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Sweaty and fretty- 3rd trimester safe place to whinge

999 replies

Paie · 20/04/2018 12:18

Following on from the Itchy & bitchy 2nd trimester thread!

I'm now 25 + 6 weeks, so very nearly 6 months gone! 3 months remaining...

Morning sickness is still very present and I've been reminded of this 4-8 times a day all week.

On the plus side- movements are now very regular and I love them! Much lower down than I remember DC1 being- lots of bladder kicks which are /not/ fun.

Hows everyone else doing with the 3rd trimester?


How are you two getting along?? Grin

OP posts:
Paie · 27/04/2018 21:47

Hello all newcomers 😁

Sadly already been there, when bent over the toilet being sick Blush

OP posts:
LaurG · 28/04/2018 10:00

30 weeks here. Had quite an easy pregnancy but it’s ramping up now towards the uncomfortable.

For me it involves:

  • sweaty itchy boobs
  • sweaty itchy lady parts
  • breathlessness laying down or sitting on any slouchy non hard surface
  • loss of appetite and indigestion (lack of space)

-need to use laxido daily to stop constipation (I had impacted stool and ended up in hospital in severe pain)

Wierdly I am also blissfully happy! 😂

Also as I assume all of the above will get worse over the next ten weeks I hope it will at least make me less scared of labour and just want to get this baby out!!!
GottaBeStrong · 28/04/2018 15:28


I have the same with the boobs and lady parts. I find it makes sleeping very difficult. Everything seems so big and flumpy like a marshmallow or Michelin man.

WreckItRach · 28/04/2018 17:08

This is my new favourite thing!!
I'm 33+5, 45 days until due date! I've had a cold all week that's really wiped me, as well as stomachaches and pains, and now I'm 99% sure I have a gum infection! Still sounds like I have been getting off light compared to some of you lovely mamas though!

meow1989 · 28/04/2018 23:58

Hi ladies

32+1, measuring 2 weeks ahead and feeling it! I'm quite petite (intact I think I've lost a fair bit of weight on me and it's just gone to the bump!) so all out front. I've started properly waddling with my shoulders back and everything now.

Tired all the time but sleep tends to be a pattern of; lay down, insomnia, need to pee, spd means huge effort to turn and cracking pelvis, get back to bed, pee again or fall asleep, an hour later wake up because hip hurts, turn over painfully. Repeat about 8 times a night and add in some heartburn; Joyous!

Plus I can't put my own shoes on and this little pickle likes to compress my lungs with his bum!

However, love love love all the kicks and wriggles from my very active little munchkin (also enjoying watching the alien style attempts to break out) and today I've ordered all but one of the "big" things for the nursery so I can start getting properly organised. His little clothes are in the wash and his hospital bag mostly packed.

Can't wait to meet my baby boy, there's defiantly no one else I'd do all this for!

CremeDeSudo · 30/04/2018 07:53

Morning all

I know you'll all sympathise with this - is it naughty to call in a pregnancy sick day because you're so bloody tired? I keep waking up at 4/5am and can't get back to sleep. If I do it's for an hr max for DS is up. I'm knackered!

Last night I woke up at 4 and have been a bit paranoid about reduced movement (she's moving, just not as much as normal so not sure whether to panic or not!). Ended up getting a gel ice pack from the freezer until she started moving poor thing!

Anyway, I'm SO bloody tired. Sad wwyd?

Tararhu · 30/04/2018 08:07


I would take a day off. Just one day of rest will make you feel so much better. You are no use to anyone exhausted.

Try not to worry about the reduced movement it’s probably fine. I’m 30 weeks and sometimes it’s constant then it seems to tire itself out and leaves me alone for a while. If you remain worried just give the midwife a call.

Wait4nothing · 30/04/2018 08:07

I’d call in if you dont think you could manage work Creme - but my attitude to work is a bit lax atm as I’ve only got 3 days left!

