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How did you know you were pregnant?

207 replies

AuntieMaggie · 12/08/2009 17:53

I was going to name change but I can't be bothered.

I want to know what your first symptoms were when you got pregnant, the little things that made you suspect. Or even the things you couldn't explain but made sense later.

I'm asking because I have a couple of things going on that I'm a bit embarrassed about. If I am pregnant it will be a miracle but part of me will be disappointed if I'm not!

OP posts:
Tobermory · 13/08/2009 21:57

Thread is timely for me too. Have tested ( v early and got a neg) but was neg so must now try not to obsess too much until either test again or AF due.

Mega mega sore heavy boobs
heart burn
bursting out of my bra!

Tobermory · 13/08/2009 21:58

Thread is timely for me too. Have tested ( v early and got a neg) but was neg so must now try not to obsess too much until either test again or AF due.

Mega mega sore heavy boobs
heart burn
bursting out of my bra!

cookiemonstress · 13/08/2009 22:17

veiny boobs

massive hungover feeling despite no alchohol having been consumed

constant weeing (but only for first couple of weeks)

footinmouth · 13/08/2009 22:21

Feeling extremely suicidal, making irrational decisions, not sleeping and crying all the time. This all started within days of conception, so I just knew..

BottySpottom · 13/08/2009 22:30

Can I also just say to those of you waiting to test that I recently got a positive test using a Superdrug days before I did with a Clearblue test or a Boots own brand.

Mummygoesohh · 13/08/2009 22:45

My sense of smell went to overdrive...I walked into Tesco and the smell of the fish counter hite from the doorway- i was so nealy sick.And my boobs got so tender even my clothes hurt them.

natfrank · 13/08/2009 23:02

Bursting into tears for no apparent reason - both times about a week after conception, and the RANK taste of metal, which 2nd time round made me look in my diary and realize I was 2 days late And just having that weird feeling which you can't explain.

Angifi · 14/08/2009 05:52

Also timely for me.
Have been feeling weird enough to test, when I haven't even had a period since my ds was born a year ago...My right boob is really sore, thought it might be blocked milk duct, but it isn't,weird lower abdominal cramps,a "buzzy" feeling in my girly bits, and feeling spacey (got a fork out to eat cereal!). I have no idea where I am at in my cycle(if I even have one),so took an internet cheapie test - negative, also a first response - negative.Maybe I am gearing up to ovulate.
I just have a feeling I might be pregnant.With my last pregnancy, I kinda knew.Also had a right sore breast, and couldn't finish a cup of coffee - that was 5 days before AF due.I also had a metallic taste in my mouth, and do today too...I'd love to be
pregnant again...

Eve4Walle · 14/08/2009 06:29

The smell of Bacon cooking made me actually vomit the day my period was due the first time. Did a test and it was positive that day.

Both pregnancies, my boobs have been very sore, I went off tea and coffee early on and I was also very emotional.

Angifi · 14/08/2009 07:09

Also timely for me.
Have been feeling weird enough to test, when I haven't even had a period since my ds was born a year ago...My right boob is really sore, thought it might be blocked milk duct, but it isn't,weird lower abdominal cramps,a "buzzy" feeling in my girly bits, and feeling spacey (got a fork out to eat cereal!). I have no idea where I am at in my cycle(if I even have one),so took an internet cheapie test - negative, also a first response - negative.Maybe I am gearing up to ovulate.
I just have a feeling I might be pregnant.With my last pregnancy, I kinda knew.Also had a right sore breast, and couldn't finish a cup of coffee - that was 5 days before AF due.I also had a metallic taste in my mouth, and do today too...I'd love to be
pregnant again...

Angifi · 14/08/2009 07:35

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Angifi · 14/08/2009 07:36

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Angifi · 14/08/2009 07:37

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porcupine11 · 14/08/2009 08:32

I didn't realize the first time until a week after period due, but in retrospect the signs were the same as this time (now 4 weeks).

Easily reduced to tears - this time it was about the released US journalists, and about how cosy my son's nursery seemed when I picked him up one day!

I felt odd pains in my womb, or became aware of my womb, weirdly!

I've gone off food, especially in the evenings, usually I'm ravenous.

I'm so very very tired by 9pm, have to go straight to bed.

MamaLazarou · 14/08/2009 08:42

The water from the shower touched one of my nipples and I screamed. It was then that I first thought (hoped beyond hope) that I might be pregnant, and I was (HOORAY!).

Angifi · 14/08/2009 09:44

Gosh, so sorry my earlier post was repeated so many times! My computer was playing up and everytime I refreshed the page it reposted my message.
So Sorry!

Lozza70 · 14/08/2009 10:05

Everytime I've had weird aches in my shoulders and I've gone off Salmon. Way before my due date.

ThePregnantPhantomPlopper · 14/08/2009 10:48

1st time around - Not a clue apart from missed period.

2nd time around - Nausea at 5am, two mornings in a row, two days before period due.

3rd time around - On holiday turned onto my front whilst lying on a lilo in the sea and my right breast felt strange and then the bumpy bits became really bumpy on both, now they are incredibly painful. First pregnancy I've ever had breast symptoms, it made me do a test 4 days before I was due on. It was +.

AnnVan · 14/08/2009 10:59

1st pg: DP got annoyed with me for being overemotional. That really isn't me normally so I bought a test straight away.
2nd: struggling to stay awake, no amount of coffe helped, and being violently sick. THought I had the norovirus until I realised it had gone on too long and did a test.

ginormoboobs · 14/08/2009 12:16

I could sniff out chips everywhere I went I could find the nearest chip shop / cafe / burger van or person cooking chips just by smell . Same with both of mine.
Before we had told anyone that I was pregnant with DS , DH's friend thought that I was pregnant because I insisted on stopping for chips on the way to his house
Watery discharge that felt like I was leaking urine.

amarantha · 14/08/2009 13:26

I didn't get my usual pre-period bloat. But we were trying so I knew I was before any other symptom kicked in

LadyOfTheFlowers · 14/08/2009 13:47

just found out for sure i was on saunday, but symtoms were/are:
extreme fatigue
gone off cigs
light headedness


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LadyOfTheFlowers · 14/08/2009 13:47

ooh yes, the worst one. bloated since 2 weeks before did test.

blimey · 14/08/2009 14:08

I got lightheaded when I touched my toes in my yoga class!

messalina · 14/08/2009 14:43

Missed period was a bit of a giveaway. Seriously though, had bad stomach cramps, which felt like a worse version of the usual cramps I get just when I first get my period, so I kept on thinking that my period was on its way, but it wasn't. It was my uterus starting to stretch or something like that. Found out two weeks after conception, so very early on. Stomach cramps subsided after about another week or so, but I kept on thinking I might be miscarrying. No other signs at all...except feeling like a nap in the afternoon, but by that stage I knew I was pregnant.

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