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Staying posifrickentive- Thread 13 for ladies pg after mc

999 replies

LynseyH · 26/11/2016 17:50

And here we are at thread 13... we can do this Smile

OP posts:
MoonlightMojitos · 30/11/2016 21:56

miami I'm so sorry for your loss and hope you're taking care of yourself :'(

I had my screening results back today... down syndrome 1/4211 and 1/186728 for Edwards and pataus. They're very specific numbers aren't they! Thats one more thing checked off the worry list now.

Excellent on feeling movement newshoes! On the subject of movement, does anyone else here have anterior placenta? I'm gutted I won't be able to feel movement until later on so was wondering when it's likely from anyone with the same.

INeedNewShoes · 30/11/2016 22:00

Moonlight - good news on your results. It is intriguing how precise the numbers are!

Just in case anyone is waiting for results from the Oxford lab, my letter took over 4 weeks to arrive! I spoke to my midwife in the meantime who was able to see the results on the system so it didn't really matter but I'm glad I didn't just keep waiting and wondering about it!

doleritedinosaur · 30/11/2016 22:23

moonlight I had one with DS and didn't really feel movements until nowish really at 26 weeks when he did big turns and kicks.
It was off and on for a while but OH felt him kick at 18 weeks then bigger he got more you could feel. & could definitely feel him turn past 30 weeks and see movement outside, so you may feel sooner or later.

That's lovely Ineedshoes movement is just great, I find it so reassuring even though today I cannot get comfortable.

I'm 26 weeks tomorrow, feels very unreal. OH and I veto'd each other's boy's middle names today in the car then hour later at home he was asking when we're timing the third one?! I said lets get this one to birth then contraception but I'm glad he's thinking positively.

I've been picking up bits for the hospital bag so not rushing in New Year and taking advantage of offers. OH wants to help with the baby clothes in the next few days as well.

Hope everyone is having a good evening. When is everyone getting their decorations up? I'm excited to do ours tomorrow despite a toddler and a tree climbing cat who doesn't know her own weight.

Whatsername17 · 01/12/2016 06:42

Happy first of December everyone! I can't believe my baby is due next month! Christmas is a very emotional time after last year. We are collecting our trees today and dd is beyond excited. Im on countdown to the start of my maternity leave now - 19 working days left (with a two week holiday in between!). Hope everyone else is OK. Merry December! Star

LynseyH · 01/12/2016 12:16

Happy 1st of december ladies! We're going to decorate this weekend Grin exciting!
I've just been with my midwife, measuring far too small so booked in for a growth scan on Monday. As it couldn't be done within 72 hours, I have to go in on Sunday for a CTG too. Midwife seems to think baby is laying low and there is nothing to worry about (she said she just has to make sure all boxes are ticked) but the position she thinks baby is in, they've usually moved out of by 28-30 weeks. I'm 30 weeks tomorrow.
Home birth is now officially down on paper and we'll be meeting just after the new year to go through everything properly. This is starting to feel very real and although I'm never usually a control freak, the reality of knowing baby can arrive as she chooses, scares me a little. I'd be so much happier if I knew the exact date!
I don't think I was that worried with my boys, this pregnancy has been a whole different story.

OP posts:
fuzzywuzzy · 01/12/2016 14:10

Lynsey hope everything goes well for you.

Good luck to you both Lynsey & Whatsername.

It's unpredictable but so exciting you'll both finally be meeting your babies.

At work people are now straight up asking if I'm pregnant I'm 15weeks tomorrow. Midwife appt next for 16 week check and a bit nervous. I've amazingly managed to hold it together, altho nothing much is happening except I look fat. I swear I felt baby press against the front of my stomach a couple of days ago during a particularly boring meeting, but nothing like flutters or movement. Really looking forward to when I do feel movement think it will be a bit reassuring.

Hope everyone's having a fun first day of December, my two eldest dc were very excited about opening their advent calendars, they got make up and Jewellery calendars this year. Youngest wants to open the whole thing immediately (I won't let her lol)

XxBecxX · 01/12/2016 14:32

Hya ladies, been reading but staying quiet as I've been worrying about my scan, I ended up having it on Tuesday and the sonographer wanted to rebook as she couldn't get the pictures she needed of his heart, that just sent me into meltdown mode!
Then I got told that the blood from me to the baby, the pressure was too high and she started trying to get me seen by the antenatal team immediately for blood pressure and aspirin.
They rebooked me today with the consultant and to my absolute relief the little mans heart is lovely and the aspirin had been prescribed as they have found links for this high PI in the UA, to pre-eclampsia, which I have had twice so to say I've been feeling anxious would be the understatement of the year!
I feel so elated now, i said crying to the consultant, it doesn't matter if he's small I can fix that myself, look after him and feed him but I can't grow hearts and bones for him, they all laughed at me but the relief was immense.
My placenta is also covering the front of my belly from my pelvic bone all the way upto my belly button so that's why I'm not feeling the usual movements but o have figured out that the Braxton hicks type feelings are probably him stretching against the placenta lol

Jpeg I'm sooo happy for you having a little boy, I've googled your pram and it's definetly very hansome for your little prince!
I can't believe it's come round so quick watser, next month!!!
Amaze balls xx

And lyns like i just said it small is no problem, you can fatten that little lady up as soon as she's in your arms, not long now!