Wait4nothing · 30/04/2018 08:14

I’m 35 weeks tomorrow, last day of work on Friday (I only work wed-Friday so maternity doesn’t officially start until 36+1)

I’m very tired - sleeping ok but just waking up still exhausted. No drive to do work that needs finishing at home or housework (definitely need to do ironing during dd’s nap today!)
On medication for heartburn which is amazing, iron tablets and had b12 injections. Actually feeling better this trimester than the 2nd (got bigger quicker but feel like the growth has calmed down a bit now) but I was ill a lot during it and so run down!
Squirt is a right wriggler but a bit lower than last time so less rib kicks which is good.

lmx0 · 30/04/2018 09:18

Welcome newbies 😊 @LaurG oh im with you on the sweaty & itchy tatas & lady parts!!! Thats one way of looking at it!! @WreckItRach you poor thing!!! Having a cold during pregnancy is deffo one of the worst colds ive ever had to experience!! @meow1989 im sure your knackered!! Rolling over in bed is hard enough never all the rest! And those kicks are the best feeling ever (most of the time!) im going to wash everything sort of may/june time so i cant wait to see all the little baby clothes blowing away on the line 💖 @CremeDeSudo i agree with the everyone else have a lazy day and a few naps if you can!! Did you ring in? Ive noticed a few days here and there were this lil one is quite but normally ive been really busy or tired but the next day so normally makes up for it!! But if your worried ring!! @Tararhu sometimes it’s constant then it seems to tire itself out and leaves me alone for a while.** That made me giggle 😂

CremeDeSudo · 30/04/2018 09:26

I don't actually work Monday's so was thinking of tomorrow. I have the chiro later and usually sleep better after I've been. If I don't have a good night tonight I might be calling in tmw!

Movement wise, I've decided I'll see how it goes today but if she doesn't pick up by this evening I'm calling and going in!

lmx0 · 30/04/2018 11:02

Take it easy today if you can and hopefully tonight you'll have a good sleep yes if movement hasnt picked up by this evening id call

CremeDeSudo · 30/04/2018 15:04

I went in in the end. All fine. The midwife I saw was so lovely though and told me to come back if I'm worried at all. I have an anterior placenta so it's most likely she's just moved position and I can't feel her as well! Phew!

Had to cancel chiro though so a good night sleep is less likely face palm

readysetcake · 30/04/2018 17:58

Can I join in for a moan? I’m 37 weeks today and woke up in the night in agony and it’s continued all day. I’m not sure if it’s ligament pain or pelvic pain but it bloody hurts to do anything other than lie still! It’s all along the bottom of my bump so could be both I guess. Also getting really intense braxton hicks that bloody hurt. I even have to breath through some. Baby movements also really painful.

My first day of Mat leave today and not started my jobs (Still have to pack bag, wash clothes etc). Dreading tomorrow and having to look after 2.5 year old whirlwind DD. I can see a lot of telly being watched. Please hurry up baby, you’re killing me!

Good your movement was ok creme it’s scary when that happens. My first was anterior and she was a madam for tucking in behind it and making me worry. This one is also anterior but has decided to set up home well above it and beat the crap out of me daily.

lmx0 · 30/04/2018 19:21

@CremeDeSudo im glad everything okay with your lil monkey and you can put your mind at ease now!! 😊

@readysetcake your more than welcome to join us for a moan i hope things either ease for you soon or baby arrives soon!!!

CremeDeSudo · 30/04/2018 19:29

Thank you ladies Smile she's picked up again this evening so generally feeling a lot better. DH took DS to his after school club for me too so I had a half hr nap earlier - much needed!

