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Sweaty and fretty- 3rd trimester safe place to whinge

999 replies

Paie · 20/04/2018 12:18

Following on from the Itchy & bitchy 2nd trimester thread!

I'm now 25 + 6 weeks, so very nearly 6 months gone! 3 months remaining...

Morning sickness is still very present and I've been reminded of this 4-8 times a day all week.

On the plus side- movements are now very regular and I love them! Much lower down than I remember DC1 being- lots of bladder kicks which are /not/ fun.

Hows everyone else doing with the 3rd trimester?


How are you two getting along?? Grin

OP posts:
KTD27 · 27/06/2018 16:14

I’m with you. It isn’t what I wanted either not because of the op as my c section with my little boy was lovely but the recovery with a toddler seems Confused scary for want of a better word.
I recovered well the first time and feel like I’d be pushing my luck with another. The lifting the carrying - all of it was hard anyway and add a heavier child into the mix. Ouch.

lmx0 · 27/06/2018 18:08

Hope both you ladies wont need a section 🤞🏻🤞🏻

LostMyBaubles · 28/06/2018 12:46

Thank you

Ahh im 30 weeks today 😁
Can still remember getting my bfp on nye !
Ny day was fantastic.

Picked some newborn nappies up today. 1 small pack from both aldi and lidl. 89p a pack.
Ive always used pampers but they are expensive! Ive just switched to asda own for the youngest night time nappies and they arent the best tbh so will open and look at these nappies

lmx0 · 28/06/2018 17:20

28 degrees here today HELP!!! Its way too warm!!!

LostMyBaubles · 28/06/2018 18:03

Ice lollies ans cold showers are the way
Plus a good car with air con and a fan at home lol

Have the most horrible pain in my back
Again reducing me to tears and made me rock back and forth that's how bad it was.
Its back/ bum ache and some pain in my leg Sad
Hows everyone getting on

lmx0 · 28/06/2018 19:33

@LostMyBaubles poor you!! You really are getting it rough aren't you?! Was any of your other pregnancies this bad?

LostMyBaubles · 28/06/2018 20:12

Not like this no unless I had a uti which im sure I haven't as don't have symptoms.

Still in a lot of pain. Stomach and back.
1 hand wanna get checked out the other hand don't want to be sat in hosp 4hours+ in this heat

lmx0 · 28/06/2018 20:55

Dont blame you even ring mw and see what she says? Or hospital n see what they say?

KTD27 · 29/06/2018 12:04

How are you this morning lost?
I’m having a very strange day as little boy is off on a nursery trip with husband and I have nobody and nothing to run around after! Not at all sure what to do with myself Smile

LostMyBaubles · 29/06/2018 13:28

Started getting contractions this morning.
Rang triage, came in, they've monitored and seen the contractions on trace and given me some meds and sent me home.
If its continues or gets worse come back

Kt rest up!

The air con was on in the hosp 😍

lmx0 · 29/06/2018 14:35

@LostMyBaubles hopefully the tabs help!! Oh im sure you didn't wanna leave the ac!!
@KTD27 enjoy the peace and quite while it lasts!

SK166 · 29/06/2018 19:47

@Lost - has everything calmed down for you now? How stressful! Make sure you put your feet up and stay hydrated.

@KTD - hope you had a thoroughly relaxing day and treated yourself!

@lmx0 - how are you getting on?

Had my 40wk appointment today (at 39+6) and was delighted when midwife told me that my cervix is 'open for business' and she could do a first sweep! Not that I'm holding out much hope for anything happening, but that's got to be more positive than being closed and no sweep, right?

LostMyBaubles · 29/06/2018 20:25

Just the odd little niggle here and there but managing ok
Cant wait to have a nice cold shower and get in bed!

Sk that's fantastic!!
Was told dtd is the best thing to get things going and lots of walking

Imx0 the ac was fab honestly. Better than getting into a warm car!
How are you getting on??

SK166 · 29/06/2018 21:41

@Lost - will have to see what he says but in this heat, and with DH currently on hour 12 of his working day I can’t imagine either of us is going to be in the mood tonight!

lmx0 · 29/06/2018 22:43

@SK166 thats great news hopefully it starts something!! Walking and sex would both be very hard in this heat!!! Tbh dh cant wven give me a hug these days as he is just too hot and i overcook!! Im not too bad thanks ladies ive had quite alot of pressure and discomfort today so im thinking things are moving down a bit

TheGrumpySquirrel · 30/06/2018 00:04

At how many weeks pregnant is it reasonable to expect your husband to check his phone on a night out ?? Angry bloody raging here

KTD27 · 30/06/2018 04:52

grumpy oh no!! You ok? To be honest I’d be furious.
I am awake after my 100000th wee of the night and sore hips. I’m so looking forward to sleeping on my back again

