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Due February 2019...

999 replies

Kilkers · 30/05/2018 13:51

I’ve just had my BFP after 3 years of trying, will be DC2 (touches wood). The NHS due date calculator has my due date around the 2nd Feb. Anyone else ready to jump on board? Grin

OP posts:
Celebelly · 31/05/2018 16:00

I did an Internet cheapie too. Someone tie my hands together or something! GrinBlushBlush

Chocodrops · 31/05/2018 16:26

Hehe, I'm still testing too, just like seeing that line get darker 🙈

Also not many symptoms yet, a few pokey cramps here and there but nothing major. If only it could stay this way 😅

@Tattooedredhead @KimRobs87 So lovely to hear that you have supportive bosses but I don't know my boss well enough to know how she'll react. Like @hayleyfx I've decided to hold off for now. It'll be a looooong time till maternity leave if she takes it badly!

KimRobs87 · 31/05/2018 16:58

Can't blame you @Chocodrops. I've worked with my boss for years and we're quite similar. When I told him he said he was thrilled but a bit jealous! Haha. He's lovely, I am lucky. To be fair, I work for a big company and think they 'have' to be accepting even if they're not! Ha xx

hayleyfx · 31/05/2018 19:47

@KimRobs86 @Celebelly @Chocodrops I’m glad I’m not the only one still testing like a maniac! 🤣 Just love looking at those positive tests 😍

ronniemipperton · 31/05/2018 22:20

I’m loving this thread.

@TheTittifersHaveSungTheirSong thanks! We’ve been trying for about three years, but I had hypothalamic amenorrhea for most of them and wasn’t ovulating (only got diagnosed last summer, no-one could work out what was wrong with me for ages). Managed to sort that out and have been having/tracking regular cycles for about 7 months. After being relieved that I was actually ovulating I was starting to lose hope that it would ever turn into a bfp so this morning’s result was VERY welcome :)

I do sort of wish I could fast forward to 12 weeks though, it’s going to be hard work keeping it quiet/trying not to worry!

Chocodrops · 31/05/2018 22:37

@ronniemipperton massive congratulations! What a journey you've been on. Thrilled you have your BFP now ❤️

ronniemipperton · 31/05/2018 22:44

Thank you @Chocodrops 🤗

KimRobs87 · 01/06/2018 07:13

@ronniemipperton - amazing news xxx

TheTittifersHaveSungTheirSong · 01/06/2018 07:35

@ronniemipperton what a journey you've had so far already!!

Celebelly · 01/06/2018 07:38

@ronniemipperton Amazing! Congratulations! X

ronniemipperton · 01/06/2018 08:15

Thanks so much everyone :D

I’ve managed to slightly freak myself out this morning reading about whether you should do more pregnancy tests (so you know if it’s a chemical) or you shouldn’t (as if it’s a mmc you’ll still get a positive result anyway). Argh. Must stay optimistic!

KimRobs87 · 01/06/2018 08:21

@ronniemipperton - this is meant to sound reassuring and not as bad as it does at all. No amount of worrying will change anything, you will still have the same outcome. You have every chance of everything going perfectly xx

Chocodrops · 01/06/2018 08:35

@ronniemipperton I understand the worry but we all have every chance of it all going to plan. Every successful pregnancy has to get through this early stage. No reason to worry about something that hasn't happened ❤️

hayleyfx · 01/06/2018 08:45

@ronniemipperton just want to say - you’re not alone in your worries!! I’m anxious 24/7 right now. I MC’d in December and it really does make it hard to enjoy pregnancy again! But we’re all in this together & the odds are in your favour!! So try to relax (should take my own advice 🤣) and just enjoy the fact that you are pregnant 😀 all we can do is be optimistic! Also massive congrats! 🎉

byanyothernamerose · 01/06/2018 08:53

I am due approx the 30th Jan but could be a few days later so I just about fit into this thread...can I join please?

ronniemipperton · 01/06/2018 09:15

@KimRobs87 @Chocodrops @hayleyfx thank you all, that has made me feel much better (though really sorry to hear about your mc hayleyfx Flowers

You’re all absolutely right, whatever will be will be. And it’s lovely all being in it together 💜

WakeUpSlow · 01/06/2018 13:38

Bfp on Tuesday- this will be dc2. EDD according to NHS website is 4 February. I'm scared I will have hyperemesis again. So far I'm just tired and really hungry.

hayleyfx · 01/06/2018 13:52

@WakeUpSlow huge congrats! My EDD is 4th February too. I hope pregnancy is easier for you this time, fingers crossed!

@ronniemipperton thank you hun! Staying as hopeful and positive as possible for all of us 😊

totorosumbrella · 01/06/2018 13:56

Pretty sure I'm starting my second miscarriage in 4 months after spotting this morning and sharp pain in my upper left chest (had exactly the same pain but in my right hand side last time.) Just really fucked off with it all now.

Celebelly · 01/06/2018 14:06

Oh no, I really hope it's just a false alarm. Fingers crossed for you x

TheTittifersHaveSungTheirSong · 01/06/2018 16:20

Oh no @totorosumbrella really hoping it isn't for you and everything is ok! Thanks

hayleyfx · 01/06/2018 16:22

@totorosumbrella oh no I hope everything is alright hun! So sorry but hopefully it’s just normal pregnancy spotting. Have everything crossed for you 🤞 x


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totorosumbrella · 01/06/2018 17:16

Thanks all, will just have to wait a few days and see. Feeling a bit hopeless, not sure we'll try again if this one fails too, it's too difficult to deal with repeatedly!

ronniemipperton · 02/06/2018 06:38

How are you feeling today @totorosumbrella? Keeping everything crossed for you.

Celebelly · 02/06/2018 10:41

I have everything crossed for you x

My period is due today and I just did a CB digital and it's gone up to 2-3 weeks! I know they aren't that reliable but I'm hoping that means everything is rising as it should. I'm still a big bag of nerves and DP thinks I am a mental case for testing so much! And he's prob right! Going to try not to test again today!

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