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Sweaty and fretty- 3rd trimester safe place to whinge

999 replies

Paie · 20/04/2018 12:18

Following on from the Itchy & bitchy 2nd trimester thread!

I'm now 25 + 6 weeks, so very nearly 6 months gone! 3 months remaining...

Morning sickness is still very present and I've been reminded of this 4-8 times a day all week.

On the plus side- movements are now very regular and I love them! Much lower down than I remember DC1 being- lots of bladder kicks which are /not/ fun.

Hows everyone else doing with the 3rd trimester?


How are you two getting along?? Grin

OP posts:
justabunchofbunting · 20/04/2018 18:21

Im 30 weeks now. I too wish the stalk was real. I resent all this bullshit I read about it being a special bonding time and wish they would hurry up and invent artificial wombs you could just visit every day then crack open like an egg when they were ready.
Why has that not happened? Weve had hundreds of years of evolution. Weve been to space and yet here I am still vomiting all over myself and weeing myself a bit whenever I sneeze and crying at adverts about dogs.

Smurfybubbles · 20/04/2018 18:40

I have found my people 39+1 today. Thought I was dealing well with heat but finally managed to get comfortable on my bed when in flew a bee. I cried for about 20 mins because it was the first time all day I managed to get comfy and I had to get up to move away from it.
This heat can p!ss all the way off.

lmx0 · 20/04/2018 19:00

@pumpkinmamma im like that atm when i knock things over if it aint important it stays on the floor i dread to see what ill be like at your stage!! And is funny how we seem to go between tiny & massive like a switch isnt it!! Make up your minds people!!
An fake womb?! Personally i think its the mens turn!!.......

Paie · 27/04/2018 11:39

How is everyone doing?

Has anyone else found themselves insanely burpy this week? Blush

Throughout the pregnancy I've generally felt "huge" ect, but the past week I really haven't. I've found myself prodding my stomach to remind myself there really is a little baby in there!

Until a friend uploaded a photo on facebook and I've got such a double chin and my dress just hangs off my bump making me look 5000x bigger than I am, you can't really see the bump at all it just looks like podge Sad

OP posts:
CremeDeSudo · 27/04/2018 12:05

Morning @Paie

Suprisingly OK here actually, which is quite disconcerting! I've also felt huge the whole time and don't at the moment for some reason (until I look in the mirror!). I think it's because the bloating has subsided a bit. Don't get me started on double chins though as mine is awful! Sad

I've been busying myself this week ordering some essentials - perfect prep machine, monitor and a new car seat all en route Grin Did you know car seats have 'expiry dates' on them?! Ours was given to us by family for DS. As it has only ever been in the family and not in a crash we thought it'd be OK - it's 10 yrs old this year! So we've had to order a new one. I hope we don't need to buy a new isofix or new adaptors for the pram too!

I've also worked out that I only have 4 weeks left in work and only 10 days left in the office (as there's either bank holidays or I'm working from home the other days! Grin). Bit exciting!

I did have my first panic the other afternoon though as I started getting period pain cramping coming and going all across the bottom of my bump. Normally I'm pretty blase about these things, but it kept coming and going so I got a bit paranoid and called the hospital. I was just told to take painkillers and see how I was in a couple of hours. Turned out to be nothing - phew!

Paie · 27/04/2018 12:18

Is it 8 years for car seats? I think I remember reading that somewhere. We still have my old britax b agile travel system but have thrown that out and bought mothercares journey travel system- seemed to be the best quality for the smallest price! The Britax really wasn't in any type of good condition Grin

On the countdown side of things I have 50 working days left! More like 41 though as I have 9 days of holiday to use up before then Grin
I'm getting a bit too addicted to counting down various days/minutes ect. Just keep telling myself that those 41 days are close enough to a long month... one long month I can do. It's being bored at work that's driving me nuts!

I too had a few scary moments. I managed to convince myself baby was being really quiet- and he was- but not for too long. Lying down on my left side and I felt loads of movements within half an hour so that reassured me. I think I might have had my first Braxton Hicks though- my belly felt a bit tighter and I had cramps across the bottom for a few minutes! Scary and I was quite close to ringing the hospital/midwife- then realised I don't have any emergency contact details so didn't know who to ring anyway! This is DC2 so I feel I should know this stuff!

OP posts:
CremeDeSudo · 27/04/2018 12:28

It varies by manufacturer I think. Our pram has held up well so we're OK there. Love my pram so I'm relieved!

I'm bored in work too - up until a couple of weeks ago I was fine, not bothered about being work, no counting down or anything. Then two weeks ago I switched off apparently and now I can't be arsed anymore Grin

They kept asking me about tightenings but I wasn't really sure to be honest? I've never had Braxton Hicks and when I had DS he was back to back so it felt more like really bad back pain than anything else and I don't remember feeling my bump tighten!

Paie · 27/04/2018 12:37

I had hoped the britax would last- but my 3yo has kicked the footwell so much its ripped Sad various other parts are slightly tattered. I also don't trust the car seat didn't take a bashing when we moved house so a nice new fresh buggy ticks all the boxes Grin

I never had Braxton Hicks with DC1 either so I wasn't too sure- still not sure tbh. It could be my imagination regarding the bump tightening- but it felt a lot more uncomfortable than normal!