@readysetcake tell baby no coming out til jobs are done! With DS I finished work the Fri, spent the next week doing all my jobs and my waters went the following wkend - I was plsd he had th courtesy to wait! Grin

TheMildManneredMilitant · 30/04/2018 19:31

Evening all hope you don't mind me barging in but think this is the place for me! 26 +1 with dc3 and in the last few days my energy has just nose dived. Had to sit down half way through a work presentation last week because I had a funny turn on stage which was absolutely mortifying, and then also had spotting on saturday which along with possible low lying placenta also made me freak out. Drs think it's nothing to worry about but did end by saying that if I staryed bleeding heavily on my own to call 999! Just generally feeling anxious and dread that something will go wrong and it'll be all my fault for wanting another dc and tempting fate. I am not at all like this usually!
Sorry others are feeling so crap I do realise that I'm luckier than most - no ms, no spd, supportive work - and no toddlers to look after Wink

Paie · 01/05/2018 09:23

Welcome! Grin

You say you don't have it as bad as some- but if I started spotting I think I'd go into utter panic- previously had a mc at 8 weeks yeaaaars ago so the thought of ANY blood = bad things to me. I realise this isn't the case a lot of the time but it'd still freak me out!

Hows everyone else doing? struggling to keep track of everyone in this thread now- how about a list of due dates?

Sorry if I've missed your username off the list- please just add it and repost!

@Paie due July 28th! - worst niggle is currently vomiting out my nose- do not appreciate!
@lucythecastle - have you had your lil one yet?!

O wow... didn't quite realise how many of us there were until that list! Please add your due date and maybe your top moany thing atm?

OP posts:
Girlwiththearabstrap · 01/05/2018 09:49

Due 10th so 38+4 today. Don't want to tempt fate or rub salt in wounds but I feel pretty good! Although I just started mat leave today and my toddler is unwell so literally no rest...
Also spent last night and this morning with quite an upset stomach, feel absolutely fine though so not sure if it's something I've eaten or just one of those things. No twinges or aches so I'm assuming it's not early labour signs!

AKP79 · 01/05/2018 10:02

Joining in if that's ok. I'm 29+2 and feel like I've hit a brick wall of exhaustion. Couldn't face work today, but wasn't sure what to say if I called in sick, so came in.

I'm really feeling it this time with a DS already to look after, you can't just switch off after work, the daily routines etc still go on.

Due 15th July and counting down the days until I can finish work, but it's still another 8 weeks away!

CremeDeSudo · 01/05/2018 10:16

I've added mine plus the other two who have commented. Back in work today. Totally can't be arsed. Sigh.

@Paie due July 28th! - worst niggle is currently vomiting out my nose- do not appreciate!
@CremeDeSudo - due date is 8th July but section booked for the 2nd and high risk so unlikely to make it that far. As long as she stays put 'til June I'm happy. Biggest niggle is probably being unable to go back to sleep once I've woken up - knackered!
@Girlwiththearabstrap - Due 10th June
@lucythecastle - have you had your lil one yet?!
@AKP79 Due 15th July - exhausted!

readysetcake · 01/05/2018 10:32

Due 21st May! But hoping to come way before then (wishful thinking probably 😬)
Top moany thing today (changes daily)- bastard varicose vein on my leg hurting like hell. This pregnancy has wrecked my body!


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Girlwiththearabstrap · 01/05/2018 10:33

10th May for me 😊 so hopefully not long to go now.

FranticallyPeaceful · 01/05/2018 10:37

Due 24th May. Had a growth scan yesterday and the little bugger angel is transverse. Seeing a consultant today who, according to the midwife, will try to convince me to stay in hospital for the last three weeks or have a c section. They may attempt to turn him first depending on the cord and what he’s upto, or if I’m lucky they will be optimistic and think he’s going to turn on his own.... haven’t got a clue yet!

lmx0 · 01/05/2018 10:45

I've added mine plus the other two who have commented. Back in work today. Totally can't be arsed. Sigh.

@Paie due July 28th! - worst niggle is currently vomiting out my nose- do not appreciate!
@LMX0 - due 26th July- peroid type niggles atm
@CremeDeSudo - due date is 8th July but section booked for the 2nd and high risk so unlikely to make it that far. As long as she stays put 'til June I'm happy. Biggest niggle is probably being unable to go back to sleep once I've woken up - knackered!
@Girlwiththearabstrap - Due 10th June
@lucythecastle - have you had your lil one yet?!
@AKP79 Due 15th July - exhausted!

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