Really sorry for you Miami, I don't have any words for you my darling, I'm just so sorry for you xxx

Anyone else I've missed I have been reading and I'm thinking of you all xxx

jpeg28 · 01/12/2016 18:38

moonlight at my 20 week scan she said my placenta is at the front so I may not feel movement... that means it's anterior right?? Sorry I'm dumb!! I have felt some movement though but maybe not as much as others have by this stage.
Glad your results came back positively, I wondered about the very specific numbers too!

bec good to hear from you, what a worrying time! But so glad all is ok! That's what they said about my placenta too. When I had my 12 week scan I remember you saying it was a boy so I had a gut feeling from then on! It makes it all so real!!

XxBecxX · 01/12/2016 19:24

Boys are truly amazing jpeg, I've already got 3 and they are so loving, handfuls but lovely lol

XxBecxX · 01/12/2016 19:24

Meant to ask have u any names x

jpeg28 · 01/12/2016 19:33

My OH could not be happier that it's a boy!! I would have been happy either way I think!
We both love the name Max and I can't think of any other names at the moment! We aren't telling any family or friends. Ames just in case they react badly to them! I said to my mum I liked the name Lola (before I knew it was a boy) and she made a face! So that's it I'm not telling her anything anymore!!
Do you have names yet?

INeedNewShoes · 01/12/2016 19:41

I think its a good plan not to share baby names with people too much. If you were to read the same three names to ten different people you can almost guarantee that all three names will attract the 'ugh' face from someone. Its so rude!

I've managed not to mention any possible names yet even though people have brought the subject up. As I'm on my own I'll have to discuss my possible names with someone so that I have some help vetting them to try to avoid mean nicknames or rude initials! I haven't decided who yet. I'm wondering about asking my niece and nephew (15 and 11) as they'll be in the know about current slang!

Whatsername17 · 01/12/2016 19:42

Bex I had pre-eclampsia with dd and this time been prescribed aspirin. My bp has stayed low, which for me is normal.
Jpeg I love the name Max. I'm biased because my nephew is called Max and he is just the most gorgeous little boy ever. We haven't to a single person our name. Do and mil will pull a face and mil will actively try and dissuade us. Even though we have told her several times we have chosen a name, she still insists on discussing her suggestions. Dh is brilliant at handling her though, he just keeps saying 'we've told you, her name is Shaniqua'. She is such snob so she gets really prickly about it. Xmas Grin

LynseyH · 01/12/2016 21:55

I love the name Max too. If this one was a boy, that was the name we'd chosen.
I just did a bit of reading on measurements and percentiles etc and I'm not really any the wiser. I don't think it sank in to be honest but lots of positive stories which was good to see.
I'm measuring less than the 10th percentile so roll on Monday for this scan. I need to know she's ok.

OP posts:
Sah1987 · 01/12/2016 22:06

Hi guys,
Didn't realise we had gone to a new thread completely spaced out the last 2 weeks, so got my results through, low risk of downs, however really low PAPP hormone which happened with DD, so back on aspirin to help baby grown better (not that it helped last time) but fingers crossed!!
DD birthday today so been stressing out all day now in a lot of pain - trying to chill but quite uncomfortable :(
Hope everyone's ok?

XxBecxX · 02/12/2016 05:27

Max is lovely jpeg, very traditional, a good boys name x

We are naming our little sausage Tommy-James after my brother, probably get shortened to baby Tommy while he's little and then his full name when he starts getting told off lol

It's strange watser as I've seen a few ladies mention aspirin and I've kind of known it's to thin out the blood somewhat, but now I'm thinking as my first and second pregnancy I had pre-eclampsia and also a history of mc why somebody hasn't picked up on it before.
I did say to the consultant that my first 3 babies where much larger than the last 2, ( 8.5, 38wks) (8.10 38wks) (10.1 38wks) ( 7.3 37wks) (7.10 39wks) could this be why and he said there's no evidence but it would seem likely!
Im not going to worry as he's weighing approx 320g and has a little round head, fat belly and long legs just like the others and when I joked and said, he is still a boy, the consultant coughed and said yeah a VERY noticeable one lolol
His little winky looked as big as anything on the screen lol
And lol to shaquia, ur hubby sounds like a proper funny fella x

New shoes what names are you leaning towards? X

I've never heard of the PAPP score shah, I've had babies all sizes and aslong as they are healthy it really doesn't matter the weight they are born, 4 weeks out the womb and they turn into fatty little pigs 🐷 lol
I've only ever bottle fed mine as I have inverted nipples, they arnt always inverted, but I struggled getting the first to latch on so I expressed for 8 weeks and it was just so hard, I went straight to bottles for the others and used SMA until baby no.5 he didn't take to it so I changed to Aptamil and it's really lovely milk, he wolfed it down, I've only ever known friends babies who are on the breast that have sometimes struggled getting the weights up, it can be a difficult process getting it right.


