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*Trigger warning* Here we go again...

647 replies

Frazzlerock · 28/03/2020 17:59

We have just found out last week that I'm pregnant again.

The past 4 years we have been TTC on and off which has resulted in 3 MMC at 9 weeks and 1 spontaneous MC at 4 weeks.
Our last baby died in January this year and I'm still grieving and emotionally recovering from surgery. We are still waiting for the test results. Our sweet baby took us a very long and painful year to conceive (PCOS)

Since then we have actively been avoiding pregnancy. Following my app which predicts ovulation. I had no worries as I don't conceive easily, even when it's timed perfectly cycle after cycle.
I was booked to have a copper coil fitted at the end of April
But in true Sod's Law fashion I randomly ovulated early (never happened before, it's always late if anything) and fell pregnant. I even took the MAP when my app suddenly brought ovulation forward. It clearly didn't work 🤔

I can't get excited. We never wanted to have to go through yet another MMC. It's just too hard and has beaten us down immensely. I know for a fact this one will be no different to the others.
My recurrent miscarriage team have told me that there are no 'reassurance' scans for the foreseeable. My only scan will be at 12 weeks - by then I could have a dead baby inside me for at least 3 weeks.

I'm terrified I will start to love this baby like I did all the others. I need to know how not to bond as I simply can't go through the agony of babyloss again.

How can I distance myself from this one? It's not even like I can go out and do things to take my mind off it!

I wish I could be like everyone else and have hope and no worries. It seems like the whole world just has babies with no trouble (in my small world anyway)

And of all the times I could get pregnant It had to be during a fucking pandemic...

I don't know what I'm asking really, just tips on how to not get my hopes up like I have every single time.

OP posts:
minmooch · 23/10/2020 18:01

What an amazing story. I'm so happy for you that you have your little boy home safe and sound with you. Huge congratulations!

addler · 23/10/2020 18:07

Oh @Frazzlerock I don't even have words for this, I'm so pleased for you all and to have your beautiful boy home safe with you already, he's absolutely gorgeous. That little face!

I am over the moon for you all, I've been thinking about you all week and this is the most wonderful news. Thanks

mumof1babe · 23/10/2020 18:07

Ok I'm sobbing. I've followed this thread for a while hoping that the outcome would be so positive for you. Congratulations to you and your husband. Your gorgeous little boy will forever be such a special little miracle and right now he has no clue the joy he has brought to you. Hope you settle into family life well. Lots of love to you all. 💙

Humpty11 · 23/10/2020 18:10

Oh my goodness I have just read the whole of this thread.
What a strong lady you are and massive congratulations to you and DP on your beautiful baby boy. I think he’ll be as strong as you 😍

carolebaskinfedhimtothetigers · 23/10/2020 18:15

Oh wow I was just thinking of you yesterday as I knew you must be due in the next month or so, huge congratulations to you, DP and your little warrior baby! He's gorgeous and so glad you are home after just a short stay in hospital Smile it's not often I get so invested in a thread but I'm so happy for you frazzle!

hotpotlover · 23/10/2020 18:23

@Frazzlerock: Congratulations, I'm so pleased for you.
I too had a little boy on August 12th and followed your story on and off during my pregnancy on mumsnet. I was rooting for you the entire time.
I'm surprised though and a bit jealous that your DP was allowed to stay with you in the hospital after delivery, mine wasn't due to Covid. I was stuck in the hospital by myself for 5 days after a horrible delivery and had to fend for myself.

Congratulations once again, he is so so cute :) xxx

1WildTeaParty · 23/10/2020 18:29

Congratulations! What wonderful news :)

ElspethFlashman · 23/10/2020 18:34


ireallyamthewalrus · 23/10/2020 18:54

What a wonderful thread. Congratulations he is absolutely adorable x

niki26 · 23/10/2020 18:56

I'm thrilled for you! I commented with my own bleeding story - my little girl is 6 weeks now! Aren't we lucky!! He's gorgeous!!!

AnnoyedByAlfieBear · 23/10/2020 19:20

Congratulations! He's a beautiful whopper! My DS was born at 34+5 and was 5lb1 and I thought he was big!

Namechange8471 · 23/10/2020 19:50

Oh my god well done op.

You should be so proud of how far you've came. ♥️♥️

MamaBearThius · 23/10/2020 19:57

Congratulations Frazzle, what a beautiful story and a beautiful little son for you Smile
How are you?

shesgonebatshitagain · 23/10/2020 20:35

Over the moon for you, I really am., He is an absolutely beautiful baby.
Happy snuggles and cuddles

Moo31 · 23/10/2020 20:54


MerryPops · 23/10/2020 21:10

@frazzlerock I am so pleased to see your update. You and I were on an earlier antenatal thread together, where we both sadly lost our little ones. To see your little guy as I hear my little 12 week old lady snoring away tells me sometimes things do go right in the world. I couldn't be happier for you.

Stepawayfromtheminirolls · 23/10/2020 21:18

What fantastic news! Congratulations, he's a gorgeous little boy (dh just asked why I have such a big smile on my face!)

Merename · 23/10/2020 21:37

OMG what a story!! I’m so happy for you all and your beautiful boy - he looks absolutely perfect.

Ratbagratty · 23/10/2020 21:57

I've just found your post and read your whole story. It made me cute I'm so happy for you. I had 7 years of infertility, gave up then suddenly I'm 30 weeks pregnant. She is a small but healthy almost 5yr old now.

Good luck and enjoy the baby cuddles

MaisieMolly · 23/10/2020 22:13

@Frazzlerock I’ve just seen this thread and read it all. I remember you from a previous group for July / August babies which you sadly had to leave earlier in the year. I’m very happy to hear you got your rainbow, what a cutie xx

MasksGlovesSoapScrubs · 23/10/2020 22:18


Especially for *@VioletSunset*

Omg just look at him!
He is absolutely gorgeous and looks so good for being a preemie!
Just seen this thread and what a lovely update.
Your beautiful rainbow 💙
HippyChickMama · 23/10/2020 22:33

I've been lurking on this thread since the beginning and I've just seen the update. Massive congratulations @Frazzlerock, he's absolutely beautiful and I'm so pleased for you!

coffeecow · 23/10/2020 23:03

He's beautiful. Congratulations. Reading through this whole thread after some bleeding myself and a wobbly screening test result (now awaiting Harmony results) has reassured me no end. The universe can be good. Sending you all the love in the world.

FraterculaArctica · 23/10/2020 23:28

Congratulations on your gorgeous gorgeous DS. I commented on your other thread when your waters went but I didn't realize you had been on such a very tough journey to get there. It must be such a relief to have him here safely even if a bit prem, at least that was how I felt when my DS turned up at 33 weeks last year. I hope you're recovering well after the crash delivery. Sounds like he was a really good size for 34 weeks, hope he is doing well.

itsallgonepw · 24/10/2020 15:11

Huge congratulations!

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