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*Trigger warning* Here we go again...

647 replies

Frazzlerock · 28/03/2020 17:59

We have just found out last week that I'm pregnant again.

The past 4 years we have been TTC on and off which has resulted in 3 MMC at 9 weeks and 1 spontaneous MC at 4 weeks.
Our last baby died in January this year and I'm still grieving and emotionally recovering from surgery. We are still waiting for the test results. Our sweet baby took us a very long and painful year to conceive (PCOS)

Since then we have actively been avoiding pregnancy. Following my app which predicts ovulation. I had no worries as I don't conceive easily, even when it's timed perfectly cycle after cycle.
I was booked to have a copper coil fitted at the end of April
But in true Sod's Law fashion I randomly ovulated early (never happened before, it's always late if anything) and fell pregnant. I even took the MAP when my app suddenly brought ovulation forward. It clearly didn't work 🤔

I can't get excited. We never wanted to have to go through yet another MMC. It's just too hard and has beaten us down immensely. I know for a fact this one will be no different to the others.
My recurrent miscarriage team have told me that there are no 'reassurance' scans for the foreseeable. My only scan will be at 12 weeks - by then I could have a dead baby inside me for at least 3 weeks.

I'm terrified I will start to love this baby like I did all the others. I need to know how not to bond as I simply can't go through the agony of babyloss again.

How can I distance myself from this one? It's not even like I can go out and do things to take my mind off it!

I wish I could be like everyone else and have hope and no worries. It seems like the whole world just has babies with no trouble (in my small world anyway)

And of all the times I could get pregnant It had to be during a fucking pandemic...

I don't know what I'm asking really, just tips on how to not get my hopes up like I have every single time.

OP posts:
MATTSMAMMA · 12/04/2020 16:03

I am a very sorry for what you are going through. I also have been through many m/c (15 in total at various stages). I have 2 dc. Nothing anyone says will help or make you feel any better and you will be going through every range of emotions. It’s truly the most awful experience and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. Have you ever been offered any explanations or investigations into your recurrent m/c? I found out mine were due to immune issues and if I’d not found this out I would have continued to miscarry. Be kind to yourself - we recover from the physical side of miscarriage but the mental scars stay with you forever. You are not a horrible woman with a hole in her heart - you are a human being who has been through so much physical and mental hurt and you are reacting to this. Have you considered counselling? Both Tommy’s and The Miscarriage Association are there for you - why not pick up the phone and ring them. If you ever feel strong enough to want to try again - just maybe have a look into the immune side of things. I have high killer cells and hypothyroidism. My body saw each pregnancy as a threat/disease and my own immune system was killing each pregnancy. I saw Mr Shehata who has treated many women with success. Whatever you decide to do I wish you the very best xx Flowers

pottypotamus · 12/04/2020 16:04

So sorry Frazzle. I refuse to believe you are a horrible woman. You have had a shit time for 4 years and I can understand the misery that would bring. Sending hugs and wishing you all the best xxx

VenusStarr · 12/04/2020 16:48

I am so so sorry @Frazzlerock, thinking of you ❤️❤️❤️

MariaDingbat · 12/04/2020 20:35

I'm so sorry for what you've lost. You've had an unfair amount of pain to deal with and whatever you're feeling is okay to feel. Take time to grieve and rage and hurt and I hope you find your way to feel some peace. Be gentle with yourself, you've been through a lot.

DamnYouAutocucumber · 14/04/2020 22:14

I am so, so, sorry. The universe doesn't hate you, it's just that sometimes utterly shit things happen. I know nothing much will help right now, but know that there are people thinking about you and wishing you well. Flowers

Frazzlerock · 17/04/2020 12:43

Hi all,

I went for a scan today to see what was going on as bleeding disappeared after the murder scene on Sunday.

We have a heartbeat 😱

I just can't believe it.

OP posts:
robodo · 17/04/2020 12:51

Congratulations OP I've just read the thread and my heart was breaking for you, I pray you have a wonderful pregnancy

blueskys72 · 17/04/2020 12:56

Oh wow!! Can't tell you how much I have my fingers crossed for you xx

Frazzlerock · 17/04/2020 12:56

Thank you @robodo we just need to get past 9 weeks which is when 3 of our others have died. I'm sure it won't be plain sailing from then though...

OP posts:
Bananaballs · 17/04/2020 13:02

Bless your heart. I really hope everything goes well for you now. Hugs.

Addler · 17/04/2020 13:10

Oh @Frazzlerock my heart was breaking for you reading this, and then to read your update today is incredible. I so badly hope that this one who seems to be trying very hard will stick around. How much longer until you pass the 9 week mark? Are they going to give you more scans before your 12 week?

