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999 replies

PseudoBadger · 07/09/2016 13:27

What day is it again?

OP posts:
Putthetulipsthere · 11/09/2016 11:26

Our village concerns over recent months include:-

Dog poo not being cleared up
Rabbits over running gardens
Who stole a display of dahlias from the fruit and produce show?
Who is paired with who on church flower rota
New incumbent in village pub restricting it to a restaurant only, no bar, thus preventing groups such as PTA to use it for gatherings ( he has since mended his ways)

JasperDamerel · 11/09/2016 11:57

It's just occurred to me, why on earth isn't Phoebe taking a gap year to volunteer in South Africa? Apart from the obvious reason that everyone in Ambridge has forgotten about Noli and Sipho.

Tuktuktaker · 11/09/2016 12:21

Didn't it end badly the last time Phoebe was in S Africa, JasperDamerel? What with discovering her mother was having an affair and all?

ErrolTheDragon · 11/09/2016 12:24

Jasper, I don't think gap years are common now, in these days of student loans. The exception is people who didn't get the places they wanted , or some of those planning to do med/vet who want to get their grades under their belts and some solid experience before (re) applying.

JasperDamerel · 11/09/2016 12:37

It went badly, but she kept in touch with the siblings by Skype even when Kate was being an arse. And Brian is clearly loaded and could afford for her to go and Jenny would talk him into giving her anything now that she's got a place at Oxford.

I thought that nowadays people tended to do money-earning gap years to save up, so there still lots of people taking out, but the whole travelling the world year was back to being the preserve of the wealthy.

RandomDent · 11/09/2016 12:49

She might go when she graduates, lots of people did in the dark ages when I went to uni.

JudyCoolibar · 11/09/2016 12:56

TukTuk, when the SWs wanted to show that Helen's eating disorder could be coming back, they signalled it quite heavily - there were numerous scenes when she refused food or slid out of having any. I think they would have signalled it in the same way if it was being suggested now, but the only person who has said Helen looks thin is Pat, and she hasn't seen her since she was heavily pregnant.

RandomDent · 11/09/2016 13:22

Tom mentioned it too. Has he been visiting?

RandomDent · 11/09/2016 13:22

Actually, that's a point. Once Pat had given her evidence, would she not be allowed to visit Helen?

JudyCoolibar · 11/09/2016 13:30

Pat would be allowed to visit now if Helen is convicted. I'm not sure if she would before the end of the trial - I suspect the same rules would apply in case, for instance, the jury can't come to a verdict and there has to be a retrial.

BoffinMum · 11/09/2016 14:45
CeciledeVolanges · 11/09/2016 15:52

Tuktuk I'm aware of Helen's history, I'm just confused as to why it would be bulimia. I always thought it was anorexia. People don't like saying "anorexia" so they say "eating disorder" instead.

SlimCheesy2 · 11/09/2016 16:07

Major rural news in my village is that there has been a petition started to ban 4x4sfrom the church car park because someone was nearly hit by one.

And that the local council's solution to a bad village-wide rat infestation is to ask people to dismantle and then discontinue their compost heaps. Hmm I am quite exercised by the last one and have written to the local paper suggesting that if the council brought back weekly bin collections that might solve the problem.

ibrowze · 11/09/2016 16:17

Can a medical person explain to me what service it did Rob to taunt Helen about her weight when pregnant? If he was thinking it might provoke her to stop eating again, wouldn't that harm his precious Gideon in vitro?!Confused

redshoeblueshoe · 11/09/2016 16:29

ibrowze we did have a lot of discussion about it at the time, but I can't remember what we concluded Grin

nippiesweetie · 11/09/2016 16:51

BoffinMum Sheep can cough, though. Really loudly. Loud enough for me to think that someone was in my room.

Sheep actually across the road.

Tuktuktaker · 11/09/2016 17:34

Sorry, Cecile, as I said, I'd got bulimia from somewhere in the recesses of my mind, but it does sound more like anorexia - I just thought I remembered one of Helen's symptoms was making herself sick, which I thought was bulimic behaviour. I'm probably wrong, though, sometimes I remember things which I deeply believe to be the truth and then find out I've been deluded for years..Blush

glamorousgrandmother · 11/09/2016 18:35

If he was thinking it might provoke her to stop eating again, wouldn't that harm his precious Gideon in vitro?!confused don't know if it would. I had such bad morning sickness I put on very little weight, the hospital were a bit concerned but my baby was 7lb 14oz so no harm done.

BlackeyedSusan · 11/09/2016 19:00

so have we all been to the loo, lined up the snacks, gaffertaped the radio down and removed all heavy objects from the vacinity?

RamsayBoltonsConscience · 11/09/2016 19:03


MotherofPearl · 11/09/2016 19:03

De-lurking to say I'm bf my 4 month old DD to sleep on my bed while listening on headphones on my phone! Feeling dedicated.

Bimblepops · 11/09/2016 19:09

This is annoying me terribly already, STOP FAFFING AROUND WITH CHAIRS AND GET ON WITH IT


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Gruach · 11/09/2016 19:16

Go ahead. Ignore the TRIAL THREAD linked above.

I won't say anything. Grin

Learnt my lesson ...

selsigfach · 11/09/2016 19:19

It's not looking good :(

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