TheGrumpySquirrel · 30/06/2018 06:35

I had woken up with Braxton Hicks and diarrhoea so really wanted him home. Feeling ok this morning thankfully. I'm only 33 weeks. But had my dd at 35.5 hence the paranoia! He's offered not to go out anymore but that isn't the issue, during the day he is terrible at checking phone too. I don't love them but I've now downloaded one of those family location tracker apps. Then at least I'll know WHERE he is. Going to get emergency phone numbers for his work too.

letsallhaveanap · 30/06/2018 07:17

went into hospital for swelling last night at the insistence of my health visitor... was there from 5pm until ONE IN THE MORNING!!! With only tea and toast.... if I hadnt been that unwell when I went in I certainly was feeling a lot worse when I left.
Kinda wish I hadnt gone in... im sure swelling was just from heat... babys movements and heartbeat are fine and blood pressure slightly higher than usual but still within the rage of normal blood pressure.... but now theyve given me all these hospital appointments for an extra scan and a trace etc... and an iron drip.... and this is all after my due date and I dont drive and will have to find someone to watch my todddler every time and its SOOOOO hot.... and I think all these hospital visits are going to actually make me more stressed and more swollen than if i was just resting at home...

grrrr sorry just needed to rant... im so frightened of being induced again... I swear to god whenever you see a doctor they create more problems that what you started with...... that probably sounds ungrateful, of course I just want my baby to be born safely but I think sometimes all the medical intervention creates problems... it certainly did for me last time... was just a cascade of intervention when there was nothing actually wrong with the baby at all they just seemed to be doing traumatic stuff so they could tick boxes..

The doctor even got concerned about the size of my baby when none of the midwives ever have been, as she is measuring on the average line on the graph.. and she is a girl thats probably why she is a bit smaller than my last who is a boy..

KTD27 · 30/06/2018 08:50

letsallhaveanap I feel you - absolutely.
It’s almost like the smallest thing and they’re off down the road racing toward intervention. I’ve really had to advocate for myself this pregnancy after last time. I’ve refused to be induced 110% I’m just not having it. And with my swelling monitoring they’ve pushed for me to go in next week and I’ve agreed but said I’ll see my midwife for a times appointment after all my bloods are fine my BP is fine (very much like yours actually) and it’s 10000 degrees and I have another child. I can’t spend all day sat down so I’m on my feet hence the swelling.
I’m pushing to have my c section date moved back until after due date. I don’t particularly want to go over so I’m happy to have one but the week after not the week before thank you very much!

LostMyBaubles · 30/06/2018 10:02

Lets thats really bad, when I went yesterday I got there around 10.20 and was on trace by 10.40 out by 1ish
They arent normally that busy in the morning

Those worried abour induction-
Ive been induced 2x never had any problems because of it thankfully. Every delivery is diff but try not to worry too much about it

Squirrel that would really piss me off! Hopefully he will be more contactable

Walking imo is harder than sex atm
Both are a little easier in the morning when its a little cooler (thank God it's cool atm!)

Had a few little niggles but not as bad as before thankfully
Slept loads better last night

Im hungry lol

letsallhaveanap · 30/06/2018 14:34

lostmybaubles I was on the trace quite quickly and that all took about an hour.... the long wait was for a doctor to come and sign it all off... which he didnt when he came in the end he just added load of stuff to do :-( Hope you go into labour soon!!! Flowers

KTD27 thats very strong of you! I get so talked into things... I dont think I shouldve even gone to the hospital as movements were fine... but my health visitor convinced me to.. now I have a load more appointments to get to and its really stressing me out... wish id insisted on just going to the GP surgery to see the midwife and have my blood pressure and urine checked.... would not have ended up with all this extra stuff as the midwives are much more relaxed

I will try and refuse an induction for as long as possible... maybe even try suggesting a section instead if the baby actually ever does appear to be in distress... can you do that do you think?
Id much prefer a planned section because of how badly I reacted to the induction last time. Was horrendous!


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KTD27 · 30/06/2018 14:59

Of course you can!! Tell them straight what you want you are absolutely within your rights to request a section.
If it’s for non medical reasons sometimes they’ll ask you to have further discussion with them but you’re entitled to one and do not have to agree to induction. Having an old school midwife mum has meant I’ve gone in guns blazing this time

LostMyBaubles · 30/06/2018 15:56

Lets im only 30 weeks would like him to cook a little longer Smile
Ahh youve had a bad induction.
Now I see yout point. Voice your concerns, take someone with you to your appt as it helps ime
Kt bet thats helpful having a mw in the fam!

lmx0 · 30/06/2018 17:22

@letsallhaveanap that sounds awful!!! If you voice your concerns and explain why you would rather a section after last time they may be willing to give you your section (hopefully!)
@TheGrumpySquirrel you have every right to be mad i would be too!!!

Ive finished work now on mat leave and im so ready for it!! My ankles are swollen like balloons between the heat and my body tell me to rest i think! Had my first BH (well i think thats what they were!) and whoever said they don't hurt are lairs!! I could barely walk through them thankfully they have passed now!!

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