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How did you know you were pregnant?

207 replies

AuntieMaggie · 12/08/2009 17:53

I was going to name change but I can't be bothered.

I want to know what your first symptoms were when you got pregnant, the little things that made you suspect. Or even the things you couldn't explain but made sense later.

I'm asking because I have a couple of things going on that I'm a bit embarrassed about. If I am pregnant it will be a miracle but part of me will be disappointed if I'm not!

OP posts:
beccajoh · 14/08/2014 09:01

With DD, a aside from the positive pregnancy test, I had nausea, food aversions and really sore boobs almost as soon as she was conceived. DS was completely different. We weren't TTC at all and I'd been feeling quite tired and couldn't work out why. I knew exhaustion is an early pregnancy thing so I had a little think about when my last period was, and realised it was about six weeks previously. Sent DH out for a pregnancy test.

lollystick · 14/08/2014 09:40

I just knew. Felt different over the Christmas holidays (Was only a few weeks at that point)

Was more tired and just "had a feeling"

Then the test followed by the sore breasts

sheldor · 14/08/2014 17:38

I haven't even done a pregnancy test as i already know Grin It started with sore nipples,constant headaches and dizzyness.I am now 5weeks late and nausea has really hit me.Can't think of chicken as it makes me feel sick.Gone off dinners

Noticed when i sneeze i get a sharp pain in uterus and if i move about in bed sometimes i get it but it's a bit worse.Now realise it's round ligament pain

sheldor · 14/08/2014 17:39

*can't think

Kelly1814 · 14/08/2014 17:40

A week before my period was due I got an awful cold that became bronchitis. I'm never ill. My consultant said it's common for bronchitis to be a first symptom of pregnancy as your immune system drops when the egg is fertilised, to lower your risk of your body rejecting it.

sheldor · 14/08/2014 17:43

Plus i've been pregnant twice and feel exactly the same as i did when pregnant with my second

Peaceloveandbiscuits · 14/08/2014 19:29

First symptoms were my enormous boobs (way bigger than they went pre-menstrually, and then they started really hurting) and extreme tiredness. That was at 3-4 weeks, and I didn't get sick until I was about 8 weeks.
Hopeful congrats, though I haven't RTFT yet!

Chattycat78 · 14/08/2014 19:34

I had I idea. No symptoms. Nothing til I got a bfp. So I suspect we are all different. Good luck- I hope u get the result u want x

Chattycat78 · 14/08/2014 19:34

Sorry that should say I had no idea:)

Mrsjinglejangle · 14/08/2014 19:39

My oh told me Grin I was obvious to all the signs he gave me a pregnacy test to try and boom BFP :)

Mrsjinglejangle · 14/08/2014 19:39

Oblivious that should be!!

freyaW2014 · 14/08/2014 19:40

Sore boobs far too early for normal pmt symptoms, also veiny and 'pulling pains' in my lower abdomen which felt different from period pains. Plus if just suffered a chemical the month before so I just knew.

freyaW2014 · 14/08/2014 19:41

In fact I actually knew I was pregnant 4dpo because of the month before!

thatsn0tmyname · 14/08/2014 19:49

With my first I wasn't watching the signs because I didn't think we would conceive so quickly. The day before my period would have been due I had dreadful menstrual cramps which turned out to be the uterus relaxing for the implanted embryo. With my second I knew two weeks after conception because I recognised the cramps. I did a test two weeks later and was right

Eatscones · 14/08/2014 20:16

I can tell I'm pregnant when I go off of coffee. Normally I love it, but when the smell is gross to me ....pregnant.

OP- you may be able to get a free test done at your GP or a walk in clinic if you don't want to wait til money comes in. Just an idea...waiting and wondering is so hard!

Shazam24 · 15/08/2014 00:38

With my first pregnancy everything started tasting differently. I took a teest and it said negative, took another a week later and it was positive!

With my 2nd & 3rd pregnancys ( ended up miscarrying ) i knew weeks before the positive. Kept getting negatives which was off putting but i just knew.

Same with this pregnancy, i kept needibg a wee all the time lol. Took a test it said no. Took a test a week later it said no. Took a test a 3rd week and it was yes! Had a scan and was 6 weeks pregnant so i was very pleased that i somehow knew at 3 weeks but coukdnt prove it lol. Everytime ive said im pregnant dp.hasnt believed me yet every time i have been :)

he didnt believe me coz tests came negative but a woman kniws her body better than a test

Shazam24 · 15/08/2014 00:40

Oh and OP you can have a free pregnancy test done at the doctors. With my 3rd pregnancythe doctor told me to go to her instead of wasting my money on tests x

gargalesis · 15/08/2014 10:21

I cycled into uni as usual one day, and then couldn't manage to walk up one flight of stairs because I was so exhausted. I felt like all of my energy was totally sapped. Then the next day I kept randomly crying.

AlfieandAnnieRose · 15/08/2014 10:47

The op's post is from 2009! A little confusing though as the august dates match!
I wonder what happened to the op in the end.

ShovettyMcShovetty · 15/08/2014 11:20

I was extremely tired, put on a teeny bit of weight quite suddenly and then got period pains but no period!

Tam327 · 15/08/2014 11:57

Mixed thoughts - hoping I am but at same time scared! Few days to wait n see. Still feeling nauseous & struggling to eat food - I normally love! Partner is hoping I am :) eek just a few days.

moggle · 15/08/2014 12:08

We had ivf so there was always a good possibility... the only real symptom that made me think, maybe it's worked, was my boobs. Before the egg collection you have to give yourself a trigger shot to tell the eggs to mature, this shot is basically pregnancy hormone (HCG). The next mornign after doing the shot my nipples had got bigger and darker. They then stayed like this even after 10 days or so when the HCG should've been out of my system. This made me wonder whether my levels had not gone back to zero but were rising...
The other thing was I got a cold (fairly rare for me) after the embryo was transferred which I have read is a sign as your body's immune system dips to allow implantation. But it could've just been coincidence :-)


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Teabiscuits · 15/08/2014 15:48

Going off all spices, cinnamon especially.

Although with this pregnancy I was 2 days late (usually come on like clockwork) and said to DH. Look I'm eating a bloody great slice of carrot cake, it's really cinnamony, don't worry I can't be pregnant! Got BFP 2 days later when I gave in and got a test for 'peace of mind' hah!

Spice aversion didn't happen this time till 7 weeks.

Being induced Monday!

Cherryblossom200 · 15/08/2014 15:53

Awful moods, wanting to pick fights with everyone and generally over emotional. I had also had implantation pain but thought I was just having a weird period. I had all these symptoms but didn't put 2 + 2 together until I did the pregnancy test and found I was 4 weeks pregnant. It's amazing just how quickly the symptoms started, pretty much as soon as I concieved. Then a week or so later, boobs started hurting and a couple of weeks after that the most awful exhaustion for about 5 weeks solidly. Felt like I was hungover every day.

Dontforgetyourbrolly · 15/08/2014 16:00

Eating cereal at work I spat it out in disgust proclaiming the milk was off! My friend said immediately 'are you pregnant?' I told her that's ludicrous ( hadn't even missed a period) . 4 weeks later a test revealed i was pregnant!

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