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999 replies

PseudoBadger · 07/09/2016 13:27

What day is it again?

OP posts:
ErrolTheDragon · 07/09/2016 14:51

Hopefully it will cause Justin to start some digging (metaphorical and maybe ultimately literal ... )

MissBrooke · 07/09/2016 15:02

Hello everyone, been listening to TA off and on for many years but stopped listening after The Incident in April because I've DC the same age as Henwee & couldn't bear the cruelty.
Now it looks as though we might see some justice I've begun to listen again. I've missed loads, forgive me. Just wanted to ask what the Canada business is?

Also heard bits of the Stephan sl but am not completely clear. Did knob deliberately block the culvert causing the flood and if so why? (I mean we know he's evil but some motivation must have been provided st the time otherwise it would be pantomime, surely?) Thank you!

Gasp0deTheW0nderD0g · 07/09/2016 15:07

Hello, MissBrooke! (Middlemarch reference? I love that book.)

The Stephan business - I don't think anybody is clear. The entire thing has been botched. Nobody can make sense of what has been said so I for one have stopped even trying.

Canada - Rob used to work there. He was married to Jess then. They were over there for some years. I think the speculation is that there may have been murky goings on in Canada that would show up with a bit of digging.

MissBrooke · 07/09/2016 15:12

Ah I see, thanks Gaspode. I remember David and Jennydarling meeting Stephan in the cafe; it's pretty rubbish of sw to just leave things dangling like that unless they pick them up again at some point.
Yes it's Dorothea reference. The full name was taken - it's a wonderful book.

Biglaugh · 07/09/2016 15:14

CheesyWeez - I lurve your thinking there. How fantastic would ANOTHER victim of his knobbery be?
I think that a conviction and an appeal is most likely to 'milk' (ROFL) this for all it is worth...
Perhaps if Knob's hideous past doesn't emerge in this trial it will do so when he tries to take little Enery and Gideon/Jack away

HumphreyCobblers · 07/09/2016 15:16

I would so enjoy his hideous past coming to light

JudyCoolibar · 07/09/2016 15:16

I want a conversation between Kathy and Susan in which Susan tries to minimise the rape because Rob is the Hero of the Flood and Kathy tears her a new one.

Biglaugh · 07/09/2016 15:16

Isn't the Stefan and stuffing the culvert with a plastic bag storyline about Rob the Knob wanting to stop the flood affecting his little work manor and not caring that it flooded a whole village?

JudyCoolibar · 07/09/2016 15:19

Cheesy, I assume Rob is in the gallery because Kirsty said something about him shaking his head. It must have been shaking off his neck when the rape came out.

If I have to hear any gallery conversation, I want it to include Rob's. I would have thought that, even before the rape allegation, he must have hated the fact that Helen was giving her evidence strongly and clearly and demonstrating that she was no longer under his control.

Biglaugh · 07/09/2016 15:22

DadDadDad - Lilian already hates his guts and is only biting her tongue to keep her job(s)
I think Justin will reserve judgement -

Biglaugh · 07/09/2016 15:25

JudyCoolibar - I am surprised he didn't start his stupid whimpering and sobbing again. But we've only just heard the word rape so he might get up to tricks later. I CANNOT WAIT!

TheAntiBoop · 07/09/2016 15:30

That was quick! How are the stats looking DDD?

GeekLove · 07/09/2016 15:36

I've started listening again! About time Helen.
Also what evidence is there that Stefan got murdered except that he hasn't appeared since the meeting in the café?

CheesyWeez · 07/09/2016 15:38

Cool Judy yes yes to a convo Kathy/Susan... I am beginning to worry about Kathy, anyone would think she'd quietly run away / died!
She would have been straight round to Bridge Farm and practically moved in by now.
I'm wondering if Susan will declare she always knew Rob was a wrong'un - he was vile to and about her after Henry burnt his hand at the fireworks.
Poor Henry Sad I hope he'll be aw'right
I suppose he is going home to BHC after school (to Arse and Knob) Angry

Minimammoth · 07/09/2016 15:39

On another note entirely and a blatant place marking post.
Has anyone noticed that there have been comments about both babies eyes. Rob noting on Ethan, and Ian on Jack. May mean nothing, but I am still convinced of sculduggery around the Dan testing. < poor deluded mini>

BoreOfWhabylon · 07/09/2016 15:40

Excellent title Pseudo Flowers

We know Knob is in the gallery becase that's what Prat was wittering on about yesterday when we were trying to listen to Hellin. It was all "It's not FAIR! Hellin shouldn't have to give evidence with him watching!"

DadDadDad · 07/09/2016 15:42

How are the stats looking?

Short answer, AntiBoop, is to see my post at 13:53. Long answer, I'll get you some numbers in a mo...

DadDadDad · 07/09/2016 15:46

Table shows date thread started then average number of posts per day for that thread:

08 Jan... 60
24 Jan... 87
04 Feb...107
13 Feb...105
22 Feb... 83
05 Mar...117
13 Mar...168
19 Mar...146
26 Mar...194
31 Mar...289
03 Apr...924
04 Apr...565
06 Apr...255
10 Apr...109
19 Apr...115
27 Apr... 74
10 May... 67
25 May... 54
12 Jun... 41
06 Jul... 30
08 Aug... 51
27 Aug... 90

ErrolTheDragon · 07/09/2016 15:46

For sure Susan will change her tune. I'd like to have a section of someone reporting back to her and the other people holding the fort at Bridge Farm (her, Clarrie, Johnny and Jazzer). She will now always have been very proud and pleased that Neil is a character witness, I expect.

PrincessFiorimonde · 07/09/2016 15:46

Thanks for the new thread, Pseudo.

Like so many posters on the last thread, I thought last night's was a really strong episode. Now to see how they're going to follow that ...

Vango · 07/09/2016 15:48

I must admit that I've never subscribed to the idea that Stefan is dead. I think Rob threatened him and warned him off, or bribed him to leave. If the SWs haven't forgotten him I bet Charlie's tracked him down and he'll return to tell his tale. Maybe an anomaly in the Berrow accounts might show a large sum of money going missing around the time of Stefan's disappearance?

Vango · 07/09/2016 15:52

MissBrooke Rob said he went to Canada after Jess had made some kind of terrible mistake at work (for her sake, a fresh start). We've never heard Jess's side of the story.


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ErrolTheDragon · 07/09/2016 15:53

I'd forgotten that. So, would a social worker who'd made a terrible mistake be able to walk back into a job a few years later? Either that was a lie, or Rob has a lever there.

PrincessFiorimonde · 07/09/2016 15:53

On 3rd April, there were 924 posts in one day? Shock Presumably that was the night of the stabbing, but that's still Shock!

DadDadDad · 07/09/2016 16:00

See for yourself, Princess :

In fact, in the 24 hours starting 7pm on 3rd April there were 1025 posts (straddled two threads), smashing the record set by Kirsty and Tom not getting married (329 posts).

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