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How did you know you were pregnant?

207 replies

AuntieMaggie · 12/08/2009 17:53

I was going to name change but I can't be bothered.

I want to know what your first symptoms were when you got pregnant, the little things that made you suspect. Or even the things you couldn't explain but made sense later.

I'm asking because I have a couple of things going on that I'm a bit embarrassed about. If I am pregnant it will be a miracle but part of me will be disappointed if I'm not!

OP posts:
sleeplessinstretford · 13/08/2009 15:08

off tea and coffee,couldn't stand the smell of my own perfume-hyper keen sense of smell.
funny metallic taste-and tired,so very very tired for the first time.
dd2 i wasn't even late,was actually discussing getting married to dp with another friend over a really really boozy dinner dp and friends-i basically got a 'feeling' that it wouldn't be happening that year as i was pregnant ( i sound weird,i know) so i went to the loo and when i looked in the mirror i could tell it,i had a bloaty fat gail tilsley neck and chin...
took a test that weekend BFP-went to hospital as i assumed i was about 10weeks,was so early days i had to have an internal scan-i just know immediately.

Southwestwhippet · 13/08/2009 15:17

Swollen tender boobs.

Within about 4 days of conception, long before period even due.

MyNameIsInigoMontoya · 13/08/2009 15:19

For me it was the boobs, both times.

First time, got really really tender/sore nips and hated anything touching them.

Second time I didn't get that but the whole of my boobs got really tender and it was agony if DS elbowed me there or anything.

Before that I had loads of times when I "just felt strange" and wondered if I was pg, but never was - but both times when I actually was, I was pretty certain as the boobs thing was just so noticeable and not normal.

mogend77 · 13/08/2009 15:25

In different pregnancies, from the following (all well before being able to test, sometiems from a day or two after conception):

Sore, expanding boobs, sometimes also itchy.
Ravenous hunger
A sudden energy rush
Coxxyx Pain
Being disgusted by the smell of coffee
Trapped wind

thedollshouse · 13/08/2009 15:29

First time, I thought I was going through an early menopause and was very constipated. Went to buy some remedy for the constipation and it said it was unsuitable for pregnant women. Took a test just in case and discovered I was 8 weeks!

This time, I realised when the spotting that I usually get before a period didn't turn into a full period. I realised it was an implantation bleed as I had experienced exactly the same with ds. Unfortunately with ds I didn't realise it was an implantation bleed and just assumed it was a very light period.

difficultdecision · 13/08/2009 16:04

Didn't fancy a cup of tea, really poor appetite and horrible nausea.

Both times before I even missed a period. I wanted till 5 weeks to test each time (thinking that as I was TTC anyway I was already eating/drinking as if I was pregnant anyway and if I was going to have a chemical pregnancy I would rather not know - eternal pessimist that I am )

quirkychick · 13/08/2009 16:09

1st pg: very sore boobs, craving cheese and tired at about 5wks which was before I tested - I didn't realise they were symptoms then though.

This pg: really early on I had a let down feeling (no milk, obviously) when I heard a baby crying while out shopping. Thought I had imagined it. A few weeks later familiar tired/nausea feeling all week before I tested so wasn't surprised.

janeausten · 13/08/2009 16:29

Only sign for me (particularly 2nd time around when last thing I expected) was heartburn a lot particularly if I drank any wine, especially red wine!
Was actually seeing the doctor about losing weight and couldn't seem to put any weight on and was worried, blood tests all fine but she was about to schedule me for some xrays and I joked with her re symptoms about the heartburn which I said was really weird because the only time before I'd ever suffered from heartburn was when I was pregnant!
Well never got the xrays because a few days later I had to email her to say I was pregnant!!

princessmel · 13/08/2009 16:32

dh could tell iykwim.

He could taste the difference!!

Fraochsmum · 13/08/2009 16:50

Tingly nips, periods weren't too regular anyway, so did the test and was 6 weeks gone.

tw888 · 13/08/2009 16:55

tea & coffee tasted horrible!
couldn't stand the smell of people on the trains!
then, of course, a positive pregnancy test

Tigresswoods · 13/08/2009 17:02

I was a day late, had been trying on Clomid and my breasts did feel a bit odd. I did a test and it was positive.

Text book

JoandMax · 13/08/2009 17:44

Throwing up for me, a week before my period both times. This pregnancy it was the first month off the pill, we only had sex twice so thought no way but after 4 days of being sick I realised maybe it wasn't a bug after all! I tested positive 6 days before my period with number 1 and 3 days before my period with this one.

I'm 8 weeks now and still very sick but not much else, tired but no more so than anyone else with a 13 month old who rarely sleeps through the night!

dinkystinky · 13/08/2009 17:49

headache (dont normally get them) that wouldnt shift and sudden irrational moodswings and arguments with DH over nothing at all were surefire signs both times. Oh, and suddenly finding exercise that would have been fine to do normally really hard work...

lilysam · 13/08/2009 17:50

At week 3, an instant hit of dizziness and nausea that doesn't go away until week 18-20!!! Has happened 4 times now, I know way before a pg test tells me

Mamamoppel · 13/08/2009 17:51

Terrible constipation and feeling inexplicably cross with dh..

Nicadooby · 13/08/2009 18:38

One of my first symptoms was really awful wind, i could clear a room easily also had lots of dull peroid type pains too but AF never showed up.

AF was a week late before it showed on a test.

bobofong · 13/08/2009 18:50

I am 43 and have been trying on and off for years. Adopted child few years ago. This month I really feel I might be pregnant. Tired, nervous tummy and unusual hunger pangs. Bad sore throat lasting one day and today nausea and bad headache like a hangover even though only had a couple of glasses of wine last night. Period due next week. Are these signs?

oopsacoconut · 13/08/2009 18:54

I walked past the fish counter in Tesco and spectacularly threw up in the trolley - I couldn't make it to the loo in time!

Sensitivechildminder · 13/08/2009 18:58

With dd1 : I was in complete denial, my boobs were really sore, big and looking perked but I wouldnt believe I was pg, asked friends "do you have sore boobs when you are about to have your periods ?"

With dd2 : I went out a night and drunk quite a lot, the day after I was vomiting all day, it felt like if I was seasick..I had a doubt...

Man I'm so happy I have them !

juuule · 13/08/2009 19:05

Only way that I knew was missed period and +ve pregnancy test.

MommyHasaHeadache · 13/08/2009 19:12

I went off cocacola completely (in fact my DD is now 15 months old and I am still off it!), my gums hurt and bleed and I was very arsey with everyone. Oh and I had painful implantation pains which I thought were period pains!


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SleepWhenImDead · 13/08/2009 19:21

Implantation pains but with no period. Both pregnancies - very obvious sign with me, so knew very quickly before 4 weeks.

domesticslattern · 13/08/2009 19:22

Hankering for broccoli. I ate it for dinner three nights in a row, when I normally loathe it. I didn't twig but DH wondered what the hell was going on.

Hideously sore boobs. Had to hold them when I was walking down stairs.


melll · 13/08/2009 19:30

sounds crazy but i imagined milk coming from one of my boobs (this is pg number 2). there was none to be seen but twice i could've sworn it was happening. also the smell/taste of partner's chewing gum made me queasy. this happened within what must've been a week of conception.
then came the usual stuff like sore boobs and nausea, being able to eat loads without putting on the expected weight...

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