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How did you know you were pregnant?

207 replies

AuntieMaggie · 12/08/2009 17:53

I was going to name change but I can't be bothered.

I want to know what your first symptoms were when you got pregnant, the little things that made you suspect. Or even the things you couldn't explain but made sense later.

I'm asking because I have a couple of things going on that I'm a bit embarrassed about. If I am pregnant it will be a miracle but part of me will be disappointed if I'm not!

OP posts:
CherryLips1980 · 21/08/2014 07:07

DC1, I 'knew' about a week before I took the test. Was shocked when CBD was negative as I was so sure. Two days later had text book nausea, sore tits and lower back ache and a couple of days after that, a BFP.

This time (am only 5+2) I had no clue. I only tested cos we were trying and I get an incurable need to POAS, regardless of what I think the answer might be. As soon as I got the BFP, my body flicked into pregnancy mode and I'm having every symptom under the sun again. Work colleague has already guessed.

Noteventhebestdrummer · 21/08/2014 08:20

DS4 said that my breast milk tasted funny...I had an OMG! realisation that DS5 was on the way!

am4ntha22 · 25/08/2014 19:57

For the last 4 months roughly 2 weeks before my period is due I have seriously sensitive nipples and quite sore and heavy breasts that i have to hold when walking down the stairs. I also have constant nausea and am constantly going to the toilet with a sore stomach. I've had a bit of chest pain and some bile. about 3 months ago i was convinced i was pregnant because the nausea and headaches were getting so bad but i'd just had a period a couple days before but not my usual heavy one but more than spotting. I had a feeling i was pregnant very strongly and had a massive craving for very salty chips so i went to the nurse who did a test which was negative but also did a blood test because she thought i was anaemic which i turned out to be. I've been fine the last couple of periods since then but this time round I'm experiencing the symptoms again. I had to go to the doctor recently for something else but he asked me to write down everything i've been feeling lately and the first thing he asked after he looked at the list was if i was pregnant. I've still got a week to go before my period is due. I'm just so confused by all of these symptoms because i've never experienced this before. I'm been on the contraceptive patch for 2 years.

MrsPatMustard · 25/08/2014 21:21

Implantation bleeding was the first clue - had a pink smear on the undies about 8 days after we did the deed. Massive tits was the second clue....

CheesyBadger · 25/08/2014 21:25

Massive boobs
Weird feeling but not quite cramp, just achy
Sex drive through the roof - all the way to delivery!

My nan went off tea

RainbowB7 · 25/08/2014 21:27

So tired I could barely keep my eyes open, couldn't stomach alcohol or coffee.

EstellaSpitsEmOut · 25/08/2014 21:40

Not wanting alcohol. Unheard of usually.

dreamingofwineandcheese · 26/08/2014 11:01

Tingly heavy boobs and I just knew!

Both pregnancies I waited until my period was a day late to test so I was quite confident it would be positive as I'm usually regular as clockwork.

RedPony · 26/08/2014 13:15

I just knew! Then I started goofing symptoms and found the lovley mumsnet and have been addicted ever since Grin

JaneyTea · 26/08/2014 14:20

I fell asleep during GBBO - just so hugely tired, which was what made me test.

Gudgyx · 26/08/2014 15:31

Ooft where to start.

I have a massive appetite
My crohns symptoms have all but disappeared
Mega sore boobies
Wee white lumps on my nipples
Metallic taste in my mouth
Couldnt stomach a sip of alcohol
Being sooooo moody with DP
Being paranoid about stupid things
I'm absolutely exhausted
I dont even know how many packets of pickled onion crisps I've eaten past few weeks
For the last month or so, whenever I put my toothbrush or anything anywhere near my mouth in the morning, I have been throwing up
Smells of certain foods make me nauseous(my dp had a donner kebab last night and I couldve swung for him)

Then obviously the 5 positive clearblue digital tests :grin:

Gudgyx · 26/08/2014 16:13

Oh and my sciata flared up quite badly!

Tam327 · 28/08/2014 14:14

Exciting news! Tests are positive. Super excited... Feeling very nauseous tho & dull aching/cramping... Struggling with food tho & am not enjoying much!

ohthegoats · 28/08/2014 14:48

Lots of things just felt 'different'.. I think I was in denial for about a week. I've been thinking about this recently because I'm in the last month or so now, and am thinking about possible dates for conception with regards to possible dates for eviction!