Ive had one scan at window to the womb, and another one booked on Monday as I've had a lot of bleeding and pain and although I saw a heartbeat at my last one it was measuring smaller than it should and I don't think I can make it through until my 12 week scan without checking everything's alright in tighter after a previous loss at 9 weeks too.

Perhaps if your trust won't give you extra scans you could look into going private? I know most places are closed down but window to the womb is still operating, and they're allowing a partner to attend with you.

Lemondropsandgumdrops · 17/04/2020 13:18

@Frazzlerock I have tears in my eyes reading your latest update. That must have been an incredible moment for you.

I have everything crossed that this little bean will stick. How many weeks are you now?

Frazzlerock · 17/04/2020 13:19

Oh @Addler it's so hard isn't it. I'm 8 weeks on Sunday so another week of worry (at least)
Normally my recurrent MC team scan me whenever I want, but they're not doing scans right now. I won't be scanned unless I have another heavy bleed so I would essentially have to wait until 12 weeks. We plan to have a Harmony test at 10 weeks so I guess we will find out then if baby is still alive...

I wish you so much luck Addler

OP posts:
Wired4sound · 17/04/2020 13:19

Oh that is wonderful op!

Dollywilde · 17/04/2020 13:22

Frazzle I’m thinking of you and praying for you. I hope so much for you this little one will stay put. X

Sexnotgender · 17/04/2020 13:23

Fingers crossed for you. I hope this little one sticks Flowers

1Wildheartsease · 17/04/2020 13:28

Wishing all three of you well!

MATTSMAMMA · 17/04/2020 13:31

That’s amazing so pleased for you! What a lovely update. Keeping everything crossed for you Smile xx

crosser62 · 17/04/2020 13:35

Another continuous miscarrier here, 7 in total.

I could be you, you sound so similar to me.
In fact I have recently read back my miscarriage posts and I have written almost identically to you.

My last miscarriage was horrific, bleeding, pain so bad I went into hospital for morphine, gas & air until it was over.

That was that. No more, enough.

No explanations from reoccurring miscarriage clinic, no answers.

I went to the GP and got the pill. Couldn’t carry on.
Bleeding stopped.
Waited for my next period to start taking the pill.
It didn’t arrive and I felt very unwell.

I thought I must have retained some of the pregnancy, maybe it hadn’t all gone.
Went to EPAU for a quick confirmation scan so I could book for surgery to have it all removed.

There, on that screen as bold as owt was a heart beat within a tiny baby.
About 7 weeks. I told the sonographer that I would see if I could miscarry are home and avoid a&zen if my gp would give me decent painkillers.

Sonographer looked at me as if I had 2 heads.
She said, no, come back next week to see the heart beat again...
I just rolled my eyes and went off.

Anyway, week 8, week 9, weeks 10,11 & 12 came and went and then at age 43 I had my baby after 10 years and 7 miscarriages.

I made no plans, bought nothing, refused to discuss it, didn’t go on any forums, looked at no books.
Refused to believe it until it happened.

The universe loved us at long fucking last!
And it will you Flowers

mrssunshinexxx · 17/04/2020 13:38

@Frazzlerock WOW you are one strong lady.
I burst into tears when I read your update about the clots and then scrolled further down and saw your amazing update I have never been more pleased for a complete stranger.
Please please keep us updated and I have everything crossed you get to bring this baby home xx

Crackerscheesescabbyknees · 17/04/2020 14:16

I'm so happy for you. Flowers

Frazzlerock · 17/04/2020 14:43

@crosser62 wow, you have been through the mill and I'm thrilled you got to bring your baby home. I'm also in my 40's. Well just, I'm 41 this year. We started all this at 36 which seems wind ago.

@mrssunshinexxx bless you. Thank you and I will keep you updated. As I say, 9 weeks is the big one so I'll report back if and when there's any news.

Thank you @Crackerscheesescabbyknees and everyone 🧡

OP posts:
Frazzlerock · 17/04/2020 14:44

Eons not wind 🙄

OP posts:
LochJessMonster · 17/04/2020 14:52

Woah that was a rollercoaster thread for me to read, let alone for you to experience.
What a fighter this baby is!

Sending you every ounce of strength and positivity.
You and your partner are so strong Flowers

Neolara · 17/04/2020 14:54

Wow. What a rollercoaster of emotions. Wishing you and your pregnancy all the luck in the world. I had 4 MC so understand something of what you are going through. All you can do is take one day at a time. Fingers crossed for you.

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