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Sweaty and fretty- 3rd trimester safe place to whinge

999 replies

Paie · 20/04/2018 12:18

Following on from the Itchy & bitchy 2nd trimester thread!

I'm now 25 + 6 weeks, so very nearly 6 months gone! 3 months remaining...

Morning sickness is still very present and I've been reminded of this 4-8 times a day all week.

On the plus side- movements are now very regular and I love them! Much lower down than I remember DC1 being- lots of bladder kicks which are /not/ fun.

Hows everyone else doing with the 3rd trimester?


How are you two getting along?? Grin

OP posts:
SK166 · 30/06/2018 23:22

@lmx0 - hooray! Happy MAT leave! Put those swollen feet up and have an ice cream.

We hit our due date today! Finally! No sign of little ‘un, but I still can’t quite believe we got this far. Now I know this sounds utterly mad...but I swear I smell different this evening! I don’t mean ‘down there’ or like it’s my waters or anything...I mean I noticed a slight smell, not unpleasant, a bit sweet, as I was sitting around and at first thought it was the dog so gave him a sniff...nope! Sniffed around everything else and I’m now 100% sure it’s me. It’s so weird! Has anyone else heard of this? Could it be a hormonal thing?! It’s not any specific part either! Not my hair, not my’s just general. And it’s not perfumey or sweaty or anything else identifiable. I’m perplexed!

Or maybe I’m nuts?!

KTD27 · 01/07/2018 04:18

SK happy due date! I haven’t heard of that how strange. Do waters smell sweet? Could it be them? I’m awake AGAIN at 4am for no reason really. Pregnancy insomnia driving me mad.
Oh also we will need a new thread soon!!

Spanglyprincess1 · 01/07/2018 05:23

39 and a bit weeks- I just want to sleep! Been awake from 1am till now and cant get comfy :(

LostMyBaubles · 01/07/2018 15:35

Sk happy due date! Hope you aren't waiting too much longer

Spangly a nice cool shower before bed helps me sleep a little better
Hope you get more sleep tonight
Kt ive heard waters smell sweet rather than of urine and thats why newborns have that sweet smell?
My waters that went naturally was nearly 8yrs ago
The other times was induced so cant remember the smell while on gas and air lol
Hope everyone is ok

lmx0 · 01/07/2018 17:19

@SK166 happy due date!! Hope little miss/mrs gets a move on!! Ive never heard of that before but waters are a sweeter smell or could be hormonal?
@KTD27 & @Spanglyprincess1 this no sleeping business is awful isnt it!! I manage to get some sleep but its really hard in this warm weather!!

lmx0 · 01/07/2018 17:19

@LostMyBaubles how are you today?

LostMyBaubles · 01/07/2018 18:03

Imx0 sat here with some little niggles again.
Not done much today as its so warm

How about yourself

lmx0 · 01/07/2018 18:43

@LostMyBaubles hopefully it doesn't get any worse im okay stomach seems a little upset (think Chinese last night was a bit funky) hopefully some sleep tonight will help

KTD27 · 01/07/2018 23:24

Well I’m not sleeping. It’s officially 100000 degrees and have put the fan in my little boys room as it’s just too hot in there. I’ve come to sleep in the spare room as the windows are next to the bed but even with that there’s just nothing blowing in. Hate being so hot

BrutusMcDogface · 01/07/2018 23:32

Hi all! I'm currently not sleeping as I have the world's worst indigestion and heartburn. Yuk. Feel so sick and not even gaviscon is touching it. Sad

littleprettylights · 01/07/2018 23:46

I've had it with my sore feet! I am 35 weeks and they are not so much swollen, but my heels feel flat, sore and ache when I walk. I bought sketchers but they end up too hot, and sandles make it worst. Think this is the thing I will be glad to see the back of most of all! What will you be glad to see the back of? any anyone else have the same problem?

Spanglyprincess1 · 01/07/2018 23:49

My blood pressure is very high for me again. Decided to pyo strawberries today , cause I'm mental, now swollen but still no indications he will be arriving soon!.
Hopefully I'll sleep tonight despite the house being a tiny oven

LostMyBaubles · 02/07/2018 07:45

Spangly make sure you get checked as high bp isnt good

The achey feet
Yuuup my feet really hurt and i officially have chankles lol

Omg I had really bad heartburn last night too. Gaviscon is on the shopping list today the double tabs work wonders for me maybe try those?

Ahh yes its really hot, think you need another fan or 2 in the house!

KTD27 · 02/07/2018 11:43

Spangly how you feeling? Is your BP back down? Make sure you get it checked especially with the swollen feet too - Pre-E can sneak up on you so do make sure you check it out. I’m sure it’s nothing serious just a case of the summer sweats.

Spanglyprincess1 · 02/07/2018 12:03

I was in hospital last week and not pre clampsia just the heat :(
He's moving fine too. I'm keeping an eye on it and have my sweep.tommorow

lmx0 · 02/07/2018 13:13

Think we are all struggling in this heat!! And there's no sign of it cooling down any soon!! Ive the HV this afternoon and im a little nervous i must say think it because i don't know what to expect!!

KTD27 · 02/07/2018 14:44

Spangly you sound just like me then- I’m going to ask for a sweep tomorrow too. Fingers crossed it sets things off!!

lmx0 · 02/07/2018 15:31

@Spanglyprincess1 i found the heat made my ankles really swell up (i will not miss the swelling once baby's here!) thats good you don't have p/e and hopefully your sweep works for you and you @KTD27

mustbemad17 · 02/07/2018 18:42

Hi ladies, hope you are all managing in this dastardly heat. Sorry to see a few of you having issues, fingers crossed they have settled now! I really feel for you all.

We have had little man's tongue tie snipped today so have a very unsettled baby. He is definitely not enjoying the heat either...altho the ability to get away with just wearing a nappy would be wonderful!

LostMyBaubles · 02/07/2018 18:56

Poor thing, hope it all settles for him and you soon

Im struggling Sad
Really am.
Pgp/ spd into my legs. Feels like baby has moved further down too
The heat, feel exhausted today. Drinking plenty, icelollies and showers etc but just feel so meeeeh

Spangly glad its not p.e but still be careful

Imx0 hope the HV appt went well

Kt hope you get your sweep tomorrow!

mustbemad17 · 02/07/2018 19:00

Lost how far are you now? I can't decide what was worse, the SPD, the heat or the pressure of the baby right down. Hope it calms down a little...i am holding out for cooler weather for you all

LostMyBaubles · 02/07/2018 19:22

31 weeks this week with a 'larger than average' baby.
Hes measuring waaay of the chart atm.
Scan next week to see whats goimg on

Keep getting lots of tightenings which doesnt bloody help things

I feel very emotional. I dunnooo.


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mustbemad17 · 02/07/2018 19:39

Oh bless you. Good they are monitoring you tho. I can only imagine how your hormones are doing!

KTD27 · 02/07/2018 20:01

Ladies I’ve started a new thread as we are close to finishing this one

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