I'd had a coil out on 12th December - mid cycle because that was the only appointment I could get. Had a light period (could have just been first post coil bleed - lighter than normal) around Christmas. Didn't POAS until 28th January, but when I look at my diary for around New Year/first week of Jan, I remember things being 'different'.

  • Funny taste in my mouth.
  • Constipated (when normally I'm the opposite due to food allergies).
  • Skin cleared up completely.
  • Boobs hurt to lie on in bed - I remember noticing that on New Years Day.
  • Had a sort of 'excited' butterfly type feeling in my tummy.

I think if you're quite in tune with your body - I only was because I was on allergy lookout for my consultant to check on, and also because I was waiting for periods to come back to normal after the coil - you can notice pretty quickly that things are different.
scrufhead · 28/08/2014 17:29

I thought I had a bug because I was being sick so much! We had been trying for 3 months and it was the only month that I thought I wasn't pregnant! The previous months I was so sure I was. Anyway the throwing up is still with me even at 39+ 5. Bugger.

Laurennnxx · 29/08/2014 06:37

My boobs are soooooo sore I can't touch my nipples and there are small bumps around them, I've had spots come up on my chin and around my mouth I never get spots! I'm always tired and feel like I've got a bad urine infection because I'm always needing the toilet more than ever I feel sick all the time to the point where I'm running to the toilet but no vomit! I've had headaches and mild dizziness, I feel constipated and have had mild period like cramps!! Help meeeee could I be pregnant Blush

Laurennnxx · 29/08/2014 06:45

Also forgot to mention I've had discharge and my gums bleed so much when brushing my teeth

Pepsiaddict · 29/08/2014 07:19

Having to get up in the middle of the night to pee and feeling exhausted. First time didn't twig I was pregnant as we weren't really trying. Second time I knew I was pregnant from 7 days before my period was due.

Chachah · 29/08/2014 09:17

I could feel my uterus contracting. Probably would have thought it was my period coming, only I've been pregnant before and it's a slightly different feeling.

MEVA · 29/08/2014 16:42

I was constipated!! Have a healthy diet so knew something wasn't quite right, and it was a different kind of constipation if you know what I mean. I also went off alcohol, not like me at all :) - the human body is a fascinating thing

Lizzy86 · 29/08/2014 21:44

Constantly feeling hungry, constant peeing and tender nipples

Laurennnxx · 29/08/2014 21:50

Is it normal to have period like cramps ?


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Lizzy86 · 31/08/2014 14:55

Laurennnx yes it is darling

roonaytunes · 10/09/2014 12:09

Hi Girls,

This is my first post on here, but i've been having great fun reading everyone's stories! I just wanted some advice really and you all seem pretty good at it :-)

I think i might be pregnant and been having a lot of signs - huge bloated belly, cramps, really bad back pain esp in the right shoulder, extreme tiredness in the afternoon, headaches, slight nausea and dizziness, constipation etc. And really i just had this 'feeling' a week after doing the deed that i might be, even my cats behaviour has changed and she now lies on me which she never did before!! She's very in tune with the way i feel... The only things i haven't had is big boobs or implantation bleeding.
However for this to be true, i had my last period start on 21st Aug which is the same every month. We then had sex on the 24th (me thinking ah i'm still on period it's just dried up it will be fine and then it never came back!) so it would mean that we would have conceived really early on in my cycle. I have done 4 tests but all negative so i think it's to early to tell.
I went to the docs and voiced my concerns, she was particularly nasty and told me it was highly unlikely i was pregnant and that it was just constipation and the back pain was nothing to do with any of it... made me feel really stupid and humiliated tbh. She has booked me in for a blood test but now i'm wondering whether that will be too early to tell as well - i've been reading too many stories of people always coming up negative on tests!

So i'm wondering what other people reckon, this feeling surely can't just be a co-incidence? Did anyone else know that early on and have to wait ages? I always have a go at my dh for self diagnosing on the internet but i'm so sure!
Thanks in advance for any advice :-) x

HardlyHappenstance · 22/09/2014 12:35

Queasy stomach.
Purple lady bits.
Lumpy, painful, swollen breasts.
TMJ. (jaw condition)
Loose, painful hips.
A feeling of cramp-like symptoms, but not the same.
Fluttery, pinching sensation in uterus.
Bloated, puffy looking belly(just a bit).
Clumsiness and forgetfulness.

I started with the queasiness when I was only two days past ovulation. Positive test the day my period was due

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