I've finally started to love my pregnancy pillow this week- now I've flattened it enough to fit under the bump!
Still waking up countless times in the night though just to do a 3 point turn over Grin

I have a retake of my driving test in 3 weeks and I'm praying I pass- need to be driving before I give birth preferably!

OP posts:
CremeDeSudo · 27/04/2018 13:00

I'm starting to really struggle turning ober now. I was doing OK at that one!

Why d'you have to retake your driving test?

Are you reusing bottles/steriliser? I've kept all mine - they've been in a taped up cardboard box, inside another taped up cardboard box for 4 years, in the attic first and the garage for the last 1.5yrs. I know the teats need go, but what about the bottles themselves?

Paie · 27/04/2018 13:04

Should've said 2nd attempt instead of retake- I failed the first time but down to one silly silly reason! So fingers crossed I pass this time Grin

I should think the bottles themselves should be fine- they haven't been constantly used so it shouldn't have broken down the plastic at all. I wish I still had my steriliser kit ect but I threw it out years ago! Managed to find the same one for less than a tenner though!

OP posts:
CremeDeSudo · 27/04/2018 13:08

Ah that makes more sense! Fingers crossed for you Wink

I'm in two minds about the steriliser too - I'd taped it up so no air can get it though..considering binning it and just cold water sterilising in the utility room sink!

lmx0 · 27/04/2018 14:08

@CremeDeSudo how many weeks are you? Ive been getting peroidy type cramps all week but ive just put it down to things growing and LO is still wriggling away so i thought no need go worry?.... oh its so exciting getting everything isnt it

Is anyone else noticing their patience getting thinner each week? I just feel that every week in work more n more people seem to piss me right off?! Im also starting to notice rolling over in bed hard work and im seem to sleep in the same position the whole night (im putting it down to rolling over is to hard 😂)

lmx0 · 27/04/2018 14:09

@Paie hope you pass!! Id say bottles be fine good wash n through the steriliser be grand and result!!

CremeDeSudo · 27/04/2018 14:14

@lmx0 I'm 29+5, but I'm high risk for pre-term as I have a stitch. I've had them lots too but it was the coming and going that made me paranoid. I reckon it was just being in work wasn't agreeing with me Grin

I've had very little patience from Day 1 but recently DH has told me off for being short with DS so feeling fairly guilty about that!

I've found 2x bottles with teats still sealed in the plastic! Teats ok on those d'you reckon or shall I just chuck 'em anyway? Apparently I kept lots unecessarily!

CremeDeSudo · 27/04/2018 14:19

Think the steriliser needs to go...I have the Tommee Tippee one and the grey bit at the bottom (whatever that's for..?) is all manky looking.

lmx0 · 27/04/2018 14:31

@CremeDeSudo yes i could imagine the coming and going would freak you out a bit hopefully you carry for as long as possible!! Are you still working? I could picture my bosses face if i said that 😂 children can push it though i noticed that the other day my friends lb is one & into everything n i could not be bothered with him 🙈 id say since they are sealed they would be fine

CremeDeSudo · 27/04/2018 14:58

I've got 4wks left working, 10 days actually in the office Grin. I'm hoping to get to at least 34 wks! Will be 34wks when I stop working. Tbh, I half didn't expect to get this far!

lmx0 · 27/04/2018 15:38

@CremeDeSudo 4 weeks will fly by!! Ive about 9/8 left depending on how i feel

NooNooHead · 27/04/2018 16:02

Can I join please? I’m 32w1d and am scheduled for a c-section on 7th June at 38 weeks, but my consultants might bring this forward depending upon my diabetes levels etc. So I could be having baby at 36 weeks if they decide things need to be brought forward...eek! Grin

lmx0 · 27/04/2018 16:05

@NooNooHead congrats n welcome 😊 how are you cooing with the diabetes?

lmx0 · 27/04/2018 16:08

Coping not cooing😂

NooNooHead · 27/04/2018 16:13

Thank you Imx0 - I am not coping that well with my glucose levels over the past few days and am worried about taking metformin or insulin (I had a bad reaction to the insulin last time I took it...)

I am hoping that all will be well on Wed and that my scan shows baby is doing ok. I’m sure my consultants will want me to try the medication but as I am very sensitive to different things (my central nervous system is a bit buggered as a result of my drug induced movement disorder), I am not keen on taking different medication. I do realise that it is best for baby but I know that since my DD and my last pregnancy, I need to be more vigilant at monitoring things as I’m sure I had undiagnosed diabetes then - my DD was a huge 11lb5oz!


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lmx0 · 27/04/2018 16:39

@NooNooHead poor you!! Thats understandable after last time and i hope wed goes well Thanks

Jestem · 27/04/2018 17:49

Joining as I'm 38+4 and so over being pregnant! The days are really starting to drag as my due date approaches, and I'll probably go over anyway as my last baby was born after induction at 41 weeks. I feel like I've been pregnant forever, I'm so uncomfortable and today midwife said previously engaged head is now dis-engaged 😫 She did say second babies float in and out and it doesn't mean anything, but I persist in feeling sorry for myself!

GottaBeStrong · 27/04/2018 18:41

Hi ladies

I'm 32+3 and my new low is that today I peed myself. Thankfully I had a folded blanket on the sofa, which is now washing and I've climbed in the bath.

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