunday morning and changed the name to massive outcry, but as they now have a more popular programme in the original Sunday night slot it's deemed a success. Hmm

ErrolTheDragon · 11/09/2016 11:18

I know there's a new thread but just listening to the omnibus a bit amused that graham Harvey still gets s name check. Come on, if he's still on the payroll fgs give him something to do!

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