FlourishingMrs · 02/12/2016 22:10

Hello ladies,

Phew that's a relief xxbec, nice name too. We went for Arthur James. True about the weight, I am exclusively breast feeding and baby lost quite a bit in the first week. He is 4 weeks now and just managed to regain past his birth weight.

On day 10 the midwife suggested formula top ups as this helps them gain weight quickly. I didn't do it just breast fed more. DP thinks I am over feeding.

Need to breast feed to live the weight, currently 11 and half stone. Would like to loose a stone.

Fingers crossed for everyone

doleritedinosaur · 02/12/2016 22:43

Awww flourishing lovely name & wow 4 weeks now.
That's good he's gaining weight & you can't over feed a breastfed baby, especially at 4 weeks as supply is still building. Hope you all continue to do well.
If it helps at about 6 months the weight did drop off me from DS, some people it can be sooner.

All the names are lovely, I'm still trying to decide my middle name for a boy but it's hard. OH is convinced I'm having a girl as my pregnancy is so different from DS's but I'm not so

Hope your DD had a lovely birthday sah & youre in less pain now.

I can't stop eating & this seems like a stupid thing to grumble over but it's really annoying me. I'm eating loads of fruit & veg but also junk food. I'm happy to sleep as it means I'm not eating for at least 6 hours.

Hope everyone has a good weekend.

jpeg28 · 03/12/2016 05:56

Quick question.... has anyone had horrendous leg cramps in pregnancy? I woke up in the night screaming!! My calf had cramped up so bad I wanted to be sick! Luckily my OH helped me get rid of it but my leg is still aching now and has kept me up most of the night!
Just wondered if anyone else has experienced it?

flourishing that's so a lovely name! 4 weeks seems to have flown by! Glad you are both doing well.

dolerite I'm the same with food. My main diet is pretty good, eating fruit and veg. But I'm also eating things I shouldn't.... must stop!!

Whatsername17 · 03/12/2016 08:12

Jpeg you need to get that checked out. Could be pg related, could be symptomatic of a blood clot.

LynseyH · 03/12/2016 08:25

Other symptoms of blood clots, skin hot to the touch, redness, leg feeling hard to the touch instead of wobbley!

I also woke up with cramp last night, first time ever it was in my upper leg, I didn't scream but it did have me writhing around until it went away! I usually get it in my calf too and usually feel stiff for a day or so after too, like I've pulled all the muscles in it. I only ever get cramp in my left leg too.

Had a teeny panic yesterday, a text came through saying lab results were not satisfactory and to collect a prescription. This text came as closing time for the surgery but thankfully I managed to get hold of someone and it's just my iron levels that are low! Part of the reason it made me worry was that I couldn't understand where the results had come from as I'd only had bloods the day before. Turns out midwife dropped them directly in to the hospital and it means they went through super quick.

OP posts:
jpeg28 · 03/12/2016 08:36

Thanks whatser and lynsey. I googled it and it says it's very common in pregnancy... I feel completely normal otherwise but might call my MW Monday to check with her. The NHS website said pregnancy is a common cause of leg cramps too. I just wondered if people knew how to prevent them! One site said could be a lack of calcium and I know I don't eat enough calcium rich foods so that could be it.

lynsey glad it's just low iron... I hate that they text results without any details!!


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INeedNewShoes · 03/12/2016 08:44

jpeg make sure you drink plenty of water. I used to be really bad at drinking enough (drinking quite a bit less than a litre a day) and got severe cramp nearly every night. I made an effort to up my liquids a few years ago and it made a significant difference to the frequency and severity of getting cramp. I think we're supposed to drink slightly more in pregnancy anyway.

Also potassium is supposed to help, so you could try eating a banana a day (I also find bananas really good for staving off pregnancy nausea even though I don't really like them!)

LynseyH · 03/12/2016 09:21

I drink lots of milk and eat yoghurt, it hasn't stopped me getting cramp but having said that, they are few and far between and I actually can't remember when I last had it before last night so maybe there is something in calcium that helps.

OP posts:
fuzzywuzzy · 03/12/2016 10:22

I find magnesium spray on the area that's gone into spasms helps. I would talk to the midwife about it just to set your mind at ready..

I'm currently getting really awful pelvic pain I find I have to hold myself somedays when walking. Walking like a little old lady.

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