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Due February 2019...

999 replies

Kilkers · 30/05/2018 13:51

I’ve just had my BFP after 3 years of trying, will be DC2 (touches wood). The NHS due date calculator has my due date around the 2nd Feb. Anyone else ready to jump on board? Grin

OP posts:
ronniemipperton · 02/06/2018 10:43

I spent all of yesterday whinging about shoulder pain which I’ve just realised is a symptom of ectopic pregnancy. I don’t have any other symptoms at the moment so not panicking just yet but feeling a bit worried.

Celebelly · 02/06/2018 10:45

Hopefully it's just an unfortunate coincidence. I think we are probably so aware of every little twinge right now. I feel a bit achey in general - it almost feels like my body was ramping up to have a period and is now realising it shouldn't do that!

TheTittifersHaveSungTheirSong · 02/06/2018 10:52

@ronniemipperton hopefully as already said, it's just a coincidence. I'm sure if we searched enough there would be a link to every twinge and ache. Maybe you slept funny?? Try not to worry yourself too much at this stage 🤞
I'm finding that if I hold my 2.5year old for a long time my tummy starts to hurt, no idea why though!!

TheTittifersHaveSungTheirSong · 02/06/2018 10:56

@Celebelly 😁 good signs! I have done 2frers and an out of date Waitrose one... will work my way through the IC that are tempting me! Really want a CB one but can't justify it really!!
When should we chuck out the tests?!!!

Celebelly · 02/06/2018 11:04

I'm fizzing though. I'd been using cheap One Steps from a bulk pack and panicking over such faint lines. Then I used a One Step that came with my FRERs and, well, look! Those are all with same urine! I've obviously got a duff batch, or fakes.

Due February 2019...
TheTittifersHaveSungTheirSong · 02/06/2018 11:29

Oh how strange!! Least the CB and frer and one of the cheapies is blatantly obviously!

Tattooedredhead · 02/06/2018 14:11

@totorosumbrella I hope you are ok! Hopefully it’ll be worrying over nothing! Xx

hayleyfx · 02/06/2018 20:02

@Celebelly yeah I don’t trust the cheap ones! They’ve given me false negatives and false positives before. They work about 90% of the time for me but not totally reliable!

@ronniemipperton hopefully just a coincidence and everything is alright. 🤞

Wellthisunexpected · 02/06/2018 23:41

Can I join please 👋

Also due 4th Feb.

ronniemipperton · 03/06/2018 07:57

Welcome and congrats @Wellthisunexpected :)

Thanks for reassurances on the shoulder pain @Celebelly @TheTittifersHaveSungTheirSong @hayleyfx. I ended up telling my mum yesterday as she had an ectopic years ago. Apparently with hers a doctor said not to worry about the pelvic cramps - fortunately her dad insisted she go to hospital where they said she’d have died if she hadn’t come in Shock. Thank goodness for scans/medical technology/better understanding these days! Has put things into perspective for me somewhat and I’ve pretty much stopped worrying about things for now.

I do feel pretty wiped out already though, fell asleep randomly in the middle of the afternoon for two hours yesterday!

TheTittifersHaveSungTheirSong · 03/06/2018 09:05

@ronniemipperton oh wow! Yes we are really lucky with how we get looked after now, everything has come on such a long way!! I mean, it's fine to have little worries but on the whole everything should be fine 🤞
I keep napping in the car (obvs not when I'm driving! 😂) I also think boobs have definitely grown!

Celebelly · 03/06/2018 09:11


I've been up and down all night with cramps expecting the worse but no sign of blood and tests stronger this morning than yesterday. I just wish I knew what was 'normal'. I'm feeling a bit better now, but it really felt like my period was here!

MiaDenvers55 · 03/06/2018 10:18

Hey Ladies Ive Just Had My Test Done This Morning And It Came Back That I Am Pregnant

This Isnt My First Pregnancy But I Throught I Share The Good News With All The Other Moms Out There

Thank You All For Letting Me Share With You

Best Wishes And Good Luck To All Of The Pregnant Ladies Out There

Kind Regards
Mrs Denvers

TheTittifersHaveSungTheirSong · 03/06/2018 10:31

Oh @Celebelly what a rubbish night for you 😕 hopefully it's just random normal cramps and nothing sinister! x

Eyedontknow · 03/06/2018 11:48

@Celebelly I'm having similar issues, but I've read that can be normal so hoping everything is okay. I've also noticed I only get cramps when lying on my back, not sure what that means. I booked an appointment with my gp just so I can find out if what's happening is normal. Bit anxious about it all.

@ronniemipperton I've been having shoulder pain too. I normally sleep on my stomach or back, but because of boobs hurting and cramps when I lie on my back, I've been sleeping more on my side. Possibly you're in a similar boat?

jeanzbeanz · 03/06/2018 16:36

Hey all, according to the NHS calculator I'm due 29th Jan but my cycles tend to be long/irregular so I reckon I'll be due early Feb. Am going for a private scan on 15th so hopefully I'll get a proper due date then :)

This is my first pregnancy and we are very excited (and also quite anxious)! Felt sick when I got up this morning, for the first time. Other than a sore back, burping, and a bit of tummy ache I feel like my normal self. Is that normal?

I haven't booked a Dr appt yet - must do that first thing tomorrow!

When is everyone else planning to make the news public? We have told both sets of grandparents-to-be but not planning to tell anyone else until I've had my scan, although I will probably not be able to keep the secret from my sister for too long!

jeanzbeanz · 03/06/2018 16:37

Oh and should add, I have SUPER sore boobs! I do hope they aren't going to stay this way!

Anyone else feeling FAT too? I'm sure I "look" pregnant already, even if the bean is only the size of an orange seed :)

KimRobs87 · 03/06/2018 16:53

@jeanzbeanz - yes!!! I am so bloated, got a bump going on already at 5 weeks lol xx

ronniemipperton · 03/06/2018 17:23

@Eyedontknow that’s definitely possible! I haven’t been sleeping very well at night (possibly because I keep falling asleep during the day) so may well be sleeping in awkward positions. Hope your cramps aren’t too bad.

TheTittifersHaveSungTheirSong · 03/06/2018 17:52

@jeanzbeanz hi! We're not planning on telling anyone until after the scan. I think I got away with it last week after getting bfp on holiday with my parents and sister and had subtle non-alcoholic drinks! we wanted to wait until the scan with my first pregnancy too, but I had a bridesmaid dress fitting at 9weeks so had to tell family then!
Yes to the bloating!!! and tiredness and hunger and peeing!

GetInMyNelly · 03/06/2018 17:59

Hey All,

Got my bfp a week ago now Blush

Second pregnancy, very much wanted!

When shall I call the midwife??

Eyedontknow · 03/06/2018 18:05

@jeanzbeanz I wasn't going to tell anyone until the first scan, but now pretty much all family and a few friends know already. I'm super bloated as well, and constipated. Not a fun combo. I've been worried about cramps I've had for the last week and a half and today they seem to have subsided...making me worry even more. There's just no winning.


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TheTittifersHaveSungTheirSong · 03/06/2018 18:25

Hi @GetInMyNelly I rang Drs on Friday to book midwife for the first week in July...seems ages away!!

Celebelly · 03/06/2018 18:27

My doctors told me to call in at 6 weeks and I would be booked in!

KimRobs87 · 03/06/2018 18:39

@TheTittifersHaveSungTheirSong - you managed to get away with it then! Haha.

@Eyedontknow - the worrying - I totally get you. Just try stay positive. Xx

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